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Sunday, February 25, 2007


I had made this post already, but it didn't send like it was supossed to...
I got my internet fixed!
And that's all I want to post right now because I don't feel like typing anymore.
But before I do, I just wanted to say that I am probably going to join the HopeRO server!
Well... Bye.

~Nove saying...
-falls on face-

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Friday, February 23, 2007


I still don't have internet.
Mother is calling Quest today to see if they can fix it.
I hope that they can.

Yeah, I'm in german class again right now.
I'm glad that I'm done with my project becasue now I can spend the rest of the hour fooling around!
Last hour, which is first hour, and it's really hard, a friend and I annotated the maps, like we were supossed to...
Only, we decided that we were going to annotate the pictures, too, so we drew a bunch of word bubbles on the pictures and made them say funny things.
Ahh, sometimes it's good to mess around like that.
It made that class fun for a bit.

Anyway, it's Gaia's fourth anniversery, so I'm going to spend a lot of time there collecting items and such.
I hope that they are better than last years items...
They are really ugly unless you know how to use them.
I'm glad that I know how to use them.

I'm reading The Tarot Cafe.
I've always wanted to, but I have't until now.
I think I may start collecting the manga.
Not sure yet, though.

Well, bye for now!
[[Stupid internet not working. xP]]

~~Nove saying...
The watched pot never boils. Watch the clock instead.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

German Class

Huete habe ich Deutsch!
[[I think i misspelled something! ;^;]]
Yes, right now I am in German class!

I killed my internet so I won't be able to post again for a while.

Gotta go!
I'm gonna get in trouble!

~Nove saying...
... -crickets chrip- ...

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Saturday, February 17, 2007


I am very hyper today.
I'm going to see Music and Lyrics today with my boyfriend becasue we weren't able to do anything for V-Day because school sucks like that.
We decided to do something on the weekend instead.
It sounds like a cute movie.

I am going to study more HTML today.
Yup, I'm going to try to make an uber-cool layout soon.
Hopefully I will be able to.
Anyway, what are the codes to make a pop-up when someone enters a site?
And how do you prevent people from stealing images on a site?
Ahh too many questions!

I need to call Jazzie today.
I don't know why I just called her Jazzie.
Let me start again.
I need to call Jasmine today.
That is much better.
She said that she would give me all of her anime VHSs, though I think I already made a post about that...
Anyway, I want to pick them up some time soon.
I miss her a lot.
We need to do something together again soon.
I miss seeing her at school, too.
See, last year, I was a freshmen, and she was a senior.
So she is gone now.

I am working on this anime painting for class.
It's really cool.
It's a copy of a famous painting, but I can't remember what it is called at the moment.
I asked Frassa if I could do a finger painting this sememster.
I like finger painting.
It's so fun, and there are some textures that you can only get by finger painting.
Anyway, Frassa said I could.
I'm realy excited.

I'm a freak.

~Nove saying...
Allow me to quote Ron Bruise. Whoooooooooooooo!

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I can't believe it!
On Thrusday, I actually forgot my backpack sitting outside of the school!
Normally I don't take my back pack off, but my boyfriend wanted me to, so I did.
I guess that I was so preocupied with trying to make sure I had my painting bucket with me, I forgot to grab my backpack.
At least it was still there when I went back for it...

Ahh, Kokutan, I'll tell you now...
Okay, so I guess that what has been bothering me most of all is the fat that I don't think I was ready to be in a relationship yet.
And I still don't think I'm ready.
I don't know why I accepted...
I just don't like letting people down, you know?
I can't be what he wants me to be, do want he wants me to do.
I just can't.
I'm not ready, and I don't want to tell him that.
I /can't/ tell him that...
I don't know what to do...
There is other stuff, but I really don't want to post it on the internet for all the world to see because it is rather embarrassing.
Thanks, and I'm sorrys.
You are such a great friend.
I love you as a third!

~Nove saying...
"Helloooo! I'm a caaaar! Gas-o-line makes me go! Seeeaaatbelts. Truuunk spaaace. Oil is my blood! Doooor handles. Radio knobs." ~Dane Cook's Car Alarm lyrics

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Monday, February 12, 2007


I'm feeling much better now, but I'm still really tired.
I'm behind on my reading for Geography, so I have to read a lot tonight...
I'm guessing it will be over 70 pages long, and it is in a boring text book, so it will probably take three hours.
Ahh well.

I told Kokutan that I missed spending time with her, and she said she felt the same way.
That made me happy.
Hopefully I'll be able to get those anime tapes that my friend said she would give to me soon, so that we can watch them.
Also, I was thinking about inviting Kijotora [[Who happens to have a MyO under that name]] over to watch as well...
It depends on the time.

I need to talk to my boyfriend about some things that have really been bothering me lately, but I don't know how to say what I need to say.
I really don't want to hurt his feelings...
I'm not breaking up with him or anything!
Anyway, I talked to a few of my guy friends and they gave me some advise, but I still don't know if I'll be able to do it.
I don't know what to say, or how to say it.
Should I write a note?
Should I say it face to face?
Should I PM him on GaiaOnline?
I just don't know!

Thanks for reading my random topics, and sorry about the random topic changes.

~Nove saying...
CRUD! I forgot most of my homework in my locker... ;^; [[Again]].

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Sunday, February 11, 2007


I think my RO server died.
And I had only just started a week ago, too!
I was actually starting to get to some good levels, and I was powerful enough to finally leave the newbie area, and I even had my second job class!
But nuuuu.
They may have shut down the server.
This is the second time that this will have happened.
I moved to this swerver because my other one closed, and just when I get it all set up and installed, it dies pecause people are idiots!
It's the same deal with the last one!
[[Note: When I say that people are idiots, I don't mean anyone here. I'm saying that the idiots are idiots.]]

Sorrys about the rant.
I'm just sad and a little bit mad.

~Nove saying...
Nuuuuu! My server!!! ;^;

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Ahh... -sighs-

Hello, and I'm sorrys.
Life has really been sucky lately.
Anyway, I'm sick right now.
I'm getting better though.

My friend Jasmine is going to give me all of her anime VHSs!
And all for free!
It's soooo cool!
She has nearly every episode of Sailor Moon, and she has Utena in japanese with subs.
I can't remember the last time I've seen Sailor Moon, and I've never seen Utena before, so I'm uber excited about it.

Ahh, I'm glad that things are looking up.

~Nove saying...
Peanutbutter tastes better when you lick it!

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

I'm sorrys again!

Please forgive me!
I was so busy yesterday getting ready, and then so tired when I got home, that I forgot to post!
I had a really great time at the dance though.
London was all making fun of me and stuff.
On the way there, we saw some pretty weird business signs.
There was... Butts Rental, and Effins, and XXX Book Store.
It was so funny.
Especially the first two, because they were popular places.
Effins had a full parking lot and there were a lot of people outside of it and everything.

That's all for now.

~Nove saying...
Get back in the woman, Kitchen! [[My friend who likes to make sexist jokes had that thrown at him. x3]]

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Friday, January 26, 2007


I always feel bad when I don't post every day.

I'm going to Sadies tomorrow and I'm also going out to dinner.
It's just going to be Tiger and myself, and It's gonna be awkward, because I've never been at a [[semi-]]fancy restaurant without a parent before.
I don't really have much to say today, so I'm gonna go.

~Nove saying...
Where's your hall pass?

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