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Feudal Era with Inuyasha and gang
Member Since
wish master
Real Name really want to know? Sabrina
manga drawer, baby-sitter, in process of writing a adventure book with me in it! Lover of Inuyasha show and re-runs ^^; Oh! and becoming Inuyasha's best friend!!
Anime Fan Since
Poke'mon and Dragonball Z and Sailormoon
Favorite Anime
Inu-Yasha, Sailormoon, and Full Metal Alchmest *I know nothing about it heh but i love the faces and stuff!!
to become a great manga drawer and famous book writing. Oh! and to go to INUYASHA'S WORLD!!!!!!!!!!
drawing and day-dreaming of Inuyasha's world *stars in my eyes* and writing small books
to many to choose from heh ;-)
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
Good evening,morning,afternoon whatever time it is!!!!
hey all,
I feel like a criminal when i get on *shifty eyes*....I'm not supposed to be on here....*looks over shoulder* oh but what the heck, right?? :)
Just washed my Gram car SOON TO BE MINNNEEEEE!! MWAAHAHAHAHAAHA!!..heh...i wish..^_^; No really i wish...*looks gloomy* well at least i have you guys...that sounds gross...
Inuyasha has stopped showing in Hawaii...God knows all i have are the movies to watch. I have recently been watching Full Metal Alchemist. Really good!!! Ed reminds me of myself *Did you just call me short??!! I'm 5'1 AND A HALF THANK YOU!! THAT'S AVERAGE HEIGHT FOR 16 YEAR OLDS, AM I RIGHT??* No i don't think I'm be short for life is depressing. I'm twin brother is 5'6 WHAT THE HECK?? Did i miss that gene? lol
Well that's enough blah out of step-dad should be home real so. AHHHHHHH HERE HE IS!! BYE!!
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Friday, January 27, 2006
hey wassup???!!
hey ya'll,
howz it? Hawaii is doing good, lots of rain my fav *_*... haven't got around to watching anime lately, just some from Blockbuster. It's hot right now...*sweats*
Valentine's is coming up!! My most fav/unfav day! It's the maybe he will give me something or maybe he won't day! It's 50:50 i guess ^_^; I'm planning on getting everybody i know something...which will leave me broke...but let's not dwell on that @_@ Oh dang it, i gotta go clean my house for guests...mmoommmm do i have toooooo???? (Guess you all know the answer)
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
i uhhh.... kinda snuck on to post ^_^ So I'm gonna try to do this more often to post, but ahhhhh gotta go!!!!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
BOO! wait's not halloween...
hey all,
sry it took so long to get back ^-^; I just finished reading Sana's story about her going back and me wishing us back to get her and bringing her back. I had to hold my nose to keep from sobbing in the library. My eyes were tearing though *crys* It was sooooooooooooooooooooooo sad. Oh! And i would like to thank Sana for keeping me in her stories even though i turn up missing sometimes on here. *hugs her* ur such a good friend!!!!!
Weellll school has been hell (as usual) Inuyasha please eat my homework. (But mom! My dog ate my homework!) Well my inuyasha porcelian doll got it's foot broke off. Then the kids i baby-sat in my house decided that my precious Inuyasha be thrown at my brother (I don't think i ever yelled louder) Well super-glue fixed up his foot and he satnds proudly at the end of my bed with Kagome. I think i need to make a *Sana* doll to hug Inu-chan. lol.
Oh! and sry about my last post. Seeing it had been posted three times!!! I'm not patient so i kept clicking and clicking. Baka.
Well started i think next week I'll be writing on a floppy disk and putting it up here so i don't have to get kicked off early *nehe* glares at librarian. What's freaky is that out of the 200 people that come here daily they ALL *ALL THE LIBRARIANS* know my name. *hides behind inuyasha ek!!*
I'll be putting up my next story next week!! I hope it doesn't suck like my last ones. Compared to Sana's mine stink. Well I have like 5-10 minutes left. Better use it to wait to post this post. Their comps are turtle slow *grumbles* Sry if there's any mistakes. Don't have time to change them. See ya all laters.
