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Monday, June 5, 2006


In a Past Life...

You Were: An Albino Sailor.

Where You Lived: Japan.

How You Died: Typhoid fever.

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   Mix up
Maths exam is in the PM session rather than the AM session, so I can't pick my sister up from school today. Therefore, I had to ring my mum at her office and tell her. She wasn't there, so I left a message for her to ring the school. It was only then that I realised that the receptionist won't know where I am to come and get me - no classes. Therefore I had to go to the receptionist and leave a message for her to give my mum should she ring the school. I know I should have just given the message to the lady at mum's office but I'm a dumbass. A grade A moron.


I was listening to Sandi Thom's song "I wish I was a Punk Rocker (with flowers in my hair)" and, aside from the obvious question "What on earth is a punk doing with flowers in their hair?" I liked it. It's the only song of hers I like. Tooting. Lol. Then I moved on the Rocky Horror soundtrack. LOL.

Favourite Rocky Horror songs:
1. Science Fiction
2. Time Warp
3. Sweet Transvestite
4. Hot Patootie
5. The Floor Show
6. Superheroes.

My mum couldn't beleive it when I said Meatloaf showed up. She also couldn't get over the shock of Tim Curry appearing as he does in the elevator. I love Riff Raff though. Rocky was just...wrong. Totally wrong. I can't look at him without laughing in a mocking sort of way. And now he runs an antique shop.

I love the Moulin Rouge. Especially Toulouse. Lol. And the song "The Show must go On" which I realise is a total Queen rip-off, but I likes anyhow.

That's all for now though, so I'll post later.



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Saturday, June 3, 2006

I'm supposed to be revising my maths, not to mention the Cold War. Oh well. I only get peace in the library these days. I'm finally on MSN again, but nooooo. There's nobody on *cough* Chiara *cough*.

There's not an awful lot I can talk about happening these days. I mean, I'm usually watching Rocky Horror, or attempting some half hearted revision. That's my life at the minute, just getting through. Every girl in my year has some great talent or another: art, music, even just talking to people. I don't have anything like that, and it get's me down. I don't have anything that people will go "wow, she's great at that".
Sorry, that's just sad.


There's a piece by Bach called the Toccata and Fugue. It got modernised for some film with guitars and keyboards, but there are still two violins playing. It's gorgeous. I listen to it all the time, as well as that piece O Fortuna which features in The Omen. By the way, who else thinks that the little boy from the remake of The Omen coming soon reckons he looks quite the fool?

That's all for now. I'll post some other time!

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Bebo isn't a show or an anime or anything. It's a site online. You can join your school/college online, but only your own school. You can see all the students online and interact with them through comments. Lol. There are schools listed for the US, Australia and Canada - so go and have a look, people!

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Friday, June 2, 2006

Who'd have thought Bebo was so addictive????
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   Just done my English
Well yeah, I'm pretty happy with my english paper. It's my strongest subject, so I know I did fine. As for my science, I'm just consoling myself by knowing that my coursework is good.


Lol. Well I have to pick my little sister up from school today, so I had to call off the Animanga meeting. I don't mind picking up my sister, but I love that group. We're all pretty close. Lol. That there Julie one is craaaazy. She has my Alichino 3, though!!!! ALICHINO!

I keep missing Futurama. Damn it. And Family Guy. And American Dad. AND Channel Four just keeps showing old repeats of the Simpsons. It's OLD now. AND there's no anime on ANY of the channels we have - except Astro Boy which is on at seven in the morning. IN THE MORNING!

I'm over it. K m'hunnies.

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English in like twenty minutes
Well, it's English language next. I rock at English, so it's all good!

As for my sciences, I reckon that the school will let me get by on them with a C. God knows, I don't want to be no chemist.

Well, thanks for all the posts everyone who was wishing me luck and stuff. Thank you all!!

Hehe. Maths on Monday - the first time in five years I've felt confident about maths. I do it at intermediate level, and that's my pace. I suck at maths, so doing it at this tier is good for me. Plus I have a fantastic teacher. My other one that taught me for three years sucked: she went too fast. It's a miracle I passed Key Stage Three maths!

Well, gotta goo!

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Thursday, June 1, 2006

I haven't done well at all in that exam. At best I reckon I've only got 60%. I wasn't confident about much in it. Oh well, two more science papers to go - maybe they'll pull up my score a bit. Seeing as I don't want to do science next year, I should get by with a C. It'll be sad though, because I kicked ass in the mocks. Damn the establishment.
Oh well. It can't be helped now.

Although, it's English tomorrow, so that should rock the joint.

Chiara where are yooooooou???

Things aren't going so well. I'm depressed a lot more than I normally am, and really tired to boot. Dash it all, why should I care about whether or not a plant follows the nitrification cycle???????????? However, I'm pretty sure I'm securing A's in the subjects I want to continue with, so even if I get a D in science, maybe they'll discuss it and take exception. It's been done before. I don't mean to brag, but I do pretty well in the subjects I want to continue with. French, English, HIstory and government and politics. Government and politics is a subject I haven't done before - it's only available at sixth form level. I'm quite interested in it, but if I doesn't work out I'm going to switch to Religious Studies. I'm brilliant in that area, so watch this space.

Did you watch it?

Anywho. I was talking to my friend Morbo on MSN yesterday, which was fun. Lol.

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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Well, I've just finished my History exam.

You know that thing with the wrong room? Well, turns out that I had half the school searching for me. Due to a misunderstanding that starts with me, they assumed I was skipping the exam due to a panic attack. They rang my mum to tell her that I was missing the exam - even though, from what I can work out, I was sitting the exam even as they were phoning her...
Well, the point is that all's well that ends well... My teachers were pretty good humoured about the whole thing too, which is good.

Well. My history paper was easy enough. I mean, I'd put the work in, and I answered all the questions. In some places I was a mite too vague, but it should all even out. Besides, it's my Cold War paper in two weeks. Yup. That should be alright.

Tomorrow I'm sitting biology, which will be a laugh. The biggest work of fiction ever written will be my science papers, I kid thee not.


Any Ramma Half episodes in english anywhere? Chiara would like to know. Please????

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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Now here's a worthy yarn: as my previous post says, I had a French exam today. Listening. Now, we all had to troupe off to the French rooms. Guess who went to the wrong one. Well, when I say wrong...it wasn't MY frenchroom...ahem. I still did the exam though, and I'm pretty confident in it.

Did you know that John Cleese's surname was originally Cheese. Hoho, thought not. It's all true.

Next exam is English. Yup. Good old English language. Hope I go to the right place this time, what what? Lol.

Well, I haven't been out of the house for a while - studying, don't you know - and so I haven't visited the Otaku for a while now. Sorry about that, dazzling fans (if you are in fact). Lol. Well, see ya!

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