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Feudal Era with Inuyasha and gang
Member Since
wish master
Real Name really want to know? Sabrina
manga drawer, baby-sitter, in process of writing a adventure book with me in it! Lover of Inuyasha show and re-runs ^^; Oh! and becoming Inuyasha's best friend!!
Anime Fan Since
Poke'mon and Dragonball Z and Sailormoon
Favorite Anime
Inu-Yasha, Sailormoon, and Full Metal Alchmest *I know nothing about it heh but i love the faces and stuff!!
to become a great manga drawer and famous book writing. Oh! and to go to INUYASHA'S WORLD!!!!!!!!!!
drawing and day-dreaming of Inuyasha's world *stars in my eyes* and writing small books
to many to choose from heh ;-)
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
hey all,
today i did an all day baby-sitting 7 am to 6 pm. I'm very tired...the boy had chickenpocks. Owie.
Let me tell u of my adventurous day:
I was watching VH1 and rocking in their rocking chair. I kept hearing a screeeching noise and their black inside cat, ejor, meowing at their screen door. Then all the sudden out of the corner of my eye i see a huge brown thing come in. I froze up, it seemed like hours,but it was really like 5 seconds ^-^; It was their mean biting dog *bit my brother when he came over before. It's also a HUGE dog*. My body was shaking so bad because I've been bit before and it is not fun. I jumped on their coffee table (which is way tall) and kept jumping from coffee table to chair to keep that stupid mean dog away from me. Finally, it stopped being interested in eating me and turned to the cat. It looked outside and went out i was like "yes" i started to slowly walk to the door to close it then the dog comes back in i was like "AHHHHHHHH!!" I run and jump back on the coffee table. It again loses interest and starts exploring. I seized the opportunrity and ran and jumped on their tall dinner table. I called the dog over because I was trying to shoo him out of the house *the dinner table is infront of the screen door*. The dog just looked at me and went under the table. I was like O,O;"ooooo doggie w-w-where'd u go?"
Well he appeared behind me and was trying to find a place to get to me. It lost interest again and went to find the cat. I thought and thought and thought...then i looked outside in the back and saw a BLUE BALL! I swear i heard the pop of an idea lightblub popped on the top of my head. *Imagine this* A 5'2 blonde girl looking like 007 jumping from the dinner table and sprinting outside and slamming herself outside. I swear with my luck there should have been another dog outside waiting for me -_-; Anyhoo, I grabbed the ball and looked in the screen door, finding nothing there i toss it open,jump inside, leave the door open, and jump on the dinner table. 'DOGGIE!! *whistles* LOOKIE WHAT I HAVE!!! A BALL!!"
I hear the dog running down stairs to me *in slow motion* i show the dog the ball and pitch it outside far, the dog zooms outside and i jump with un-human speed off that table and slam the door shut along with the glass door. BWAHAHAHAHAHA I OUT-SMARTED A DOG!! *sticks tongue ut at dog* PFFFTTTTTT!!!!! That dog had been nosing his nose into the screen and slowly pushing the door open, that's what the screeching was. The smart cat was trying to warn me. I love that cat now ^_^ The boy i was baby-sitting was sleeping through all of this.
And that was the scary highlight of my day. See ya all laters!!
This is what my facial expression was like the whole time the dog was in the house.

*Question of the day*
Have you ever been bit or attacked by a dog? If so, what happened?
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