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Monday, March 27, 2006
I am a ddr Freak!!! This is like a ddr!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
'Tis a forum for role playing. Dousky, SandStorm Gaara, and Melissa-chan, come and role play.
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
RPG charactor form thing, pm me with any ones you people make. I doubt you will.
Dousky made something and I got this from an old forum thing, I dont know if the mod is even alive anymore.any wway if enough people pm me with charators we could do an rpg thingie...
Name: what you want your character to be called... must be appropriate!!!!!
Race: human, elf, demon, ect....
occupation: what your character does for a living...ex: taxi driver, garbage man, assasin, etc, etc, etc...
Allignment: good, evil, spawn of satan, godly lover, and so one so forth...
Element: nothing i do not know... but your character has to have no more than 2... and you cant have one element be of fire and the other of water... that is just not fair....
Weaknesses: i need atleast 3... a few mental and physical, also elemental weaknesses....
Gender: a big thing... you cant be in between or you dont know... or even undecided... that is just plain disturbing....
Abillities: depends on what your character is for the class.... and what race you are. maximum is 6, 2 major ones and 4 minor ones..((basically whay your character can do that makes them special... EX: dissapear into the shadows, call upon animals, and lasers from eyes)) a good description has to be made for what your abillity is... be very specific...
Class: what your character is classified as. EX: heavy swords man, long balde, black mage, white mage, gunman, Etc,etc,etc..
Weapons: what your character uses to pulverize the other guys... no limmit to the amout of weaponry...
Armor: ((if any)) your character wears for protection from other peoples weapons, and or abilities, and magic spells...
Spells: no limit to them... as long as they do not kill the character right off the bat... NO INVINSIBLE CHARACTERS!!!! i do not know about you... but i hate this... EX: mace raised his hand and with in a blink of an eye a large light took over the plain, and when he looked up, and the smoke cleared, everyone was dead, but mace still stood... i want you to be specific about what this move is like when you do it, and what would happen to the opposite character when you hit them, or when you miss them.
Description: what your character looks like, be specific. you can either draw your character and put it on her, or you can describe it with great detail... i want to be able to picture in my head what the character looks like
Personality: how your character reacts with other characters, and list the mental problems he or she has((if any))
History: this is optional, i do not care if you have this or not... i have a hard time trying to make one for my character, so i do not want you to go through what i do and nearly throw the keyboard accross the room because you cant think of anything to put down...
Extras: if your character has any tattoos, peircings, glasses, and other things that didnt fall under the above topics... your choice for this... doesnt matter to me...
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Friday, March 24, 2006
Im still bored...
This is the first cartoon I ever saw on albinoblacksheep, its pretty funny.
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Meh doggy!!! ^___^
Im kinda bored and I noticed alot of people deleted me from their freinds list, probably cause I dont talk to them anymore.
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

tis only me ^____^
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Monday, March 20, 2006
More funny pics at
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
If anyone at all plays gs you would laugh...

Im bored My dad is going insane over not wriying the word of the day...did I say I was bored? I saw two brothers yesterday and At fist I thought it would suck, but it turned out to be okay.atleast they couldnt talk.
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
woot...Im bored
(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.
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Friday, March 17, 2006
sonic ! sonic! sonic ! sonic!sonic ! sonic! sonic ! sonic!
Myspace pranks and games at
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