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myOtaku.com: Noodle-Gorillaz

Monday, April 16, 2007

I'm confused. Yesturday, Hentaigene wouldn't leave me alone, they kept emailing me saying they were going to come and kill me. Well, today, their lead singer, EMC Kim, kept telling me I was beautiful, adorable, gorgeous, pretty, and he kept calling me his "Little Butterfly". I thought he hated me... it could be a trick though. I guess I will just ignore them. Besides them ruining my day, it went pretty well. I walked around Osaka and ate okonomiyaki, it's a dish served with rice, nooldles, shrimp, fish and many other ingrediants. I ate and walked alone because I don't have any friends in Japan, besides my mentor. Also, many people have been asking me for a photo of me... I might release one of me near the end of the year... might! Well, I should be going now. Message me if you would like to conversate.


P.s. Do you think I should keep my site how it is? Should I change the photo of me? Should I change the opening song? Thank you.

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