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Feudal Era with Inuyasha and gang
Member Since
wish master
Real Name really want to know? Sabrina
manga drawer, baby-sitter, in process of writing a adventure book with me in it! Lover of Inuyasha show and re-runs ^^; Oh! and becoming Inuyasha's best friend!!
Anime Fan Since
Poke'mon and Dragonball Z and Sailormoon
Favorite Anime
Inu-Yasha, Sailormoon, and Full Metal Alchmest *I know nothing about it heh but i love the faces and stuff!!
to become a great manga drawer and famous book writing. Oh! and to go to INUYASHA'S WORLD!!!!!!!!!!
drawing and day-dreaming of Inuyasha's world *stars in my eyes* and writing small books
to many to choose from heh ;-)
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
A shooting star
hey all,
I just went outside to my backyard (It's 12:04am) to watch the stars.(*no moon*) I saw billions of stars tonight. It was breathtaking and a light breeze was stirring. I could hear the ocean and no cars. The streetlights were dim. It was a perfect night. I was kinda disappointed because i hadn't seen a shooting star. So i was about to walk inside when i decided to wish. I walked out to my backyard again. I put my hands to together and put them in the middle of my chest. I bowed my head and wished silently. " I wish to see a shooting star" then i opened my eyes and looked up. A yellow shooting star zoomed across the night sky. I was in awe. I tried again and it didn't work...i was kinda tired though...still am. I need sleep so Good-night all. *wink* i wish you all a safe night.
*Dream dreams of yourself in your own little world. Mine is Inuyasha World/Era.*
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hey all,
*eye twitches* my brother is kicking me i can't write it right now. (the anime show).. huuuhhhhh....
Anyway, i hope Newmooninuyasha *check out her site,k?* doesn't mind, but here's her talk show* I loved it sooooo much i just had to share it to my commenters.
*Sana put her name as "me" and "I"
*I'm Sabrina *duh...*
*Inkenyo 2.0 is another user here in Otaku. Check her out.
*Some of Inuyasha and crew are in here. They are usually all in there, but today they are not. ^^;
sana-chans talk show wonderland!
me: we have a guest with us today!
inkenyo 2.0: hes the star of fullmetal alchemest, cartoon networks hottest new show!
sabrina: hes nothing SHORT of a star! lets give it up for EDWARD ELRIC!
*clap track*
me: hello ed... may i call you ed?
ed: uh, sure.
sabrina: *stands up* woah, your a little sh-- *my hand muffles her mouth*
me: SEXY! hahahahehehe yes i said it, we all got the hots 4 u ed-baby! ha!
*inkenyo 2.0 looks at me as if i am insane*
me: *whispers to gang* lets make him feel like a hottie, k? most guys on these talk shows make fun of him.
inkenyo 2.0: ok! this will b good 4 ur acting skills!
sabrina: u better pay me for this...
*we all turn to ed with big goo-goo eyes.*
ed: eheheh... whats wrong you guys? *sweatdrop*
me: oh, ed, you kidder!
inkenyo 2.0: yes, kidding little boy-- i mean studly man.
sabrina: hey, sana is a few months younger than you and a girl and shes taller than you. heh... weird!
me: GAH THATS BECAUSE IM FREAKISHLY PROPORTIONED! oh, ed, *sob* will you comfort my freakishly tall body? *sits in lap*
inkenyo 2.0: oh, ed... you are so cute!
me: yes... a rival to inuyasha. i heard you use alchemy? you can fix anything? how macho of you.
ed: eheheh... thats... true, i guess...
sabrina: oh! this pickle jar needs opening from a strong, handsome not-at-all shortie! ed? how bout you? *hands him jar*
ed: uh, i guess... these are not so tricky heh... oof. ...ugh....gah.
me: *grabs pickle jar* this is one of shippos trick never openable pickle jars! screw this! *tosses it away*
shippo: *walks in* hey, whos the shrimpy guest star?
inkenyo 2.0: LOOK WHOS TALKING! ed baby, hes such an immature little... ed?
ed: *twitch*
inuyasha: *walks in* hey whats up you guys? ...sana? inkenyo? sabrina? what are you all doing on shrimptoasts lap?
ed: *twitch twitch* do you have a problem with my stature... dog-boy?! is my highth FUNNY to you?
inuyasha: yeah it is.
