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Saturday, June 19, 2010
I have used the same introduction for quite a while now. so after thinking about it I suppose I shall write something new for all you myo people. :D Well lets see I have been here for some time. Not a long time. But not a short time either. I loved myO. Really liked it. This site taught me a lot of html. Although since Version Vibrant I haven�t really had the opportunity to use it anymore so I�m a bit rusty. ^___^ I do a lot if not all of my activity on theO which has pushed me to actually submit stuff and learn about graphic design. So visit me sometime :3 Let�s see. I don�t really have any rules except the obvious. I like ice cream basketball and reading. I�m not a yaoi or shonen fan but I don�t have anything against the genres. Just�I don�t like them. I�m more of shoujo person.
Art by Mokaffe (c)
Graduated all ready! Woot! XD
Graduation was cool. we were lucky the temperature was pretty nice because it took place outside. =)
Though what kinda made me angry was that when we walked out of the tunnel to march into the ceremony this parent stretches out his hand and knocks out my cap. I had to readjust while i was walking. >:(
the all night grad night was fun. :D however, people were getting pretty grouchy around 5 am.
now i am officially a high school graduate. =3
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Sunday, May 30, 2010
I have used the same introduction for quite a while now. so after thinking about it I suppose I shall write something new for all you myo people. :D Well lets see I have been here for some time. Not a long time. But not a short time either. I loved myO. Really liked it. This site taught me a lot of html. Although since Version Vibrant I haven�t really had the opportunity to use it anymore so I�m a bit rusty. ^___^ I do a lot if not all of my activity on theO which has pushed me to actually submit stuff and learn about graphic design. So visit me sometime :3 Let�s see. I don�t really have any rules except the obvious. I like ice cream basketball and reading. I�m not a yaoi or shonen fan but I don�t have anything against the genres. Just�I don�t like them. I�m more of shoujo person.
Art by Mokaffe (c)
this quote left me thinking:
Once I, Chuang Tzu, dreamed I was a butterfly and was happy as a butterfly. I was conscious that I was quite pleased with myself, but I did not know that I was Tzu. Suddenly I awoke, and there was I, visibly Tzu. I do not know whether it was Tzu dreaming that he was a butterfly or the butterfly dreaming that he was Tzu.
finally saw Donnie Darko. i must say i liked the movie. :3 a bit confusing on some parts but really interesting. the bunny costume was SCARY.
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I have used the same introduction for quite a while now. so after thinking about it I suppose I shall write something new for all you myo people. :D Well lets see I have been here for some time. Not a long time. But not a short time either. I loved myO. Really liked it. This site taught me a lot of html. Although since Version Vibrant I haven�t really had the opportunity to use it anymore so I�m a bit rusty. ^___^ I do a lot if not all of my activity on theO which has pushed me to actually submit stuff and learn about graphic design. So visit me sometime :3 Let�s see. I don�t really have any rules except the obvious. I like ice cream basketball and reading. I�m not a yaoi or shonen fan but I don�t have anything against the genres. Just�I don�t like them. I�m more of shoujo person.
Art by Mokaffe (c)
There. The new theme is up. :3 However, i must say my world's theme at theO is much better. XD im not sure why that one came out better. :3
i just came to realization that i have completely stopped watching anime for a while now. i don't remember when i stopped but when i was looking up for an anime soundtrack to put on here i realize that all the songs i could remember were from animes that that have passed already : DNAngel, Noir, His and her Circumstances, super gals, Gravitation, etc.
D: i feel old and outdated.
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I have used the same introduction for quite a while now. so after thinking about it I suppose I shall write something new for all you myo people. :D Well lets see I have been here for some time. Not a long time. But not a short time either. I loved myO. Really liked it. This site taught me a lot of html. Although since Version Vibrant I haven�t really had the opportunity to use it anymore so I�m a bit rusty. ^___^ I do a lot if not all of my activity on theO which has pushed me to actually submit stuff and learn about graphic design. So visit me sometime :3 Let�s see. I don�t really have any rules except the obvious. I like ice cream basketball and reading. I�m not a yaoi or shonen fan but I don�t have anything against the genres. Just�I don�t like them. I�m more of shoujo person.
Art by Mokaffe (c)
the final countdown begins. =D
school is coming to a close within a month and with it my high school life comes to an end as well. Then i'm off to college to study architecture and/or engineering. its all really exciting.
skipping school today like any normal senior whose classes consists of just watching movies at this point in the year since AP testing is over. >:)
time for a new layout change. :) Any color/theme suggestions?
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Monday, April 19, 2010
I have used the same introduction for quite a while now. so after thinking about it I suppose I shall write something new for all you myo people. :D Well lets see I have been here for some time. Not a long time. But not a short time either. I loved myO. Really liked it. This site taught me a lot of html. Although since Version Vibrant I haven�t really had the opportunity to use it anymore so I�m a bit rusty. ^___^ I do a lot if not all of my activity on theO which has pushed me to actually submit stuff and learn about graphic design. So visit me sometime :3 Let�s see. I don�t really have any rules except the obvious. I like ice cream basketball and reading. I�m not a yaoi or shonen fan but I don�t have anything against the genres. Just�I don�t like them. I�m more of shoujo person.