*Wishes truly do come true*
P.s. i can't sit up in the front sit of my mom's SUV unless I'm driving because the front air bag shuts off because I'm too light! I'm 15! I can't weigh under a 12 year old! Stupid air bag...
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
hi all
hey all,
sorry got on late on here so I only have 15 minutes left >,<; I think I'm gonna type my post up at home and floppy disk it on here. Easier and shorter so i can visit sites. I find that i am drawn to Newmooninuyasha site like a moth to flames. lol. Inuyasha hangs out there all the time.
Last week, i think when i remembered to get on here on Otaku i laughed insanly out loud *Yes! i can get on over here in the Library BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA...hahaha...hah
Everyone stares.* I was just sooooo happy i could get on again. I LIVED for Newmoon's stories...I'm serious ^^;
Well i applied for another job. My dance studio boss went bad on me. She was completely stuck up and blunt. She was really mean too. AND I FOUND OUT I WAS BEING UNDERPAID!!
*grumbles* My next job will be at gorcery exciting. Well money is money. Oh! and watch Inuyasha's newest episodes (the last ones) on Saturday on Adult Swim!!! See ya all laters!!! *Librarian kicks Sabrina off *BAM!
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hi all
hey all,
sorry got on late on here so I only have 15 minutes left >,<; I think I'm gonna type my post up at home and floppy disk it on here. Easier and shorter so i can visit sites. I find that i am drawn to Newmooninuyasha site like a moth to flames. lol. Inuyasha hangs out there all the time.
Last week, i think when i remembered to get on here on Otaku i laughed insanly out loud *Yes! i can get on over here in the Library BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA...hahaha...hah
Everyone stares.* I was just sooooo happy i could get on again. I LIVED for Newmoon's stories...I'm serious ^^;
Well i applied for another job. My dance studio boss went bad on me. She was completely stuck up and blunt. She was really mean too. AND I FOUND OUT I WAS BEING UNDERPAID!!
*grumbles* My next job will be at gorcery exciting. Well money is money. Oh! and watch Inuyasha's newest episodes (the last ones) on Saturday on Adult Swim!!! See ya all laters!!! *Librarian kicks Sabrina off *BAM!
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hi all
hey all,
sorry got on late on here so I only have 15 minutes left >,<; I think I'm gonna type my post up at home and floppy disk it on here. Easier and shorter so i can visit sites. I find that i am drawn to Newmooninuyasha site like a moth to flames. lol. Inuyasha hangs out there all the time.
Last week, i think when i remembered to get on here on Otaku i laughed insanly out loud *Yes! i can get on over here in the Library BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA...hahaha...hah
Everyone stares.* I was just sooooo happy i could get on again. I LIVED for Newmoon's stories...I'm serious ^^;
Well i applied for another job. My dance studio boss went bad on me. She was completely stuck up and blunt. She was really mean too. AND I FOUND OUT I WAS BEING UNDERPAID!!
*grumbles* My next job will be at gorcery exciting. Well money is money. Oh! and watch Inuyasha's newest episodes (the last ones) on Saturday on Adult Swim!!! See ya all laters!!! *Librarian kicks Sabrina off *BAM!
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
I'm baaaaaaaaacccccckkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!
hey all,
I'm back. See this is what happened. I got banned from otaku forever by my parents after our computer crashed. They said i did it (got virus). Typical parents. Well I'm gonna try to get on this library comp once a week or more to write. I've missed u all terrible!! *hugs all* so now I'm back and hopefully to stay. So more in 4 days ^,^ I just visited Sana's site (she got so digital O,o) to look at her stories. It took up all my internet time *nehe* So see ya all laters.
*Wishes really do come true...*
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Friday, June 10, 2005
*falls asleep on comp* huh? wha?
hey all,
I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo tired...I baby-sitted today and the little girl i was baby-sitting got chicken pox infront of my eyes. What fun. *scratches shoulder* can u get chicken pox twice?? *glup*
AHA!!!! I got Sana's info for her 'look'.
