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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
can't visit
sorry i didn't visit the last time i posted. my sister and her classmates had to use both our computers. same as today. so i can't visit anyone
school is over for me! summer vacation!
but i still can't be here tomorrow or the day after that. me and my family're goin' to a resort. it's just an overnight thing. sorry again guys! i'll get back as soon as i can!
Crazy Animations

Got this from one of EAMR's posts long time ago. hehe!
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
i am tired.
i am exhausted.
and i wanna swim in the tide.
don't mind that. just random stuff in my head. lol
but all of it's true by the way. hehe!
so after this i'll be taking a nap and after that nap which hopefully won't be until sun down i'll be studying for my exams tomorrow.
Social Studies
easy enough.
i'll be visiting later after i study which is about 5-6 hours for now. my time now is what it says up there as my title. so you needn't worry that i won't visit you cause it's too late in the evening for me already laters!
Crazy Animations

Got this from one of EAMR's posts long time ago. hehe!
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
well actually there were only 3 of us. JV, Blue Hawk and me. we didn't really study that much XD. from like 12 or maybe that was 1pm to 7pm we only studied for 30 minutes and as for the rest of the time we just watched Futurama and Edward Scissorhand not sure 'bout the title it was really cool.
at least now i know which movie that avatar from a myO member here was! hehe! dunno who he/she is who had that avatar though. lol
Edward not sure 'bout name either XD is an awesome character! he looks awesome too. love his costume. hehehe!
i don't want you all to read along post so i'll end this here.
i still might not finish visiting all of you since it's already 8:30pm in my watch and i have to be off the computer at 9pm. but there's a party at my neighbor's house and my whole family's there. i'm done eatin' already so i didn't go. besides, i'd rather spend my evenin' here ^^
Crazy Animations

Got this from one of EAMR's posts long time ago. hehe!
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Friday, March 18, 2005
Howdy Ya'll!
always wanted to say that
Test Today:
Geometry and CLE (Christian Living) and as an extra, Computer
both first 2 tests were super easy! hahaha! the Computer thing was just randomly dated so i had to ask a lot o' questions, but the teacher was just "teaching" us! hahahaha! well anyway, it was cool
haven't drawn for weeks now. i still have 2 drawings to make for a friend of mine and her sister...anyway, i'd gladly take requests since next week is my summer already. i have to keep myself busy as so not to be lazy when i get back to school. ^^
on other breaking news lol i won Neko-chan's Contest on Fatal Frame!
it's a really cool-really creapy-game-that-i-didn't-intend-to-finish-cause-it-was-too-creapy-of-a-game game!

weeee!! thanks again! ^^
aside from those, i won't have enough time tonight to visit everyone since i still have 2 exams tomorrow and nothin' else important's goin on in my life so i'll end this here. laters!
Crazy Animations

Got this from one of EAMR's posts long time ago. hehe!
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Sunday, March 13, 2005
*sneezes really loud*
yeah i have the sniffles....
it's tiring to sneeze 3 consecutive times...ugh...
either way i won't be allowed not to go to school tomorrow. only if i'm sick do i get to not go.
ahh well
today's been really tiring. my parents doesn't know that i have the sniffles so i had to go with them on a little road trip to Busai a mountain place where there're lots of corn and a great view of the other mountains there. so yeah, didn't get to post early today.
as you might as well know already, i won't be here tomorrow or the rest of the weekdays. hopefully if my sister would let me i would.
yesterday i didn't post because i just wanted to visit everyone and spare you guys the time, probably wasted time, goin' by my site. so yeah.
changed my theme. did it this morning although i was quite annoyed for my parents kept on takin' me off the computer.
it's annoying to think that my mum keeps me off the computer all the time when she knows that i wouldn't be on it for the whole freagin' schooldays. you know how much my life sucks...
anyway yeah, i've noticed there's a lot of lovey-doveyes here already so yeah, me ish glad for ye all. but most of the time it just annoys me...i mean for those in the early ages. i've been like this since i was a kid. like 10 years old or somethin'. dunno why. *shrugs*
aside from all those, sorry for the long post, thanks to Sakura Hyuuga for givin' me a different site where i can download the Naruto Manga! ^^
i'll leave ya'll with this pic...

