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Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, InuYasha, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Cowboy Bebop, Ouran High School Host Club, Beyblade, Digimon, Case Closed, Loveless, Comic Party, BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo, IGPX, Eureka Seven, Samurai Champloo and can't think of anything else ^^'
To be the greatest Hokage! Believe it!
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I'm a good artist like Em-sama! And I'm a good dancer...
| number1edfan
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:.
Dang...I don't wanna get on at 6 every night >.> Stupid is LAME! I want school to go die itself purple...*sigh* Well, at least we have a holiday next month...*sighs again* Well, finished my homework before getting online (wow!) cuz I only had to finish a paper from Pre-Calculus ^_~ But, that's not the point! Okey, well, if I don't post, it's cuz I'm too busy and/or swamped with homework. Have a nice day! n_n
Random Question: Favorite and least favorite subjects in school? Me: I'm just a weirdo like that but, favorite is math and least favorite is history ^^'
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:.
Hey, lookit who's here early! Eh? Eh? Lol. Well, I woke up a while ago, but, I was watching stuff I taped! First the end of Kyle XY, then Futurama, then Family Guy and then I discovered they're STILL doing Inuyasha re-runs...>.> But, this show called "Shin-chan" is starting next week and it looks really weird but I heard Laura Bailey is Shin-chan, soo...might just keep recording that slot ^_~ Hehe, so, going to see "Step Up" with Haruhi is tomorrow x_x *dies* *people at school bring me back to life* Dang...x_x Well, hope you all have a nice day! And I'll be back to visit sites later!
Random Question: Ever wanted or ever tried to do your own fandub of an anime not yet translated? Me: Yeah! Might just do Host Club! I was watching 16 again and again...and, once I convince my mom to let me get the soundtrack, it may very well be possible! n_n
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Monday, August 14, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:.
*sigh* I ish sorry for being here late...stupid e-mails...actually, STUPID COMPUTER!! *stabs computer with spork* Well, I had a bazillion e-mails, so, that's all I got to do before my LAST ORTHODONTIS APP.! HECK YES!! *ahem* Well, it was my last time getting my retainer tightened ^__^ now I never have to go back! YES! Haha, so, anyway. Right when I got onto myO afterwards, the computer flipped out and signed me off of aim...T_T Then it wouldn't let me back on the internet so I turned it!! Anywho, I start school in two days -_- I'm so upset. Well, hope that um...I get on earlier tomorrow ^^' Bai!
Random Question: Dubbed or subtitled? (for anime) Me: I like dubbed so I can watch the show instead of just reading the subtitles, but, if it's a REALLY bad dub...then, I like subtitles ^^
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:.
Dude! I totally didn't know that I didn't post yesterday! Lol. Guess I just wasn't paying attention. Anywho, got to see Haruhi finally today and we went to the fair (hooray!). It was fun, but we didn't get to go on many rides cuz we didn't have that much time *sigh* Well, earlier I was helping someone with math. OMG YAY! Haha j/k. I've done one of the 7 or so problems she needed help with. Well, I'll work on it later. Bai bai!
Random Question: What's your favorite gum? Me: The watermelon flavor from Extra! n_n Loses its flavor quickly, but really good!
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Friday, August 11, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:.
I'm sorry!! Gomen *bows* I've been watching YouTube...>.> Anywho...have to go soon anyway to cater something. Hope you're all having a good day! n_n Bai!
Random Question: What anime character are you most like? Me: Hikaru Hitachiin from Host Club! n_n
Comments (8) |
Thursday, August 10, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:.
Hey! I'm back even later than yesterday! n_n Okay, so my grandma called me at like 10am this morning and is all like "let's go shopping at Staples and Styles!" (Styles is a clothing store, Staples is an office supply store). And, first of all, I didn't hear the message 'til 11am cuz I was asleep and I'd just told my mom the night before I needed to go to I was kinda scared that my grandma was stalking me or something o.o' Lol. But, we went and yeah! I got all my school supplies and got 1 shirt (hooray!). So, yeah. Haruhi's coming back tomorrow! HOORAY! And I might go to the fair Saturday and Sunday. Anywho, hope to talk to you all later and that you had a good day!
Random Question: What classes are you taking this school year? Me: French 2, World Studies (required), Art, English 10, Pre-Calculus and Chemistry (in that order! ^_~)
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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:.
Sorry for posting late...I've been loading a youtube video (I know...I'm But for those of you who don't know, I'm not allowed to load them ^_~ Anywho...if I do too many things at once, the video stops loading...and NOBODY wants that, do they? n_n No, they don' Anywho, today, I'm like doing nothing but catching up on FLCL (only 1 and a half episodes left) and loading youtube...trying to watch episode 16 of Host Club! ^^ It's really funny XD So far, anyway...okay, so, yeah! I'll post this and go to sites once the video's done loading...
Random Question: What is your most prized possession? Me: Hm, wow...I have no idea...I do know that if there was one thing I would grab if a fire happened, it'd be "Miss Kitty." Lol. My favorite stuffed animal that my grandma gave me years ago. ^^
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:.
It would help with some of the questions if more guys came to my site, but, whatever. Please take! n_n
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. Do you love me?
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 | .:number1edfan:.
Leaving for school shopping in 9 minutes, so...I'll be back to visit sites later today! n_n Listening to Matchbox 20...I luvs them! The song "You're So Real" is sooo awesome! n__n I think that will be the song for the next cosplay skit I'm in (I just knew I'd pick a song and choreograph a dance to it). I'll start choreographing today. It should be a really great routine XD are you all doing? Thanks for the comments yesterday!
Random Question: Are you looking forward to school starting? Me: NO. If some of you say yes, I'll understand it's because of seeing friends (at least, I hope..), but, NO. Lol.
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Monday, August 7, 2006
 | .:number1edfan:. Made by my buddy MysticFox! n_n *huggles her* Thank you!
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