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I'm a good artist like Em-sama! And I'm a good dancer...
| number1edfan
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Saturday, September 9, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:.
Hey! Sorry for not being on in awhile, again...maybe I should just stop apologizing for that ^^' Lol. Also, sorry about my emoness for the past few posts. I'm happy to say I'm over my depression now ^^ Sorry if I depressed anyone by my posts *bows* Anywho...I'm really surprised none of you have heard of "30 Seconds to Mars." They're really great! Also, I don't know the name of the song I wanted on the Ouran Soundtrack...I just know it's the ending theme to "Ouran High School Host Club" (for sevy ^^') I'll do some research, though! I'm actually listening to the soundtrack now! Hehe, well, thanks for putting up with me! I'll TRY to go to sites tomorrow. It always takes a while cuz I have a week's worth of stuff to do in one day, so, I can't visit sites usually. I'll try tomorrow, though! you all! Thanks for visiting!
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Saturday, September 2, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:.
Back for the moment...I was supposed to get off, but whatever. Anywho...I got an iPod nano! WOOT! Cuz my mom wanted to get me something somewhat affordable since I've been so depressed lately ^^' It helped a bit...might've made it worse that most of the songs on here are depressing...but, no matter! I GOT THE OURAN SOUNDTRACK TODAY! I'm ashamed to say the ending theme isn't on there *sobs* I LIKE THAT SONG! But, um...maybe it'll be on the second one? I'll save up my money to get the second one ^^' Anywho...I'll try to visit sites tomorrow ('s Friday night right now). Bai!
Random Question: Any 30 Seconds to Mars fans in the Hiz-ouse? Me: Just started listening to them recently...the lead singer's voice is really sexy *_* I highly recommend!
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:.
Okay...I just went to my site and what I wrote before the random question on my last post didn't show up...well, I'm gonna post it in this post in a second. But, first. I'M SO SORRY! I haven't been on in a week. It's only been a week? It seemed like forever ^^' We were having internet troubles...and I've been depressed so I'm just like "WHO CARES ABOUT THE FREAKING COMPUTER!?" and just did other stuff cuz I'm emo like that.! No guarentees to how often I'll go on. I'm not really into the internet anymore ^^' Well, see ya! Oh and by the way...I won't be visiting sites for a while cuz I don't really feel like it. ^^'
Random Question: Who listens to My Chemical Romance? Me: I DO! I just started listening to their CD all the way through...and I love them! *licks CD* I re-burned it so I could listen to all of it. Anywho, bai! And I'll just modify the last post cuz this one's too long.
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:.
I sowwie!!! So sorry if I didn't visit someone's site...I visited them later then before I knew it, it was 8pm and I had to get off (not allowed to be online after 8 T_T). I'm going to them now! Anywho, I got the postal order thingy for the CD I'm getting from Japan, but, when I placed the order afterwards, the price went up 7 cents because the yen is going up in value x_x My mom's like "what if they don't accept it cuz it's 7 cents off??" so she's going to get a /new/ one. Sine I've already placed the order, the price won't change again, so, that's good ^^' Anywho, hope you all had a great day yesterday!
Random Question: Have you or do you purchase the "Now, That's What I Call Music" AKA "Now" CDs? Me: My sister has all of them. I think they're on volume twenty something...
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Monday, August 21, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:.
RARR! It's 7:18am and I got on cuz I had a few extra minutes ^^' Too bad my computer's so slow! >< Well, um, today I have school...then I'm going to the post office with my mom afterwards to get a universal money order to get the Host Club soundtrack. HOORAY! n_n Hope you all have a great day!
Random Question: What's your favorite flower? Me: Calla Lily ^^
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Sunday, August 20, 2006

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 | .:number1edfan:.
On late...cuz I was on the "For Richer or Poorer" forums! Did I mention that I got in trouble for hotlinking one of their pictures ^^' Lol. I felt super bad x_x But, we went to Chevys for my sis' birthday and I'm like so full! *yet is eating candy* XD It was awesome...and I might get the Host Club soundtrack! n_n I ish so excited! Oh, and Haruhi...I'M REALLY SORRY! *huggles* I wanna see the movie again, so, I'll take you, okay? ^^'
Random Question: Can you drive? Me: No...but that's only cuz I'm not at the legal driving age yet ^^'
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:.Testing 1, 2, 3... For shuichi2cute: |
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 | .:number1edfan:.
Sorry for not posting yesterday! I ran out of time when I got home to do so...then got back later then 9pm, so, it was "tomorrow" on myO anyway...*sigh* Well, besides school, yesterday I went to see "Step Up" finally with some friends. It was SO good! XD It was really sad in one part, but, it was also funny in parts, and had a little bit of everything! I highly recommend ^_~ So, yeah! Going to something at 1pm today, so, may not visit sites 'til later. Have a great day!
Random Question: What's your favorite song for this week? (considering, it can change a lot) Me: "Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake XD
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:.
I ish sorry for being here late again...I may plan on getting here early in the morning, but...I don't know...maybe next week ^^ Anywho, the reason I didn't get on 'til now was my fault cuz my mom got into this big 2 hour long discussion about how I can't go on the internet for more than 2 hours a day x_x' and I got stubborn and decided I wouldn't go on at all today...but, as you can see, I showed up ^_~ Lol. So, school is lame, but, bearable for now. *sigh* Hope you all have a great day tomorrow ^^
Random Question: Do you have instant messenger? Me: Aim, yep!
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