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myOtaku.com: Nostrata

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Well, I've just finished my History exam.

You know that thing with the wrong room? Well, turns out that I had half the school searching for me. Due to a misunderstanding that starts with me, they assumed I was skipping the exam due to a panic attack. They rang my mum to tell her that I was missing the exam - even though, from what I can work out, I was sitting the exam even as they were phoning her...
Well, the point is that all's well that ends well... My teachers were pretty good humoured about the whole thing too, which is good.

Well. My history paper was easy enough. I mean, I'd put the work in, and I answered all the questions. In some places I was a mite too vague, but it should all even out. Besides, it's my Cold War paper in two weeks. Yup. That should be alright.

Tomorrow I'm sitting biology, which will be a laugh. The biggest work of fiction ever written will be my science papers, I kid thee not.


Any Ramma Half episodes in english anywhere? Chiara would like to know. Please????

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