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myOtaku.com: Noodle-Gorillaz

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Some people asked me questons and I thought I would just post them on here.

1.What is your FAVORITE song?(can be by any artist)

Noodle:I dream of sheep by Kate Bush.

2.Who is your favorite actor, actress, writer, celeb but they're all the same as celeb?

Noodle:No. Actor and Writer is not the same as celeb. There is a theory that suggests that you can change the form of something by observing it. A good artist should not necessarily be the subject of his art. But I do like the book �Paddington goes to Peru�.

3.Hey Noodle, what's it like living with 3 smelly men?

Noodle: I am able to work around it. It is about boundaries. I do not allow any of them or their smell into my bedroom.

4.Have you picked up a nice boy with a pair of chopsticks yet?

Noodle: That is very funny. Murdoc says that he can pick up boys with chopsticks but he has used his dictaphone. I do not understand this.

5.I want to be a part of Gorillaz:) What do yo want to see? What must I do?!!!

Noodle: You must start a band called Godzillaz. You must practice hard. You must become brilliant. The best! Then when you�re ready we must fight. Gorillaz vs Godzillaz. If you defeat Gorillaz you will be free. Free of all desire and you will be happy.

6.Hey Noodle, how did the boys react when you told them you'd written the whole album? With them being involved with the writing last time, that must have been pretty major!

Noodle:They reacted typically. Murdoc still thinks he wrote it. 2D assumed some 'song elves' delivered it to the studio. Russel was silent. Music scares him now, since his ....experience....

7.What about your new pet, noodle? that monkey/dog with the hat? a stow-away from when you went back to japan?

Noodle:He's not a pet, he's always been arround. He wrote the new album with me. HIS NAME ...... IS ....... MIKE. He enjoys a good smoke.

8.Are you really working with dangermouse? what's he like? did you have to hide him from emi? is he a fugitive from the law?

Noodle:Yes, he's 7 foot tall and eats cheese, wears an eye patch and fuzzed up affro. He's a real nice mouse. His ancestor used to live at Kong Studios, Sir Brian of Mouse. There may be a picture of him in Das Bunker, somewhere.....

9.Are you annoyed at the polar bears todger always popping out of his thong?

Noodle:The Polar Bear was here when we returned. He tells us he's waiting for a cab to take him to Poppers nightclub. But he's been here for ages. He should put some clothes on.

10.Is there a possibility of you guys coming out with an art book like the one that came with the DVD? Maybe with sketches and concept stuff?

Noodle:We will be coming out with loads of stuff. The next year is going to be, how d'you say, Gorillaz Heavy. Hold you horse. Or as Russel says 'Reel yo neck in.' All in good time. Schhhhttoppp! Cool your boots. Hang on. WHOA!!!!Hang ten, daddio. Easy there.

11.Can you explain to me what happened in Kong Studios, in your prespective?

Noodle: Some people have broken in. Some of them have been deceased for a long time. It is a terrible state.

12.Dear Noodle This is the first time I actually get to write to you, so I hope this goes well... I have a few questions I wanted to ask you: Why did you go back to Japan? Where's the other members of the band?

Noodle: I needed to return to Japan in order to find the past I could not remember. I did achieve my mission. The other members went off on their own personal journies. But they are all back at Kong Studios now.

13.When is the movie going to be released?

Noodle: When it has completed it�s time.

14.If the website was a movie it would be rated PG...Murdoc has already said he likes Kenneth Anger films..Which gives some possible clues to both his film preferences (and secret sexual preferences perhaps)...How much darkness or depravity can we expect?

Noodle: We will show what is relevant. We would never intend to shock or make grotesque for it�s own sake.

15.What is the tracklisting of 'Reject False Icons'?

Noodle: Reject False Icons is not the name of the new album. It is a meditation.

16.Are you like super heroes? I just wondering, what the hell is up with the live preformances? I mean you guys are always behind those screens and I just really want to know what you look like cause Noodle, if your the person I think you are, damn girl. you fine

Noodle: What you see is what you get. We appear in whatever form you see us. It is different for each person.

17.Is Murdoc still single? Because if he is...can I have him?

Noodle: would [sic] exactly describe Murdoc as single. He likes the female company very much. However, the learn very fast and don�t seem to stay with him more than one night. I would stay away from him if I was you.

If you have any questions that you want to ask,feel free to ask me.


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