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Feudal Era with Inuyasha and gang
Member Since
wish master
Real Name really want to know? Sabrina
manga drawer, baby-sitter, in process of writing a adventure book with me in it! Lover of Inuyasha show and re-runs ^^; Oh! and becoming Inuyasha's best friend!!
Anime Fan Since
Poke'mon and Dragonball Z and Sailormoon
Favorite Anime
Inu-Yasha, Sailormoon, and Full Metal Alchmest *I know nothing about it heh but i love the faces and stuff!!
to become a great manga drawer and famous book writing. Oh! and to go to INUYASHA'S WORLD!!!!!!!!!!
drawing and day-dreaming of Inuyasha's world *stars in my eyes* and writing small books
to many to choose from heh ;-)
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Lookie at this!!
hey all,
When i did this I was like evryone's right except Kagome. I mean whaaaaaa???? u think I'm hot!! Ur a girl...that's freaky O,o. Inuyasha ones is very accurate!! See ya all laters!!
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
hey all,
Today with my brand spanken new paycheck of $144.00 dollar (all that darn hard work paid off ^^) at my dance studio, I bought a cockateil.
I named her Noodles, short for Ramen Noodles. My mom named her Pika, meaning hot/spicy. My brother named her Popcorn, becuase she looks like a popcorn jellybean. So in the end we named her Popcorn Pika Noodles. Meaning hot and spicy popcorn noodles. Sounds yummy huh? :-p
She's dull yellow with this bright yellow crest on top. We got her at a well-known pet-store. She loves attention, but she can't do anything right now. She's just a baby. She can't even bite you!! She nibbles ur salty fingers!! She can't eat hard seeds either, she's still blind, and she can't do without cuddling. She loves rubbing ur cheeks with hr head. I love her, and i've only had it for half a day. ^-^
See ya laters.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
hey all,
today i did an all day baby-sitting 7 am to 6 pm. I'm very tired...the boy had chickenpocks. Owie.
Let me tell u of my adventurous day:
I was watching VH1 and rocking in their rocking chair. I kept hearing a screeeching noise and their black inside cat, ejor, meowing at their screen door. Then all the sudden out of the corner of my eye i see a huge brown thing come in. I froze up, it seemed like hours,but it was really like 5 seconds ^-^; It was their mean biting dog *bit my brother when he came over before. It's also a HUGE dog*. My body was shaking so bad because I've been bit before and it is not fun. I jumped on their coffee table (which is way tall) and kept jumping from coffee table to chair to keep that stupid mean dog away from me. Finally, it stopped being interested in eating me and turned to the cat. It looked outside and went out i was like "yes" i started to slowly walk to the door to close it then the dog comes back in i was like "AHHHHHHHH!!" I run and jump back on the coffee table. It again loses interest and starts exploring. I seized the opportunrity and ran and jumped on their tall dinner table. I called the dog over because I was trying to shoo him out of the house *the dinner table is infront of the screen door*. The dog just looked at me and went under the table. I was like O,O;"ooooo doggie w-w-where'd u go?"
Well he appeared behind me and was trying to find a place to get to me. It lost interest again and went to find the cat. I thought and thought and thought...then i looked outside in the back and saw a BLUE BALL! I swear i heard the pop of an idea lightblub popped on the top of my head. *Imagine this* A 5'2 blonde girl looking like 007 jumping from the dinner table and sprinting outside and slamming herself outside. I swear with my luck there should have been another dog outside waiting for me -_-; Anyhoo, I grabbed the ball and looked in the screen door, finding nothing there i toss it open,jump inside, leave the door open, and jump on the dinner table. 'DOGGIE!! *whistles* LOOKIE WHAT I HAVE!!! A BALL!!"
I hear the dog running down stairs to me *in slow motion* i show the dog the ball and pitch it outside far, the dog zooms outside and i jump with un-human speed off that table and slam the door shut along with the glass door. BWAHAHAHAHAHA I OUT-SMARTED A DOG!! *sticks tongue ut at dog* PFFFTTTTTT!!!!! That dog had been nosing his nose into the screen and slowly pushing the door open, that's what the screeching was. The smart cat was trying to warn me. I love that cat now ^_^ The boy i was baby-sitting was sleeping through all of this.