*inu and ed roll around on the ground hitting each other raising havok*
me: c'mon, you guys! stop! sto--*inu kicks cameraman unconcious and breaks camera*
Itsn't that funny????? She is the best anime talk show maker!! *cough* along side SessLover18 *nehe*
Newmooninu, if u don't like this can pm me, k? I'm sorry if this made you mad :-(...
Check later on today k? i might have my show up!!
P.s. I'm going snorkeling on Sunday ^^ wish me luck! wait..nvm i have plenty of wihes *nehe* i am ssoooo corny....
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Friday, April 29, 2005
stupid school...
hey all,
I guess tomorrow will be my anime show...i have to do Math and the test today. *sweatdrop*
Last night, I was going to take a bath and i started the water and got in. As i was sitting in it i was wondering what i should finish my "kagome kidnapped" story with. About 5-10 minutes later, i notice the water's not rising. I was like "huh?" So i looked at the drain and i hadn't put a plug in..*nehe* boy did i feel stupid.
Well, i better get on my school work. See ya laters!!
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
sry ^^;
hey all,
I'm sorry but I might not be able to write the anime show today *nehe* i don't have time.
But i promise tomorrow's post will be the show, k?
I feel tons of better today ^^ my muscles still hurt though. Martial arts yesterday was killer.
I watched "Inuyasha the movie 2" last night. I LOVED IT!!! *eyes sparkle* fav movie!! Along with the first movie, of course! I noticed Princess Kaguya could wish by chanting. Weird! HA! I'm all natural.^^;
Guess what I'm doing with my mom tonight? my work *nehe* I should drag Inuyasha with me.
So till tomorrow!! See ya laters!
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tired...muscles and bones hurt...
hey all,
...just went to martial arts..can't write. See ya laters..check later and I'll have the post...bye...
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
What will happen next?????
hey all,
i got my paycheck today for working at the studio for 4 weeks!! 3 days a week, half day. I got *drum roll* $145.59. Atleast i have money for mother day. Oh yeah! Guess what? Tomorrow is secutaries day. What am I? A secutary! My boss is taking me to lunch tomorrow! *nehe* i forgot that it was a actually holiday thingy O.o;
I'm gonna quickly get on the story before i lose this story in my mind!!!
The continuation of:
*Anime Show**
*What happened so far: We all sat down to eat and Inuyasha got in trouble about not appreciating food. Sana said something nice and twitched at the end of her saying. Kagome burst in tears and runs off. I follow after her and Sana ran after us, well that's after lecturing Inuyasha about it. Here goes the story:"
*Inuyasha- *sitting down at pinic watching Sana run into the forest after Kagome and I* I just don't understand girls.
*Miroku- You just never take the time too.
*Shippo- And your speaking because you have experience? *raises an eyebrow*
*Miroku- haha *scratches head* stupid shippo...
*Camera goes to Sana, as she travels through the forest looking for us*
*Sana- why...why did they go through pokey weeds *fresh bloody scratch comes into view on her leg* owwww...*hears voice* Finally i found them!
*Sana- Kagome, Sabrina!! Hey-- *ducks down when she sees their not alone*
*Sabrina- Get away! Leave us alone! You bloody ugly--
*Ugly Monster- *Says in raspy voice* blond one, shut-up though you are rare...ur not the one were after. It's the priestess.*points at Kagome*
*Kagome- *gasps* what do u want from me?
*Sabrina- *sweatdrop* uhhh..... Kagome? I think about 99.9% of Japan knows u have the sacred jewel. Who would not want to steal it?
*Ugly Monster- the blond one is right. Now if u come with us quietly, we won't have to hurt ur friend here.
*Sabrina- No way! Ha! You think you can hurt me? Leave Kagome alone or I'LL have to hurt YOU!
*Ugly Monster dives forward and slashes his sword in the air. Sabrina pushes Kagome out of the air and screams as the blade nearly slices her stomach.*
*Sabrina- ahhhh!!! wow..that was close. *dodges another attack*
*Ugly Monster- how are you dodging my attacks? no one is that good!
