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myOtaku.com: Nostrata

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Well, I'm going to Scotland on Saturday, and since the Library is closed tomorrow, I don't think I'll be able to post for another week or so. Lol.

Well, yesterday I auditioned for some commercial or other. Wish me luck on that. I used the oppertunity to have a look around the Botanic Gardens in Belfast, which are gorgeous. I got a book (well, a play) from this arcade which is linked to the train station: A Sreetcar Named Desire, which is brilliant.
I also got a good look at Queen's university, which is one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen. It's one of those really old ones that got sections added to it - done in a very good way, so that there isn't a complete clash of modern and old. The main building is one of those ones you can sort of imagine scholars traipsing through by candlelight, past the statue of Galileo in the foyer.
Damn that's cheesy. But it is a truly gorgeous building, much like the building for the Spires Centre which has a gothic feel about its exterior - its interior is a MALL.
There's this shop in Belfast called the Rusty Zip, which is bubbling and crackling with all this retro and vintage gear. There was a purple fez in there I wanted, but I didn't have a spare fiver on me. There were top hats too, but again I had no money. THEY HAD LEDERHOSEN! I haven't seen a shop ANYWHERE in this crummy country that stocks them. Lol. Well, if anyone is visiting Northern Ireland, visit that shop (it's in Botanic Avenue) because it's brilliant.


Catherine Tate is in Doctor Who? There is no emoticon for what I am feeling.

Well I finished the Count of Monte Cristo - if you want to read this book, get the version that goes over 1000 pages long (I can't remember the name of the publisher) because the translator has done a seriously fine job. The language isn't archaic, but it isn't too modern so you lose the feel of the period. Sure, it's over 1000 pages long - but the chapters are really short because it was serialised in a French newspaper before collected into novel format. The ending blew me away. It's so removed from the version of the film I saw (you know, the Guy Pearce and Jim Cavalziel [spelling?] version). It's very, very good. I'm loathed to give it back. I'll have to find my own edition some time.

I was on my way here when out comes the dainty shadow of Kourosh, one of the people I know. He asks me, "Where are you going?" and I report that I'm heading the library, wearily under the overhead sun, in no mood to have my patience tried. "Why?" he has the audacity to ask. I know people have different tastes - but I cannot understand people who don't read. I don't look down on them or anything, but I just don't get how they can't like reading. I suppose it's just because I can't remember I time when I hadn't a book in my hands. Even when I was too little to read, I'd hold it upside down and have a damned good try. Lol. Well, each to their own.


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