And that was the scary highlight of my day. See ya all laters!!
This is what my facial expression was like the whole time the dog was in the house.

*Question of the day*
Have you ever been bit or attacked by a dog? If so, what happened?
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
hey all,
i'll post the rest of my anime show tomorrow.
**Question of the day*
What is your favorite food?
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
Forgot to tell you of my freaky day.
hey all,
I forgot to tell you of my 'FREAKY/UNLUCKY DAY' Let me begin:
1. Kept tripping over invisible things >,<;
2. Kept dropping things O.O;
3. Dropped two things on my foot *_* #ow ow ow ow...#
4. Freaky guy kept talking to me at my work desk. He even knows my name. He's a dad of one of the students. @,@;
5. Racing my mother and brother, i stepped in the only mud puddle in a mile. HOW IN THE WORLD DID I NOT SEE IT? IT'S DARK BROWN! My poor poor slippers..>:-(
6. I turned off the lights in my work and kept thinking about 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre" After shutting all the lights off. I got stuck on a piece of wood on a couch i used to reach the light switches on the stage. I was all by myself. I felt so scared because it was pitch black and i was all alone. With my mind thinking about an insane chainsaw-holding person swinging it at me in the dark. I almost screamed. *O*; #me: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!#
7. I jumped when i heard the ice cream truck after i got unstuck and was locking the dark front door*read number 6* my mother and brother laughed at me through the dang car windows >.<; #me:shut-up#
8. Late for work. Couldn't find anything at work. X-(
9. Forgot a bag in kmart with my precious candy bars inside. 6,6;
10. My tooth hurts...@.o;
11. Cornerd by boss about my friend's job and why she quit. ^o^;
12. Turned the TV on and the volume was so ears..>x< i-i-i-i just saw a centipede crawl past me..there poisoniess.. OxO;
13. Burnt my tongue on French Vanilla coffee i made for me and boss. I remember the water smelled funny, maybe i shouldn't have drink that...feeling dizzy...
Thirteen unlucky and freaky things. Bad Luck number. It's not even Friday the 13th yet! GOSH! Stupid day. Well hope urs was better.
"Grab my hand and hold on when i fail and go into darkness"
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hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....bbbbyyyyyyyeeeeeeee!! darn I'm bored...
hey all,
I signed so many guestbooks today *hand cramp* So hopefully I'll get more visits?? please...
GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!! See here's the story. The job i have at the dance studio was arranged by my close friend. She had planned that i would get good with the work and would be able to work there alone. She had recently had put in a job application at a local jamba juice. But she didn't tell my boss. My friend asked me not to tell her about it so i didn't. My friend put in her two week notice of quitting, i was like "O.O" wait don't leave me here!! Me being bored is a bad thing! Well, she left and my boss didn't know what was happening. *sigh* my freind told my boss that she was resigning because of school...she never told my boss about the job. My boss found out yesterday and questioned me. I was like *twitch* "Ya don't say..*cough* amber's working now? ahahahahaha that's weird ahahahaha me know anything about it? naaahhhhh...*starts sweating* ahahahahaha..O.o" I HATE BEING IN THE MIDDLE...IT BITES. It didn't exactly happen like that, but it still made me feel like dirt.
On with thee show!
*Anime Show**
*We continue where Sabrina's kidnapped and they find out she about to be a sacrifice*
*Sana- WHA??? A SACRIFICE??? *runs to tree past the shadows. Starts kicking it.* Let her go! Stupid tree and stupid shadows!! She's my only way home! *cough* I mean she's my friend!
*Inuyasha- How the heck do we get her,Sango? Climb the tree?
*Sango- yes exactly. See that glitter circle right there *points to top of tree* that a portal that they use.
*Sana- This is getting too sci-fi! So all we have to do is climb this? *Sango nods head* alright then...
*Sana grabs a thick branch and starts pulling herself up. Inuyasha jumps up to the top where the portal is.*
*Inuyasha- weakling.
