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myOtaku.com: Number 5

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Estansse Elessar (08/11/04)

hey I love your colors and your site's really cool as well hey I'll add you as a friend come visit some time~~~ again I LOVE your site~~~ I really love looking at your site it's so cool hey how do you make or get buttons I want some for my friends on my site and how do you get that picture behind your posts and how do u have a clear screen thing with your pisture in the back well I really love your site and I was just wondering those questions!!

Maarii (08/09/04)

Sorry it took me a little while to get back to you, but thanks for signing my GB.
I knew Dan's list was good for something. ^_^ hehe.

This background is SOO cute. I love it. I also love your box thing for your updates. Eee. pretty.

I'll be adding you as a friend too. So I'll see you arond!

Anomaly (08/08/04)

Hiya ^__^ Thanks for signing my gb ^^ Yeah, I was wondering when I'd finally be unlazy enough to come check your site out.. good thing you took the initiative, and I'm glad you did ^_^ Yeah, my site changes colours alot.. but I'm in love with the ones I have right now =D Anyways, I'll add you as a friend, and I hope to cya soon!!

InuYasha007 (08/08/04)

Cool site!!! I see your one of koganomiko's friends!! Well gotta go!!

pinsandneedles (08/07/04)

awwww, i think i like the mooning baby avi better...^_^,im a friend of iamdizzys,i was there when she added you as a friend and just now got around to signing you GB as well!i like the new site tho,adding you as a friend!

yurikaze (08/07/04)

Hey ^_^
Thanks for visiting my site. btw, yours is awesome. I love the background. And your artwork is really nice. Full of detail and great shading. Sure you can add me as a friend. I'm gonna add you as one too, 'k? See ya around.

iamdizzy (07/31/04)

hello!i like your avi its mooning me yes it is but i better not deny it cause if i do i will come to me and i will cut meself...adding you as a friend....uhhhhhhhh.....woooooooooooooooot!!!!!!!!!!!!

anime-nikki (07/31/04)

cool site, the backround is pretty cool, nice and very colorful!!!

cowboybebopfan425 (07/30/04)

Hi! Very cool site. Nice pictures. I like your background. I'm adding you as a friend, hope you don't mind. See you later! ^__^

Flueky (07/29/04)

Cool site! Thanks for signing my gb! Anyways, I'm gonna add you as a friend. See ya later

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