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In a tree in your backyard.
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Colonel Sanders
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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Unlike my sister, I wont tottaly abandon my site, but I will post every once in a while.maybe a couple sites or games or something.Or maybe a code of the day!And if you are too lazy to look for your own cheats pm me with the name of the game.
Code of the day: Simpsons: hit and run
YAYA Your car is Invicible
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Friday, April 14, 2006
nothing to say...Death to blogs!!!
really, I dont want this to be a blog about my life so I dont post often about seeing someone or going places.I hate blogs to be exact, unless I know the person.I have no clue who their freinds are and I dont really care.
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Monday, April 10, 2006
Bravely bold Sir Robin, rode forth from Camelot.
He was not afraid to die, o Brave Sir Robin.
He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways.
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin!
He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp,
Or to have his eyes gouged out, and his elbows broken.
To have his kneecaps split, and his body burned away,
And his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Robin!
His head smashed in and his heart cut out,
And his liver removed and his bowels unplugged,
And his nostrils ripped and his bottom burned off,
And his balls...
ROBIN: That's -- that's, uh, that's enough music for now, lads.
Looks like there's dirty work afoot.
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Friday, April 7, 2006
Living dead girl...
"Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven."
Jhon Milton

Living Dead Girl
Rob Zombie
Rage in the cage
And piss upon the stage
There’s only one sure way
To bring the giant down
Defunct the strings
Of cemetary things
With one flat foot
On the devil’s wing
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Raping the geek
And hustling the freak
Like a hunchback juic
On a sentimental noose
Operation filth
They love to love the wealth
Of an ss whore
Making scary sounds
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Psyclone jack
Hallucinating hack
Thinks donna reed
Eats dollar bills
Goldfoot machine
Creates another fiend
So beautiful,
They make you kill
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Blood on her skin
Dripping with sin
Do it again
Living dead girl
Blood on her skin
Dripping with sin
Do it again
Living dead girl
And some zombie pictures...

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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Picture of meh kitty...

Thats right, that is a dog.
Oh yeah, and Melissa-chan? ...UPDATE!!!Im bored, and knowone else comments.
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Monday, April 3, 2006
I just found an old copy of the gamed wolfenstein3d *gasp* and some of you may nod in approval thinking I am talking about "escape from castle wolfenstein" the slightly new (2 years old) game.Well I am not, I am talking about the old old old old game that runs on a windows ver.3.1 the castle is repetative, the graphics suck, the sound sucks, the guards are retarded,a knife in the back is NOT a instant kill, and the friggen boss is impossable hard without a minigun.luckely I have one!It may be old, And dusty,and I may be playing it in a freezing cold garage with headphones blasting "dragula" by zombie to drown out the sound of the harsh wind buffeting the garage door, but this game F***ING ROCKS! Oh well you newer Halo generation will undoubtle shake your heads and mutter that the forerunners(who I suspect are lahmas)are not going to like this.Alas you youngans probably dont know who pac man was or mrs.pacman.Hell I can name all the pac ghosts! Pinky, nky, blinky, and f-wording clyde.
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Saturday, April 1, 2006
the best quistion to ask...
If you could go back in time and kill hitler, would you?
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im too lazy to i will just post pictures!!!

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Should I put this in my profile? It sucks so I dont want to but its your call.calls I mean.
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