noble alibard
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
I might get suspended...
I am a pyro maniac.I had a glove and I sprayed it with axe.peer pressure sorta played its roll anyway I lit it up and some little guy up told on me.Im all right but he might not be. *glare*
I wouldnt hurt him though my freind might...
I might have more of the story up soon.
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
sorry nowone
My sister has yet to give me back my notebook with the Lrac I cant post it yet.Even though knowone cares...Today is Mardi gras! okay um I will go and sulk in a corner as knowone cares anymore.
Yoday was boring and my tooth hurts(stupid dentist)
I drew rei ayanami at school in 7th period.It was a bad drawing,I couldent get her face right and her hair is so frustarating.some girl braided my hair(im a guy remember)and sayed I look cute...Braided my beutiful hair!god I am sooooooooo...scared now!
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Monday, February 27, 2006
story fer real this time
Lrac woke up with a pounding headache. Thinking he must have had a hangover. Remembering vaquely the events of the past night. Something red? Wine he thought, confidently.
He shuffled to the fridge, glass in hand, as he poured himself some milk something causght his eye, a digital watch, his own in fact. It was nearly 9:00. Suddenly the little numbers seemed fascinating. He started at them for a long time. Finally, as if he had awaken from a trance, he turned his attention back to the milk. It had overflowed and lay puddled at his feet. Ignoring it he walked slowly towards the bathroom. He flicked the switch and the florescent light buzzed on overhead, seeming unsure of itself or perhaps thinking, "Screw this guy I'll come on when I want to", it flicked.
Lrac gaped in horror at his own reflection. So pale. It couldn't be him, no he was tired, he'd been hungover of course he was pale, of course...but he seemed too pale and his eyes! What used to be pale blue there was just a tinge of orange and they seemed inhuman. Like a preditor of some kind.
He went back to the kitchen past the forgotten glass. The milk on the floor had spread to the sink almost. (god he was almost white as milk) By now his socks were soaked. They sloshed and sqweeshed as he moved to the small cramped bedroom. sqweesh...sqweesh...sqweesh.
He changed them quickly and went back to clean up the mess (no use crying over spilt milk).
There was no milk on the counter. None on the floor. There was just an empy jug and a glass. He decided to give it another try, this time with some OJ, when his watch informed him of the time. Six minutes after eleven.
(oh how time flies)
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
monty monty phython

Ummm if any one shares my love of monty phython please speak up,Id like to meet you...cmon its okay,you there in the back!oh well... anyway Im grounded.Did i alredy say that?yeah it sucks but atleast I get to read manga and stephan king!
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
knowone has posted I feel so lonely...
Im so tired and lonely,god I cant watch tv or play vidio games or even read manga.cause im grounded for bad grades. people tell me your grades or something,this is a slow week for me.
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
Im in school yet again, turns out I got a b in computer app. And im a “pleasure in class…
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
at school
bwahahahaha im writing this at school...right under the teachers nose the old witch hahahahaha stupid teacher hahahaha ive got an f in this class and i know it
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Monday, February 20, 2006
I tried to write a story about a guy that wakes up one morning to find he is a vampire. I stopped after like 4 pages because I had other stuff to do.
Here's part of the beginning.
Lrac woke up with a pounding headache. Thinking he must have had a hangover. He shuffled to the fridge; glass in hand he looked out the window and Lestat burst in and killed him.
The End.
Just kidding.
I'll post a story later.
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Sunday, February 19, 2006
hi im pretty new here my sister introduced me to this board (shes sister grey)
so im kinda culture shocked my favorite manga is probably megatokyo
or evengelion...
im just a vidio game playing skater wannabe boohoo
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