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Feudal Era with Inuyasha and gang
Member Since
wish master
Real Name really want to know? Sabrina
manga drawer, baby-sitter, in process of writing a adventure book with me in it! Lover of Inuyasha show and re-runs ^^; Oh! and becoming Inuyasha's best friend!!
Anime Fan Since
Poke'mon and Dragonball Z and Sailormoon
Favorite Anime
Inu-Yasha, Sailormoon, and Full Metal Alchmest *I know nothing about it heh but i love the faces and stuff!!
to become a great manga drawer and famous book writing. Oh! and to go to INUYASHA'S WORLD!!!!!!!!!!
drawing and day-dreaming of Inuyasha's world *stars in my eyes* and writing small books
to many to choose from heh ;-)
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
hey all,
I'm a lot better! Thanks for all the 'get betters' it was very thoughtful. The fever comes and's strange. Thanks Newmooninuyasha for the greeting card...i didn't find it though..heh... where would i find it?
I took my mum and brother to 'Amittyville Horror' or something like that. Didn't go to sleep till about 2 or 3 am. I'm such a weeny. That's why i don't think i'd fit in very well in Inuyasha world...i probably always scream. WHO CARES THOUGH??!!
Hmmm...I'm trying to think up a story...dragons?...hmm...maybe I'll tell you how i got my wishing amulet! I think you guys thought that my 'wishing' power came to me in Inuyasha didn't. I'll let my 'secret' reveal it's self to you...enjoy. Sorry but all the characters except me and Nova aren't gonna have big parts k? Sorry...^^;
*Anime Show**
"How Sabrina Got Her Wishes"
*After walking awhile they all stopped in a meadow to eat a lunch they got in a nearby village. Rice balls etc..*
*Inuyasha- *looks at necklace around Sabrina's neck* Sabrina... why do you hide the end of your necklace in your shirt? What is it, that's so special about it?
*Sabrina- *absent mindly touching the bulging fabric that was the end of her necklace at the middle of her chest*'s umm...nothing special. Just a necklace piece. See? *taking the end piece out and showing a old metal craving of a dragon holding a blood red ball on it's head with it's tail making a border at the bottom.*
*Kagome- It's beautiful...
*Sana- Where'd you get it? An antique shop? Or here?
*Sabrina- about a year before i came here my brother got this from my grandmother, who only God knows where she got it. He kept it by his lamp so the blood red ball would shine...i saw it and fell in love with it. It made me feel warm...and i know this sounds stupid..but it made me feel...loved and safe. He finally after a while said i could wear it...i got a dogtag chain thingy and put it on it. The necklace chain got tainted and itchy, so i used a silver neckalce holder, it too got bad and i got one that didn't itch, rust,or get was perfect. I discovered that when i wished with this on it usually came true. Not big wishes that i do here..just small ones, like i wish we'd get a video and ice cream...and it would come true.(You may be thinking...what? what if someone takes it away from her? She won't be able to wish! See...Sabrina is the only one that can touch it. If even someone dares try to lift they get a BIG shock and burn. If they try using cloths and stuff the cloth or stuff will burst into was meant for Sabrina and Sabrina alone.)
*Sana- didn't just get ur power from here? That necklace thingy makes you wish?? Who made it?
*Sabrina- you know what? i never found out...i wish i would..someday...
Flash back to the past:
*A dragon King fell madly in love with a women that would get water from the river that he ruled near. He would watch her and unknowly to him...she would watch him. As fate would have it, they met and fell more in love with each other and eventually married. Against his Kingdoms wishes...they had a child, a son. His wispy hair when he was born was a red and orange they named him, Nova.
Nova was a half dragon and half human, he could be in human or dragon form whenever he pleased. He couldn't , however, be in one form for too long or it will be like that forever. Half-breed or not, he was the next in line for the throne. He wasn't teased and ridiculed by his Kingdom...but he had no friends and no female companion.
100 hundred years later,(he can only live half of that a full dragon can, Nova=500 Dragon=1,000) he wandered into his father treasure room and there, when he was searching, he found a wooden/metal jewelary box the size of his palm. He slowly opened it to reveal a necklace amulet that had been plucked from a Dragon Blood Plant (type of plant) His father had given it to his human wife, for a birthday gift. When she passed on (humans can not pass dragon years by far)he put it away in his treasure room and never spoke of it again.
Nova picked it up and remembered what his father had said "This son, is a wishing amulet. Plucked from the most poisoness plant, it only produces a wishing stone every two million years. I made this metal around it from the lava of the nearby volcano.I'm giving it to your mother for a surprise. Don't tell her or you'll ruin the surprise!"
Nova's eyes shone with tears.
*Nova- mother...why'd you have to die! You were the only person i could talk too!
*Picks up the amulet*
*Nova- *tears run down his human face* i-i-i wish for a friend, who would wear this necklace and i would be able to love them and they would love me back...half-breed or not.
*Necklace vanishes*
*Nova- *eyes widen* oh no...what happened? father's going to kill me! *looks around on the floor* where'd it go? i think i may have broke it, by wishing for that...what have i done?
*35 years later my grandmother got that necklace amulet, but never wore it.
*14 years later my brother got it, but never wore it.
*15 years laters i, Sabrina, got it and as you can guess i wore it.
*All in total it was 50 years after he had wished..i got it. At the same exact moment Kagome broke the curse on Inuyasha. So after 6 months of having and wearing it i got the idea to come here because i was at a troublesome time in my life. And thus my adventure begun in Inuyasha's world...*
Did ya like it? Sorry i kinda threw all thw ords together so it might not make perfect sense! It does to me though! See ya laters and thanks again!

PS. This is the actually amulet i was talking about...the story is actually true about my grandmother getting it and giving it to my brother and my brother giving it to me.I really do have btter luck with it with wishing...and i haven't had it for 6 months yet...maybe the story is true ^^ i wish it was.
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