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deep within the bowels of a boring suburb in the Philippines...
Member Since
a sentinel of the night...also an incoming senior student...
Real Name head hurts!
Anime Fan Since
I laid eyes on Sailormoon...
Favorite Anime
too many to mention...but as of now, I guess that would be...MEITANTEI CONAN...haha...
to become an ambassador...or maybe the first lady dictator...
web designing...the violin...drawing...
uhh...a question that should be left as a mystery...
| NocturnalClivya
Thursday, June 8, 2006
Konnichiwa! ^^ Welcome to Nocturnal Clivya's myOtaku site. Feel free
to do practically everything that you can possibly do in a MyO site. Hihi...anyway,
it's me, Clivya aka Rai, your average 16-year-old anime fan.
I may not look like it but I'm already a college student. Hehe...enough about
useless stuff. Look around and take anything that you like (EXCEPT the layout
and codes). If you'd like to have these, feel free to ask and drop
me a PM. And before you leave, you can sign my guestbook and I'll gladly
return the favor. Check out my wallpapers too. Visit my friends,
too. ^^ Their links are way up there in the navigation area. Well, I guess
that's it for my welcome message. Hihi...enjoy your stay, ne?
layout details
Layout Name: breathless
Version: 8.0
Featuring: Ritsuka and Soubi of Loveless
Images: Yurusu
Brushes: Hybrid Genesis, Fractured Sanity and Design Fruit
Fonts: Miss M and Dafont
my button
Hmm...I haven't updated for a while now...dang...I'm apologizing for that right
Well, I have some bad news and some worse news. Okay! I'll start with the worse
Classes have started and we're towards the end of the first week.
Well, going back to school isn't all that bad other than to wake up at 4:30 am just
to prepare myself. And the trip from our house to the school takes only five
minutes and my time is at 7 am. My mom wakes me up that early...I don't know
The Otaku Translation: I'll be busy from now on and maybe I won't be
able to update nor visit some sites for some time. Maybe I would lo on again
every Saturday in our time. So GB signings/PMs will be answered by
And now, for the bad news. Still no replacement for Raiko and I'm still pretty busy
to look for one. So it means that I'll be alone for now.
Okay, now to let you in with the first day atrocities. ^^ Everyone experiences
them...especially in the case of the teachers. Honestly speaking, my new teachers
are somewhat weird.
My Homeroom Teacher - we call them advisers here. He's also my
computer teacher and he's pretty nice... ^^ I like him since he's a computer
teacher. Hehe...
My Religion Teacher - he lives around the vicinity of my house. And he
looks like my mom's enemy.
My Physics Teacher - his accent is pretty...well, different. He speaks with
such force and he should be a military commander.
My Mathematics Teacher - he sounds like my Math teacher in 2nd year
high school. His voice has only one tone and he refers to himself in the 3rd
person. And he keeps talking about different things even when these topics are
not related to what he's saying in the first place.
My Filipino Teacher - or local/vernacular language teacher. She looks
like my grandma... ^^
My English Teacher - my most favorite teacher so far. He's so
energetic...and effemenate...
My PE/Health Teacher - she was my teacher back in 1st year in the
same subject. She's pretty okay...and still snubby...
My CAT Teacher - or the almost-military-training course in 4th year...his
eyes scare me...
I forgot some...oh well...I'll spare all of you from a long post. For now...ciao! ^^
[No Puto Corner or Question of the Day for now]