Art by Mokaffe (c)
april showers will bring may flowers. its supposed to rain this week so i expect a load of fresh flowers come may. :)
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Saturday, April 10, 2010
I have used the same introduction for quite a while now. so after thinking about it I suppose I shall write something new for all you myo people. :D Well lets see I have been here for some time. Not a long time. But not a short time either. I loved myO. Really liked it. This site taught me a lot of html. Although since Version Vibrant I haven�t really had the opportunity to use it anymore so I�m a bit rusty. ^___^ I do a lot if not all of my activity on theO which has pushed me to actually submit stuff and learn about graphic design. So visit me sometime :3 Let�s see. I don�t really have any rules except the obvious. I like ice cream basketball and reading. I�m not a yaoi or shonen fan but I don�t have anything against the genres. Just�I don�t like them. I�m more of shoujo person.
Art by Mokaffe (c)
i woke up today and i realized that spring break was over. back to school on Monday. *tears*
then i thought about skipping school monday but i realized i had homework due on monday and "crap" i havent done any of it.
then i thought about how the squirrel on top of the tree thought of spring break and if squirrels went to their own little squirrel school or were they simply home schooled. and how their grading system worked.
maybe i was half asleep on the last part
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Saturday, March 27, 2010
I have used the same introduction for quite a while now. so after thinking about it I suppose I shall write something new for all you myo people. :D Well lets see I have been here for some time. Not a long time. But not a short time either. I loved myO. Really liked it. This site taught me a lot of html. Although since Version Vibrant I haven�t really had the opportunity to use it anymore so I�m a bit rusty. ^___^ I do a lot if not all of my activity on theO which has pushed me to actually submit stuff and learn about graphic design. So visit me sometime :3 Let�s see. I don�t really have any rules except the obvious. I like ice cream basketball and reading. I�m not a yaoi or shonen fan but I don�t have anything against the genres. Just�I don�t like them. I�m more of shoujo person.
Art by Mokaffe (c)
March 27,2010 12:59 p.m.
:) Well i was supposed to go to sleep an hour ago but like always i got distracted. :) well my new theme is simple but i like it. nothing fancy.
shikimi is the name of the artist and spent the last 10 minutes browsing through her stuff and i used her artwork for my new world theme on theO as well. that one however is purple.
<----->copied from theO <------>
I am feeling cheerful and definitely better. :D thank you to everyone. kittenlark: your comment on purple llamas made my day and brought a grin throughout the day. :D tsukasaluver. what can i say. *glomps* loved the song . littlemissharriet thanks for your thoughtful words. corn: thanks for your concern and i hope you are doing much better. pink-pineapple: thanks for the possible connections to some weaponry.
i tripped over a tree just yesterday. well its roots to be exact. some words of advice: don't kick the tree out of anger. pain will follow.
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Sunday, March 21, 2010
I have used the same introduction for quite a while now. so after thinking about it I suppose I shall write something new for all you myo people. :D Well lets see I have been here for some time. Not a long time. But not a short time either. I loved myO. Really liked it. This site taught me a lot of html. Although since Version Vibrant I haven�t really had the opportunity to use it anymore so I�m a bit rusty. ^___^ I do a lot if not all of my activity on theO which has pushed me to actually submit stuff and learn about graphic design. So visit me sometime :3 Let�s see. I don�t really have any rules except the obvious. I like ice cream basketball and reading. I�m not a yaoi or shonen fan but I don�t have anything against the genres. Just�I don�t like them. I�m more of shoujo person.
Art by Mokaffe (c)
taken from theO.
i have been pretty sad lately. it sucks. D: i want to be happy and joyous and skip around and sing "joy to the world" ♪♫ (not really but i hope these hyperbolic examples get through) i want to say goodbye to sadness and kick it out my front door and shoot it with a shotgun while its flying through midair and if physics helps- the bullet will provide enough momentum (or something) so that it lands in the trashcan. Btw. I don’t condone violence.
I’m not used to being depressed. so right now I feel like I have split in two people. One that gets sad easily and another that is shouting at the other one.
*goes off to find her fighting spirit*

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Sunday, March 14, 2010
I have used the same introduction for quite a while now. so after thinking about it I suppose I shall write something new for all you myo people. :D Well lets see I have been here for some time. Not a long time. But not a short time either. I loved myO. Really liked it. This site taught me a lot of html. Although since Version Vibrant I haven�t really had the opportunity to use it anymore so I�m a bit rusty. ^___^ I do a lot if not all of my activity on theO which has pushed me to actually submit stuff and learn about graphic design. So visit me sometime :3 Let�s see. I don�t really have any rules except the obvious. I like ice cream basketball and reading. I�m not a yaoi or shonen fan but I don�t have anything against the genres. Just�I don�t like them. I�m more of shoujo person.
Art by Mokaffe (c)
tripping. there is no correct way to do it. X)
choking on food. do smacks on the back really work? ouch.
hiccups. why should i get rid of them? i think they are fun. >=D
[end of post]
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Saturday, February 6, 2010
I have used the same introduction for quite a while now. so after thinking about it I suppose I shall write something new for all you myo people. :D Well lets see I have been here for some time. Not a long time. But not a short time either. I loved myO. Really liked it. This site taught me a lot of html. Although since Version Vibrant I haven�t really had the opportunity to use it anymore so I�m a bit rusty. ^___^ I do a lot if not all of my activity on theO which has pushed me to actually submit stuff and learn about graphic design. So visit me sometime :3 Let�s see. I don�t really have any rules except the obvious. I like ice cream basketball and reading. I�m not a yaoi or shonen fan but I don�t have anything against the genres. Just�I don�t like them. I�m more of shoujo person.
Art by Mokaffe (c)
National senior ditch day is wednesday. i feel like skipping except the administration is acting like predatory lions ready to punish the senior class. really. leave us alone. ;)
in other news i saw a beautiful rainbow. it looked like it was really close so it was pretty big. it was a shame that i did not have my camara. :(
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