She has brown thick hair in a ponytail. She's 5'5 *taller then me by 4 inches i feel like Edward in FMA -_-;* She's taller then Kagome i think too. I'm an inch under Kagome. Well so it says in the Inuyasha Art Handbook. Rent it!! It tells everyones height!!
Anyhoo, Sana has green eyes with glasses.
So there it is!!! Sana!!!
Ok as for me:
I have thick blonde hair with eyes that turn blue in the day and green at night *no joke ^^*. I'm 5'1 *for 15 almost 16 that's short* Anyhoo, I'm funny and nice and too soft for my own good ^^;
I need to go to sleep so I'm gonna get off.*stomach rumbles* oh and that too. I'm hungry.

See ya all laters!!
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
Tired.........way tired.....i hate planes........hate hate hate hate....
hey all,
I'm soooooooo tired....on Friday our plane got delayed for an hour for MECHANICAL PROBLEM. I mean what the heck???!!! i mean bad enough i HAVE to get on the plane and now it has MECHANICAL problems???? o hecks no!!! O,O;
Planes...turbulence...hate it so so much...inuyasha's finger were broken temporary *he's half-demon* from me squeezing them while taking off and landing. nehe sry Inu-chan ^^
Well anyhoo, when we got to Seattle it was 50 degrees..i mean 50 degrees in June?? i mean come on!! please!! I'm from Hawaii and Guam I'm not suppose to be cold! My body isn't made for it. Well our baggage was late and caused us to miss our 11:30pm Greyhound bus to Idaho. So we stayed at a hotel so we could catch the 10:30am Greyhound bus. We went to Denny's that night at 1am. The sausage was good *.* yummy!! Inuyasha made a fool of himself eating three plates -_-;
Well the bus took 7 hours to get to Idaho. That was the most torture i have ever had in my life...well we got to Idaho safely. See...i expected it to be warm and dry. It was 47 degrees and raining. *sobs* i wore my sweater/jacket everyday...You couldn't tell what i had on because i had a jacket on the whole time. It was so cold Sunday you could see ur breath. Inuyasha kept sticking his cold fingers up my jacket on my back. I think i punch times? Well, we couldn't get Sana to get on the plane. She visited her family instead. >,<
Well I'm trying to make a written movie for my Inuyasha story so imagine all the inuyasha crew's characteristics I'm blonde with blue eyes with middle of the back length hair. And SANA needs to write a pm and tell me her hair color, hair length, and eye color!!! Then you can re-read this preview with that image ^^
"Sabrina's adventures in Inuyasha's world:
The half-dragon half-human man"
*You can see it's dark and Sabrina and Sana are sitting on a bent tree in a forest alone.*
"Sana? Have you ever been in love?" Sabrina asks as the camera zooms in to just the two of their faces.
"Well..." Sana says with a far away look in her eye. "yeah..."
"How does it feel?" Sabrina asks quietly.
" some times, i guess. It all depends what's in your heart." Sana says with that same look on her face.
Sabrina snorts. "You sound like my mother."
Sana elbows Sabrina's side."Shut-up. I'm serious."
Sabrina gets sad looking and quiet and whispers, "i know..."
Tears weld up in Sabrina's eyes. She turns to Sana. "Sana...I want someone to love me. Someone who would care for me. Someone--" She angrily wipes the tears away. She smiles. "Sorry.."
The camera zooms to just Sana's face and a single tear runs down it, silver by the moon. "I know...Sabrina...i know."
*scene changes*
*They are at Kaede's camp. It's sunny.*
You can see Kagome shield the sun away while she looked in the sky.
"Dragons? You can't be serious. Stories said they died years and years ago." Kagome says.
You can see Sabrina looks down at her necklace. As everyone else that knows about it does. The whole camp, basically.
"Well, it's a good thing we're heading away from them. We're going east and you said the dragons came from the west. Besides, if we did run into them they have no chance with me around." Inuyasha smirks.