Crazy Animations

Got this from one of EAMR's posts long time ago. hehe!
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Friday, March 11, 2005
dunno what this post'll be about. random i guess:
*i won't be on on weekdays because my older sister's complaining about her calls/her friends' calls not gettin' through cause i'm on Dial-up. and unless i get a DSL connection which is very not possible unless i pay for it myself, i'm only allowed on Fridays to Sundays. but that way i'd also be able to concentrate on my exams next week. so i guess there's an advantage. i'll be back on my regular posting during the summer next next next week
*i'm thinking of just makin' a solid theme as what beyblader suggested. but there'll still be a background to look at. lol. i'll change the background and pictures on my site accordingly and monthly. *shrugs*
*i want my ayashi no ceres theme back....but i'm too lazy to change it. lol.
*i got 44/50 today in my Filipino quiz!!! oh yeah! oh yeah! go chona! go chona! lol. only like 4 passed. woohoo!!! ranging from the score of 43-48 or 46 i think. woohoo!!!
*can't download Naruto on my computer anymore. i'm stuck on Chapter 63. also in Bleach, i'm stuck to Volume 7 cause to download the volumes after that, i need IRC and my connection's too slow for it
*my Norton anti-virus will expire tomorrow and i'm in dire need to find a new one...
*oh and i didn't get sick yesterday. well, kinda. i got a super sore throat and some coughing and sneezing once in a while.
sorry for the long post! i wasn't thinking of makin' this long. there's just a lot of things that happened from yesterday that i wanted to share it with you guys. that's why i wanna die already. too much happenin' i can't keep up with it. oh well. laters!
Crazy Animations

Got this from one of EAMR's posts long time ago. hehe!
Comments (25) |
Wednesday, March 9, 2005
sorry 'bout yesterday...
*sorry!!! i didn't get to visit at all yesterday!!! well i did get to visit but only like 5 people. sorry! i got dragged off to watch the DVD of Mulan II. sowwy!!!
*seriously, i hate my new theme. i'm too lazy to do anything else with it now so yeah, i'm leaving it as it is until i get some new inspiration to change it into Bleach or something since that's the manga i'm into right now.
*i got 45/50 in my practical exam in Music today. it's a really awesome score since it's my first time playing a whole song in a guitar. wooohooo!
*exams are starting next week (Friday and Saturday). then the week after that (Monday and Tuesday). bah, oh well.
*please go visit some of my friends, their either new or wants to meet more friends here in myO ^^:
i just took their avatars as the links, so yeah, hope ye visit even just one of 'em ^^ laters! gotta go make up for you guys and visit everyone in my list!
Song listening to: Still the One - Clay Aiken
i just love the lyrics of this song! ^^
we've been together since way back when
sometimes i never wanna see you again
but i want you to know
after all these years
you're still the one i want whisperin' in my ear
(still the one)
i wanna talk to in bed
(still the one)
that turns my head
*me too lazy to write all the lyrics down. i wanna do the guitar of this song!!!
do you guys hear the midi in my site? oh yeah, and i'm feeling sick already....and i'm suppposed to say something else i just forgot....i'll just add it up here later. lol if ever i remember it. XD
Crazy Animations

Got this from one of EAMR's posts long time ago. hehe!
Comments (31) |
Tuesday, March 8, 2005
New theme
is up but still in proccess
as you can see, i don't even have a new avi up. it's hard to look for one. i dunno.
i dunno anybody who would willingly give me one aside from Demonsprite who made me 2 avis before. of no particular anime yet cool. ^^
Chobits is the new theme. but don't worry, cause when i was readin' your comments i was caught between makin' a GTO theme or Chobits. but since i still have to look for a lot more stuff to put in the GTO theme i just chose Chobits for now.
as soon as like 1 week maybe after my exams which is next week and also the week after that i will have the GTO theme up. ^^
i have nothing else to say for today. except that YES!!! i did get only 1 wrong in my Math quiz! bad news is that i failed in my Social Studies quiz. lol
but that's alright i guess. all my other grades are
Crazy Animations

Got this from one of EAMR's posts long time ago. hehe!
Comments (28) |
Monday, March 7, 2005
New Theme
it ain't up yet.
well as i've read your comments on my site yesterday it seem that some of ye don't like robots in lingerie. lol
so yeah, and because of that i'm just gonna let you guys choose between these ones:
5.whatever you want
so yeah, that's all i have to say for now.
i had a quiz in Math today. only had 1 mistake. awesome!
well as far as right now, which is 5:30pm, everything's goin pretty smooth. you can put it that way if you want. lol
what else...oh yeah, sorry to those i didn't get to visit yesterday! i got booted off the computer earlier than my usual which is only up to 9pm
Listening to: Dunkan Sheik - Barely Breathing
this song's awesome
gonna go visit you guys now. laters!
Crazy Animations

Got this from one of EAMR's posts long time ago. hehe!
Comments (29) |
Sunday, March 6, 2005
about yesterday's post
that was just some random thing. lol
all that was just because patience is not actually my virtue. hehe!
so yeah. i don't really feel like saying whatever about you guys' comments yesterday even though i have a lot to say about my side of it that you guys just don't understand. so yeah, instead of doing so, i won't. cause you guys might kill me.
now i'm here alone in the house.
older sister's in her room studying; younger sister's in parent's room watching tv. granma sewing up my ripped pajama. lol. yeah it got ripped.
parents, maid, and granpa off somewhere buying something.
don't really feel like saying anything at all.
music on the player's just blasting on the headphones now.
it's Bryan Adams - When You're Gone
it's an uber awesome song!!!
oh and i'm thinking of changing my theme next week, or i don't know when since exams are coming up already, into a chobits theme. still lookin' for wallpapers though
Crazy Animations

Got this from one of EAMR's posts long time ago. hehe!
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