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Sunday, June 20, 2004
Soooooo busy, must sleep
Work's been really busy lately. 12 hour days and 5 hours of sleep. lucky me, I only had to work from 8:00 to 3:00 today. I guess that's what they expect when you're a big time assistant manager like me! I just wish I could do my art for a living.
Well, on with the show... We'll be on vacation for a couple weeks so I probably won't post any new art for a while. HOWEVER, I did promise some refrigerator poetry!
To reiterate: refrigerator poetry is created by taking tiny magnets with words written on them and creating what might be considered poetry. These aren't intended to be serious since you've only got a limited amount of words to work with. Some did turn out pretty good, though, I must say.
here they are:
Easy feet always produce
Honey meat ,
And original juice.
Do you hear the falling rain?
delicate rhythm on the chain
soft music, sad and blue
screams the whisper of my pain.
Black power,
Black rhythm,
Whitey got, impressionism.
They were hard
But young and pink.
Bittersweet boys felt
Black as ink.
On a glorious ship we soar
To the dust storm moons and more...
Trudge beneath purple suns but try,
To think bold men
Could still not cry.
And finally: a refrigerator poem by Panda:
I ate summer sausage at the lake
It was raw, my butt will ache
Behind me is a messy smell
An eternity it will take to shake.
Hope you enjoyed the nonsense! for a really good nonsensical poem check out Lewis Carol's "Jaberwocky".
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
First let me thank Myoshi and Julias for checking out my Novapup site. I'll keep everyone posted when I have something more to show.
Anyhow, I was digging through my old files and found some Haiku I had written even before I became interested in Japanese culture. Yes, Haiku, an elite form of Japanese poetry. I'm sure Sw33tSamurai can appreciate these. (She writes poetry herself y'know.)
If you don't know much about Haiku, you should look into it; it makes my crass writing so much more humorous.
here they are:
Up a sheer cliff face
The lone climber ascends it
Sometimes ropes just break
Brown leaves of autumn
The white smoke comes from my mouth
...Dropped my cigarette
Picnic in the park
The children have such sly grins
Ketchup on my face
A black and white cow
The conveyer belt shakes it
to the man with knives
Yeah, I'm no poet. But I bet you can't wait for my next installment: Refrigerator poetry! I've got those little magnets with various words written on them. You're supposed to re-arrange them into poems on your refrigerator. It's great fun!
Here's a preview, It's one my Dad wrote while he was visiting:
Always dreaming above in the sky
You never recall to ask me why
The wax in your ink
I glorious and pink
You observe it's but languid and dry.
(Remember you've got limited words to work with. By the way, this is a limerick, not a Haiku.)
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Monday, June 14, 2004
So, what's this
Here's the reason I chose Novapup as my screen name: several years ago I created a character and an Idea. An animated graphic novel called "The Stories of a Nova Puppy". My intent was to find a way to get this thing published as a CD-ROM (which I can do, it's the distribution part I have trouble with). Anyway, before you start getting big ???? marks over your head check out my rough draft:
Here's the link
Remember, this is a rough draft! The final (if I ever complete it) will be much better! Also, remember to read the instructions on how to use the site! it can be a bit confusing. I reads like a regular comic book but there are some additional buttons to click on for more information. If you have a regular dial-up connection, I will take a while to load. Like I said, it's designed to be published on a CD that you can pop into your computer and watch.
Anyway, I'm trying to figure out the best way to get this thing published. Any ideas?
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Wednesday, June 9, 2004
I want to be a Web-lebrity.
I shall now coin a new catch phrase:
Obviously it means a celebrity on the internet... but nowhere else! Is there such a thing yet? Are there any websites or people on the internet that are so popular that you could go to work the next day and talk to your co-workers about and they wouldn't stare blankly at you? (Whew). Well, I get that a lot at work.
So, any thoughts on this?
P.S. My .hack// pic is up! Yes!!! I'm headed for web-lebrity status!
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
Hark! He of fair eyes...
...let us join in an adventure!
Yep, I just submitted my .hack// pic! Nope, it's not BlackRose on the cover of Medieval Monthly but I hope you like it!
And now... dealing with the elderly. I ran over my sprinkler on the corner of our driveway so I had to dig up the supply line, cut it off, and attach a new elbow and sprinkler. Merrily I pulled my trusty box cutter from my pocket and sawed off the plastic hose that housed the broken elbow. Nary a second had passed when I heard from yonder house: "YOU CAN USE MY WEED EATER IF YOU WANT!" Huh? I thought. It was our across-the-street neighbor. She's 500 years old and hard of hearing.
I knew my yard was a tad unruly but I didn't think it warranted yelling across the street that I should be using a weed eater. "I already have one." I yelled back.
"YOU CAN USE IT IF YOU WANT!" she replied.
To which she replied: "I DON'T NEED IT BACK RIGHT AWAY!"
Ugh. This went on for a few more rounds until I figured out what she was trying to really say: She thought I was using the box cutter to trim the lawn!!!!!!
This isn't the first time I've had run-ins with her over silly things. Perhaps I'll tell you more stories later.
So, barring freak accidents, we're all going to be there someday (old, I mean). How will you behave at that stage in your life and how do you deal with the elderly now?
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Friday, June 4, 2004
OK, on with the show...
My Faye Valentine pic got posted! Must've been the wording on the cover that was the problem.
Anyhow, a .hack// pic is coming up soon.
Thanks again for all your positive feedback!
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Thursday, June 3, 2004
I re-submitted my Cowboy Bebop pic. I revised the title to "Starship Monthly" and removed the more suggestive lines from the cover.
It seems I've been doing a lot of "re" things with it. Well, hope it makes it this time!
Thanks to everyone for their support!
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Wednesday, June 2, 2004
More fan art up...
The Chobits piece is up already and I only did that yesterday. I rendered a neat-o CG background for it!
BUT it doesn't look like my Cowboy Bebop pic made it! It's supposed to be a spoof of "Lowrider" magazine (the one with the bikini clad girls draped over a car.)
Well, I'll post it here, then. Let me know what you think and what I need to change to get it accepted.
I'm not sure... there could be a few things wrong but, I've seen naughtier stuff than this on the site!

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Monday, May 31, 2004
Done another one... I'm tired.
Just finished another piece. Chobits theme this time.
Still waiting on the Cowboy Bebop pic to be posted. I hope it gets accepted, it's somewhat racey. But then, how can you draw Faye and not be a little risque!
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Sunday, May 30, 2004
More art submitted!
I just uploaded my latest piece. Hope everyone likes it when it's posted.
How about that plagiarism thing??!! I can assure you that you'll recieve nothing but certified authentic productions from me!
Anyway, this submission's theme: Cowboy Bebop. Perhaps next I should do a crossover piece of Cowboy Bebop and Chobits. Would that be "Choboy Bebits"?
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