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myOtaku.com: Nymphs

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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dnangelchick (04/13/05)

Hey Michi!!!!! How are you yeah. Do you like my desktop? Hahahaha. Well cya! Love, Hanae Tomonaga

yamiyugisgirl4eva (04/12/05)

hey micelle what is up i was looking around and thought i would sign your guestbook

HeartOfSword (04/11/05)

La de da...*dances around the room* Oh, thank you so much for signing my guestbook! That was so very nice of you! I will happily add you as a friend. Ja ne!

JaguarChick08 (04/07/05)

Hey! I guess you know that my Xanga is JaguarChick08 (lol)

RinoaSquall4ever (04/06/05)

Thanks for signing my guestbook!

How we put a background you ask?
Just go to "Edit Styles" and you will see this thing that said "Add a Background Image"
and just put a pic url in the box! ^^
Its very simple!
Just PM me! ^^


msyugioh123 (04/05/05)

hello you have a nice site

LyingHereInHeaven (04/04/05)

hey pimpette!!!

woop woop I'm getting execited! this summer anime girls party spectular will be a weekend to remeber!!!! and the club will rock too!!! ::BOOM:: uhh I gots ta go ma sis just ran into anoth wall heh...

*mwaa!!!* kisses


aya89 (04/04/05)

Hey hey Michelle! What is going on?! Ha ha! You ruined my vibes of being in Tokyo damnit! Lol. That's okay. I loath you now. Just kidding!
Peace, love, and crabs!
Stephanie Faye Thompson

NittlerGrasper (04/03/05)

Thanks for signing my gb!
I'll add you as my tomodachi!!!
Guess,we'll have to share Ryuichi-kun,huh?
Lets keep in touch,ok?

Sessy514 (04/01/05)

Your site is cool. Come visit mine and sign my gb

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