Hold on a second..i've heard from two places so far. that Dir en Grey is coming to America..is this true?..is it not?.....I need to know this..but all i'm thinking right now is..
KYO KYO KYO. I can tell ya, i'll be having dreams tonight ^_~ . Anyways....i'm so tired i can barely be hyper..you'll get it in the morning people....Kehe
+crosses fingers+ if they do come.....play in colorado..colorado..colorado... Comments (2) |
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Quiz results Yay! You're gangsta Kyo! You stand there doing god-knows-what with your hands hopefully in your pockets, if not down your pants, and look at us with that sexy little warumono smirk of yours!
So...back to school. Alright...so i got back to tests today. One..a regular Science test....and the other. the math Mid-term grade... Oh fun.
mmkay..so..on this Science one..i ended up getting a 69.5 %. Not that great eh?..it's an F. Oh well..that's what happens when i'm a lazy bum and dont do my chapter work..or study. But that's how it always is..this was just a hard test.
Ok..here's thet thing that made me scared. We have this new Math teacher, Mr.DaSilva (stupid name huh?) ..well..he's freaking scary..i mean...scary. I dont now what it is..when he makes a joke..you dont know if you should laugh or nervously smile. Cause you could get shot if he was actually being serious. I liked our old evil math teacher...atleast she wasnt scary..she was just an idiot. Well..i got back my Mid-term grade in that class...we got to use a whole piece of paper as a study sheet..i wrote, no skipping lines on a whole front page in my tiniest writing. Which was good..i got everything i needed to know plus more. there were 50 questions..we got to choose 25 of them to answer. Good right?...well..i thought it was. I got it back.. 13 out of 25. I did worse than my brother who's in the same class!...Jeeze. Well..that's an F...but it's not that bad cause it only brought my final grade down to a middle C. Hah. So there's the story on that
DIR EN GREY DVD...it's gunna be ordered sometime in the next 2 weeks..then.....i have to waight up to 12 weeks. ( that's Hell. ..it'll feel more like a year. ) ...i need my Kyo now!!!.....
If it has to much violent content, i'm not letting my parents or sister watch it. ( Kyo trying to break his rib again by smashing the microphone into his chest imitating stabbing himself, or..him pretending to cut his wrist. Or him actually slicing open his chest with his fingernails...or Kyo doing a bunch of that throwing up blood..eggs,milkshakes...fake blood. ) If they do see all that..then i wont get to listen to Diru anymore..cause it's " A Bad Influence" ....Kah..Kyo?..a bad influence?....i laugh. Comments (2) |
Saturday, January 7, 2006
Alright..so..you've heard of the infamous Hitsugi. The shy, but scary looking kitty lover. Oh yes..well...watch a bit of his band here. they're called Nightmare. although they're still consitered an indies band. we (the fans) believe they're gunna hit it big.....soon. Wadda you think.
Hitsugi is the red haired guitarist by the way <3 <3 <3
AAAH...the avatar post.
i lub these avatars i've found over the internet. why not share them. they're kawaii!!..hold on..i'm working with photobucket right now..i have like...50 million freaking avatars..and still need to upload some of them. Kehe!!
Alright..so..here they are. ^^
Dir en Grey
(anyone who likes kitties is cool)
AND YES JOSH. KYO IS STILL MY FAVORITE ALRIGHT?....grr ( for all of those who have no idea what that was just about....nevermind it. >_< )
I have more avatars....but i dont want to upload all 50 of them right now mmkay?...gimme a break. now go on ahead and use them. >_<
Except Hitsugi. He's mine. And Kyo. 0_o
mm..i'm gunna make another post right now.
Alright..so i was just looking up things on myspace..minding my own buisness..when this band called Gazette came and invaded my life within 4 minutes flat. I cant stop listening to it. Listen to it for yourself...YOU'LL SEE..you'll see..... Just watch the video...i would consiter this Japanese Punk Rock. They're sweet..lead singer's a doll. Kyaa..he's so cute. And i'm pretty sure they're young too. MUST GET A CD!
and to answer your questions soon to come. Yes. I am obsessed now..and yes...i am hyper again.
SO DEAL WITH IT. ^__^..oh and here's some lyrics for the song..for you..sing along types.Dont bust a nerve mmkay?.
gazette lyrics - ruder
Romanized by Toki.
dengu jugi no AIDORU ga otakaku tomatte waratta
"chuchuchuruchuchuchu ranran"
kobita koe de sakenderu
BIJINESU RAPU haraguro jou aku kane ga hoshii ka? sora yaruzo
"chuchuchuruchuchuchu ranran"
jakunikukyoushoku de ikuze
mikushitereba ii naka wo miru no wa omae no au sa!
I am ruder!I am ruder! waraitakereba waraeba ii sa
I am ruder!I am ruder! odore [1] no machi wo kari ue garu no sa
ji kizu suki no Maniacker kichi gaiburu na hedi ga deruze
taido gokujou baka geta Joke MEKKI jikake no sabita men
"chuchuchuruchuchuchu ranran"
kiduita goro ni wa osoize
I am ruder!I am ruder! waraita keriya shinu made warae
I am ruder!I am ruder! baka de warui ka? RUURU nante nee
I am ruder!I am ruder! itan saikou Fuckoff kizensha
I am ruder!I am ruder! ore wa bousou
[1] this is written as something pronounced completely different, but i wanted a more singable version.
OMG DVD!!!!!!11
Wow..to many abbreviations..no more of that. Ever. Alright, so i'm pretty excited, today i bought a few things, 2 new pokemon plushies..Spheal and Lotad. ( I'm a mini collector..sorta.. ) I also got this black shirt with three pac man ghosts on it, the red, blue and orange ones. It's a sweet shirt...But that was what i got from now...
now for the big announcement.
In about 12 weeks..my DVD should be arriving from having it shipped from Japan..and that could only mean one thing...There's only one type of DVD i would possibly have shipped to the USa from japan. And guess what that would be...
DIR EN GREY!. KYAAAA!! Whoo!...i'm excited..it costs $60.08, which includes tav and shipping. Not to bad huh?....well..i cant wait..it's a whole show recorded in a dvd format..so..i'm excited..you'll hear more from me on this as soon as i get it. Comments (3) |
Ello Mates
Why Hello...Yeah..first post rocks...kinda. Well..i'm finished officially so i'm all happy. I LOVE DIR~EN~GREY! Comments (0) |