*Sana- no, actually a human-being.
*Inuyasha- shut-up.
*Sana- YOU!
*Inuyasha- YOU!
*Kagome- hey you guys...this isn't the time for that.
*Shippo- Inuyasha! Just help her and shut-up.
*Inuyasha- don't make me come down there shippo!
*Inuyasha jumps down to where Sana is. Sana jumps on his back and starts touching his ears.*
*Inuyasha- no ear touching. *jumps up to where the portal is.* Ready Sana?
*Sana- Let's get the party started. Don't die yet Sabrina. We're on our way.
*They jump in*
*Kagome- HEY! INUYASHA! You were suppose to help me, too!
*Sango- oh no! the portals closing!!!!
*Shadows jump up into the portal. And it vanishes*
*Kagome- Their only hope now is Sana's smarts and mind power, Inuyasha fighting skills, and Sabrina's wishes. This doesn't look good.
*Shippo- Well...i hope they don't die...Well while were waiting LET'S EAT!
*Everyone flops down and starts to unpack food*
*Camera goes to Sana and Inuyasha. It finds them on the floor of marble. Knocked out*
*Sana- *opens eyes and quickly gets up* OMG! WE'RE HERE! *it echoes on the huge spacious room they were in* HELLO!! *listen to echo* neat! HEL--what am i doing?
*Sana looks at Inuyasha still knocked out. Sana pokes him three times.*
*Inuyasha- Wha? *sits up* did you still all of those pretty lights? They were--*Sana punches the top of his head*
*Sana- Come one Inu. Let's go save, Sabrina.
*Inuyasha. I was just playing...*gets up* Now which door should we go in first?
*Inuyasha eyes widen and pupils dialate.*
*Sana- *puts hand on his chest* what's wrong Inuyasha?
*Inuyasha throbs and turns human.*
*Inuyasha- oh no oh no...i forgot tonight was the new must be night outside now. How long did we sleep for?
*Sana- oh this is not good...oh this is NOT good...
*Sana and Inuyasha look above them*
*Little strand of hairs start falling around them. A lot start falling.*
*Inuyasha- What in the he--
*Inuyasha is stopped short when the hairs around them zoom around them and make them get stuck together in a web of string!
*Sana- wha? wha? ouch it's cutting my arms and legs. It's getting hard to breath...*
*Inuyasha- hold on Sana..hold on Sana. *as they fall sideways to the floor as the hair make their legs come together* *Inuyasha starts sweating*
*Sana rests on back and sees a shadow thing bend down around her. She heard a twig snap. Then nothing more, but black*
i thought you some of tomorrow! You'll love i!! it's hiliraous. I wish you all a good day.
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Friday, May 6, 2005
hey all,
lookie at my new avatar!!! *above* SuperGal16 made it for me!! Itsn't it prittyful!!!!!!!
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booooooo...ahahahahahahaha.. I'm so stupid..
hey all,
i'm gonna get right onto the story!! Cause i have absolutely nothing to say. *nehehehehe*
*Anime Show**
*We continue from where Sabrina is pulled into the forest by an unknown hand*
*Sabrina- *gasp* help!!! inuyasha!
*Inuyasha- *runs in the forest after Sabrina* oh no u don't!
*Inuyasha sees Sabrina with a shadowy hand covering her mouth as she is lifted up to another shadowy figure above them. Sabrina is kicking and trying to bite their fingers*
*Inuyasha- Sabrina! How dare you! Iron Rever Soul Stealer! *he says as he reaches Sabrina just as she is lifted up*
*His hand slashes at the shadowy figure, but his hand goes through it...*
*Inuyasha- What? *he says as he lands on his feet several feet behind the figure*
*Sana runs into view. She looks around for Sabrina, then looks up to see she's being passed up and up a huge tree. Then Sabrina vanishes*
*Sana- SABRINA!!! SABRINA!! Inuyasha, did you see that? she vanished! what do we do? *Sana glares at a shadowy figure* Inuyasha! what are they? why are they shadows?
*Inuyasha- i don't know! i can't touch them either!
