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myOtaku.com: Nove Aurora

Sunday, June 3, 2007

That was sooo much /fun/!
School is out now, so that means summer has begun!
But the start of summer also means the start of Band Camp.
Yesterday was the freshmen band camp.
Even though I'm not a freshmen I still had to go because I'm basically a freshmen in the color guard.
Anyway, the morning was fun, but after lunch it was just like D: and it was really hard to work.
And the entire day, we only get to spin our flags for less than a half hour.
It was really stupid.
But it was still fun.

After Band camp, I went to RMFC 2007!
RMFC stands for Rocky Mountain Fur Con.
Gawd that was a /blast/!
My friends Jasmine, Joe, Robbie, and Willi all went, and Robbie even won us some sushi.
He got extra sushi for just being Robbie, too!
See, he wasn't quite paying attention when Free Fox called his name, and he was all like, "Whaaa...?" and Free Fox says, "Stand up." So Robbie stood up.
Then Free Fox says, "Now take off all your clothes and lay on the table."
Robbie being Robbie, our little group knew exactly what was going to happen...
Robbie started pulling at his shirt.
So Free Fox starts laughing and says, "Ahh no! I was joking. Remember, this is a PG-13 con!"
So Robbie stops pulling at his shirt.
Free Fox then tells him that he gets extra sushi for standing up.
Ahh, that was so funny.
But whenever Willi and I see Free Fox in his fursuit, he have to hug him.
It's been tradition since NDK last year.
But this year... I got to /dance/ with him!
I <3 Free Fox.
But yeah...
We got to see a lot of cool fursuits and meet a lot of awesome people.
We got to see this Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Carribean in wolf form!
At least, I think it was a wolf...
I can't remember right now.
I'm too tired to remember.
Anyway, I'm going to leave you all with a quote that only Kokutan will get.
It's from school, and I /still/ have it memorized from that stupid banner-light dealy-ma-bob.

~Nove saying...
Today is: Friday, May 25th 2007. Seven months before Santa comes to all good Panthers. The... Enemy... of... Thinking... is... Speed... Todays is: Friday, May 25th 2007. Seven months before Santa comes to all good Panthers. The... Enemy... of... [[Okay, I'm done now. xD]]

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