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Real Name
shigure sohma
I saw Aya in a bathing suit once...
Anime Fan Since
I was born
Favorite Anime
Bleach , Fruits Basket, Naruto
to have all my fans bake me a cup cake!!!!
writing, drawing, and being perverted
writing, drawing, and being perverted
| novelist shigure
Sunday, June 17, 2007
When I grow up, Im going to make a te shirt that says, : "I didn't vote padro."
Ya know what? I have been feeling sick because of that crap lunchable. Im telling you thoughs lunchables HAVE NOT been checked by the food industries I tell you. How come you have not got sick I wondered, then it hit me. the fun pack! the funness is that you don't throw up!
ANYHOW, I went to a animation festivla for 3 days. This one claymation called the sand man was STUPId. Comeing from me, thisis a big insult to whoever wrote it. It looked like the sandman was a child mo, But thx the Qupo ( Zidane was called that by moogals, I nearly forgot, Squee! ) the blue sand man only took the childs eyeballs out of his socets and feed them to 3 bird heads that resembal him.
My grandmother is driveing to tennase to pick up my cosins. I can't wait to see them! Maybey I can perswade rachle to let me drive teh, I think see would say " OVER MY DEAD ROTTING CAROUS!" or something...I hope they come soon, 8 hour drive to there and 8 hours back. though I won't get to see them much since I am going to be at the collage arts thing from 8 to 3, I am going to find time to go bowling!!! Last time we went, we made the coputer say are names wer the fallowing: Rockin rin ( rachle, year of teh horse) , Uncle ritsu ( Anna, Year of teh monkey ), Yumi yuki, or yucky yuki, I forget witch ( Drew, year of teh rat ) , Suducktive Shigure ( sarah, year of teh dog) and lastly, King Kureno me. Though I Had no say in teh name what so ever. I think it was because we didn't know anything eles with a K. Uncreative cosins of mine or not, I love them so. Oh, and it was hilarious how these gangsters decided to bowl in the lane next to ours and they kept stareing at us when ever our names would apear. Why did they ever decied to go bowling I wonder? But now I think teyll think twice before they go again.
King kureno, sighning out.
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