"Inuyasha! Dragons breath fire! You can't beat that!" Sana makes a imitation of a dragon breathing fire and she flaps her arms and runs in a circle. Everyone laughs.
*scene changes*
*You can see Inuyasha and Sabrina walking together with Sana walking with Kagome and Sango and Miroku with Shippo on him behind them. It's sunny and Sabrina's smiling along with Sana and the others. Except Inuyasha.*
"Inuyasha! You really did that?" Sabrina exclaims.
"Are you serious, Kagome? He got drunk on sake, just before Sabrina got here, at that same tavern? Your too young, Inu-chan" Sana laughs. "Plus, I wanted some! Next time you plan to do that again tell me!!"
Kagome hits her on the back. "Don't incourage him He had a hang over for 3 days."
"Did not!" Inuyasha whirls around. I turn too.
"Did too!!" Kagome shouts. She stops and freezes.
"What? Kagome, what's wrong." Sango asks, looks forward then quickly freezes too.
Sana, Miroku, and shippo do the same when they look forward.
Inuyasha and I look at each other then quickly turn around. About one hundred men had bows drawn on us.
"Oh crap." Sabrina says as she freezes. "crap crap crap--"
"Sh!" Sana says quietly.
"What do you want with us?" Inuyasha says angrily.
"We look for a woman." they say in union.
"Whew that tallies us out huh guys?" She looks at Sabrina, Sango, and Kagome.
"Hey!" Sabrina. Sango, and Kagome say in union. "We're not girls still." they pout.
"Whatever! I'm just trying to save our butts." Sana says defensively. "I'm not still a girl too ya know!!"
"We are looking for a blonde maiden." they say in union again.
Sabrina slowly touches her hair. "no-no it can't be me." She inches behind Inuyasha. Then boldly steps away. "It can't be me because there has to be another blonde person on Japan" she smirks.
"We are looking for a blonde maiden that possesses the red gemmed dragon amulet." they say in union again.
"hehe..." Sabrina creeps behind Inuyasha again. She looks at Sana. Sana nods and preceds to focus so she can talk to Inuyasha with her mind.
*Inuyasha? If you can hear me twitch ur ear.* Sana ask in her mind.
His ear twitches. Sana sighs and regains her focus.
*You grab Sabrina, me, and Kagome and Sango and Miroku and Shippo will fly away on Kirara for distraction. Let me talk to Sango about that.* Sana tunes off Inuyasha and goes to Sango and Sango nods after hearing it. Sana tells the plan to each and everyone of us separatly.
"Ready...Set...." Sango says to everyone.
"GO!" Sabrina shouts.
*scene changes*
*You see Sabrina. She's looks like she's in the forest and it's slightly raining with mist. She's walking low and slow with a scared look in her face. She's breathing hard.*
"Inuyasha?" she whispers. "Inuyasha?"
She holds on to a passing tree and stops. She slowly peers around the tree. A arrow hits the tree with a purple light surrounding it.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" Sabrina screams as she hits on the ground "INUYASHAINUYASHAINUYASHA"
"Sabrina?" Kagome whispers as she realizes it was Sabrina.
"Yes. It is Sabrina. Are you crazy?" Sabrina raises her voice shakily.
"Shhhh...i can still feel it's presence." Kagome whispers.
Sabrina whimpers. "What does it want with us?"
"Sabrina, it doesn't want us, remember. It"
It is silent and you can hear them breathing hard.
You can see and hear the breaking of trees over head them all the sudden. You can hear Kagome and Sabrina scream. A claw grabs Sabrina and lifts her up. Kagome grabs her hand and tries to pull her away. Her hand grip breaks and Sabrina is flown into the sky.
"Sabrina!!!!!!" Kagome screams as she covers her face from the falling debris. The camera zooms to Sabrina's face and you can hear her screaming "Let me go!" The camera zooms to the distance and fades.
Like? That was my preview for what is to come!!
See ya laters!!!!
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