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Paola, KS
Member Since
Freelance writer, poetry and novels/A couple other things...
Real Name
Call me Hakai ~ "The Destruction of All", and I thought it ironic since Hakkai is my fave chara in any anime series. I found out Kigeki means "comedy" so I had to change it.
Many things, especially helping get the Batsuzoku no Dragon off the ground.
Anime Fan Since
I'm a fan... that's what counts!
Favorite Anime
Explore my site, you'll find it.
To be a well known writer of some sort, maybe for an anime series someday! *grins hopefully*
Many forms of writing, drawing on occasion, collecting anime, and Martial Arts
Following Bushido and I guess I could list poetry... *shrugs*
Saturday, October 22, 2005
I guess I have something to talk about...
I have good news, bad news and just... well... news. ^^
Anyway, I'll start with the bad news I guess. I'm having some serious trouble with my roommate. Yesterday was payday for both of us since we work at the same place. Well, he wasn't able to pay his part of the rent for our apartment with our last check, so we had to wait till this one to pay it. So I thought. Instead, when I got home, I found a note lying in a chair that said he was leaving for a week or so and I needed to cover his part of the rent. This means I'll be covering his part AND dealing with the late charges that he caused in the first place. Normally this shouldn't be a big deal, but ever since he has moved in... he has always made us pay late. I had a perfect pay record till he began paying part of it, but I guess since he's not on the lease, he can do as he wishes. Which in turn fucks up my credit... not his. SO NOW that I have to pay his part of the rent... I can't pay my car insurance. Which may lead to another ticket that I can barely afford, which could lead to my liscence being suspended again, which could lead to me beating my roommates ass, which could lead to me being put in jail, which could lead to me losing my job(Wal-mart fires employees who are put in jail for a violent act), which could lead to... you get the idea here. The thing that sets me off on this is the fact that I know he has the money to pay since he's off gallavanting somewhere for an entire week or more(which means he's gonna miss work) so he can ride his stupid dirtbike. SO... I left him a letter. And it wasn't nice, at all. But I think maybe I'll just have the management change the locks and then ask for his rent money before he can enter, eh? Either way I'm most likely going to find a new roommate or try and hoof it on my own again. I can't tolerate him ruining my credit cause he's more interested in paying his cell-phone bill before rent cause the manager of the apartment complex is more lenient on me cause of my past payment record. Well... enough of that.
Now, the good news. I have officially been registered as a guest on the Carnival cruise ship Elation for the Koala Kruise next year. WHOOHOO! An 8 day cruise... whoa... it's a lot longer than I thought, but whatever. It's cheap for one that long though, which is good. Now I'm just looking for someone to go with. I'll be among friends there, but you know how things go. You can't go on a trip for that long without taking a good friend eh?

The other news is that I tried to use a friend's cpu to load the rest of my Luna Spectre story for you all, but for some reason only my cpu can read the disk I saved it on. My cpu is really wierd with hard disks. It will have saved info on one earlier on, but then when you try to open it later it says the disk is not formatted. UGH... so unfortunately, I have to find another way of posting my story for all of you. ^^
Never again will I walk amongst you
For you are all too weak and biased
Never again will I talk around you
For you are all too shallow and hollow
Never again will I dream about you
For you are all too corrupting and twisted
Where will it end?
Have you all seen what you've become?
A spitting image of lies and deciet
Have you all see what you've done?
A spitting image of war and treachery
Have you all seen what you've caused?
A spitting image of chaos and death
What is to become of me? |
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