*Sabrina- well alittle wishing doesn't hurt...i know one person that could kill you in one blow!
*Bolt of light comes from the bushes behind Sabrina. Sana starts to stand up and warn Sabrina, but the bolt had already hit her in the back and came slicing from her front.*
*Sabrina- *eyes go straight blue as she falls on her knees* no...kagome...*falls on her face*
*Stick snaps from behind her and as if in slow motion she turns around.*
*Sana-*thinks to self* focus Sana! focus!
*Stealth monster- *hands stops in mid-air* wha? how are you making me freeze? Are some kind of witch?
*Sana- nope *sweat forms on her forehead* just a regular psykonetic person, that's all. *smirks* give up?
*Rock hits her head and breaks her line of focus*
*Her mouth opens in a scream but never finished because she was whacked in the head by a blunt object held by the stealth being. Sana falls to the ground with her mouth open with a silent scream.*
*Ugly monster throws something in front of Kagome and smoke starts coming out. Kagome starts coughing and is unconcious in seconds. The ugly monster grabs Kagome and the other stealth monster run off into the dark part of the forest.*
*Camera circles Sana and Sabrina and find them unconcious and both barely alive. Camera zooms back to Inuyasha and others.*
*Sango- There taking long...i wonder if thier ok...
*Miroku- It is kinda unusually that their this late. It almost sunset.
*Shippo-*starts shaking* i wonder if there ok?
*Inuyasha- grrrrrr!!! I'll go find them and give them a good talking to too...and punching. *gets up and starts walking towards the forest*
*Inuyasha- OH! Shut-up! With Sabrina's wishing powers and Sana's psykoteic powers nothing could go wrong. *as he continues to walk towards the forest*
*Will Sabrina and Sana live? What will happen to Kagome? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON "Kagome Kidnapped 2"*
Like? *nehe* I'm gonna watch "Raise Your Voice" and "Electra" right now. See ya laters!! ummm...if you guys hate me saying money things tell me. I don't want to appear to brag...^^;
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
hey all,
sry but this will be quick..bye. No I'm kidding. I just have to do school-work...right now..*sighs* maybe tomorrow i can write the last of 'Kagome Kidnapped' anime show. The baby-sitting job was tiring, though i got $30 at the end *nehe* Inuyasha Collection here i come!! Well, first is Mother Day, the Michael's Birthday, then PS2, then Inuyasha PS2 game...nvm Inuyasha Collection. It'll be awhile. I wish you all a great day..or night!! See ya laters!!
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Monday, April 25, 2005
hey all,
did you guys look at my Saturday post about the lyrics? cause, ummm...not one person commented.
Anyways, guess what...i have to baby-sit today. That realllyyyy least these ones are easy to handle.
So what are you guys planning for Mothers Day? My plan is going far. My Step-dad is kinda boring ,so planning things might be kinda hard. *nehe*
oh, you know, the other day i was talking to my best friend and i laughed, but my laugh came out *nehe* I decided i had posted that one too many :-)
Alright that's all for now...i have to finish getting ready to work. *sighs with sweatdrop* See ya laters!!!!!
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
hey all,
I'm not suppose to be on right good-bye. nehe

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Saturday, April 23, 2005
hey all,
i think the song on my site really describes inuyasha *.*; it's so describing it's scary 6-6 The first verse he is talking about his past with kikyo and ho she shot him. You guys read it and tell me on the comments what you think. Check back later k? Cause I'm gonna have a story maybe. See ya laters. nehe, I'm going swimming.

"Breaking The Habit"
Memories consume
Like opening the wound
I'm picking me apart again
You all assume
I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again
I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused
I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I know it's not alright
So I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit
Clutching my cure
I tightly lock the door
I try to catch my breath again
I hurt much more
Than anytime before
I had no options left again
I dont want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused
I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I'll never be alright
So, I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit
I'll paint it on the walls
'Cause I'm the one at fault
I'll never fight again
And this is how it ends
I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
But now I have some clarity
to show you what I mean
I don't know how I got this way
I'll never be alright
So, I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit
I’m breaking the habit
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