*Sana- hmm...*grabs a thick branch* geez this is heavy.*Sana runs fast to the bottom shadowy thing.* hiiyyaaa!!!! ahhhhhh!!! *she screams as she falls foward onto her knees and hands*
*Sana- ok...i can't hit them either! Inuyasha! Come on! Think of something!
*Kagome, Shippo, Miroku, and Sango come running into view*
*Miroku- What's wrong? We heard screams and shouting!
*Inuyasha- Sabrina got abducted by these things *he does another attack on one* We can't hit them. Their like real shadows!
*Kagome- But of what? Shadows are reflected off things!
*Sango- no..
*Shippo- What's amatter, Sango?
*Sango- We talked about these in my demon slaying village. I thought they were myths. They are shadows! But of nothing. They can choose who can touch them. Every one thousand years they have to make a sacrifice to their God-- what day is it?
*Kagome- Umm...April 6th?
*Sango- oh's exactly one thousand years for them...they..they...
*Sana- They what? They what, Sango? Spit it out! Sabrina could be in danger!
*Sango-..She is...she's going to be their their God.
Like? Have a good day!!
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
hey all,
sorry i haven't posted for a while. I had the stomach flu on Monday really bad, then it just downgraded into a bad cold. I have also been held down with school work. Having a job has made me behind.*nehe* stupid me...
I just finished reading the end of Alice 19th and Fushigi yugi part 1. I'm still in progress with Ceres. Yu Watase hasn't made a new manga book for that yet. I'm reading some others as well. *Wedding Peach(haven't got that yet, but i've requested it from the library) Imakoi(i forgot how to spell that) it's made from Yu Watase. She a good manga writer ^^.no great!!!
So on with the show!! I've decided not to continue 'Kagome Kidnapped' i waited wwaaayyyy to long to make it's sequel. So I'm gonna make another story either short or continued, k??
*Anime Show**
*The camera follows us as we walk through a shady forest road.*
*Sana- hey Sabrina?
*Sabrina walks up next to Sana*
*Sabrina- yeah?
*Sana- Do you...ever miss the future? You know cars, electricity, and stuff?
*Sabrina- hmmmm...that's a hard one. I kinda do and kinda don't. I mean i'd give anything for filtered water and a hamburger. But i love this simple way of life. I'm gettin' kind of used to living here. I sometimes think of never going back.
*Sabrina- You don't want to go back do you?
*Sana-*waves hand in front of her face* no no no!! I'd never miss a chance like this. oh...thanks for wishing me here again.
*Sabrina- nehe..ur welcome. At least i have someone to talk to now--
*Sana stops and puts a finger to her own lips*
*Sabrina- *eyes widen* wha? what's happening? what's wrong?
*Sana- *whispers* while we were talking, i kept hearing twigs snapping in the forest right next to us. I just now saw a shadow there.
*Sabrina-...*eyes are huge with balck lines under them and mouth is very small. sweatdrop too* where???
*Sana- *points to where she saw it* let's go check it out.
*Sabrina- *whispers fiercely* are you crazy???
*Sana- I'm not going to answer that. *smirks* *starts walking to the part of the forest she saw the shadow*
*Sabrina- sana...grrr...fine I'm coming. *looks back to see that Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo are still walking, not knowing that anything is happening.*
*Sabrina thinks to self that it is strange that Inuyasha can't sense this person.Then remember that tonight was the night of the new moon*
*Sabrina and Sana go shoulder to shoulder and start walking into the forest. You can see someones hands behind them and grabs the back of their shirts*
*Sabrina and Sana grab each other and starts screaming*
*Inuyasha- Something is terrible wrong with both of you *as he let's go of their shirts*
*Sana and Sabrina open their eyes to see Inuyasha behind them.*
*Sana-*sweatdrop* inuyasha...i heard something in here. So we're--*twig snaps behind her and Sabrina*
*Hand comes zooming out and grabs the back of Sabrina's shirt and pulls her into the forest behind them*
*Sabrina- AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
*Inuyasha and Sana- SABRINA!
Whew i hope this story comes out right. Have a great day.
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
Some gifs
hey all,

Hope ya like them!! See ya laters!
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