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Palet Town
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Pokemon Master in the training!
Real Name
ummm...let me get back to u on that^^0
Anime Fan Since
5 years old
Favorite Anime
Pokemon (so so so much), Inuyasha, Yugioh, Hamtaro, Trigun, Full Metal Alchemist, Samuari Champloo, and really every anime I see^^
To have a fun/GREAT career with animals!
Catching Pokemon, myotaku, playing with my many pets, tv, and VIDEO GAMES!
I can get a tamed chicken to play dead!
| ObsessedOnPokemon
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Friday, July 1, 2005

What Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
cool quiz huh?
well I am having loads of fun cause I am RPing with my friend^^
And I made it to ALL of ur sites today!
*gasps* I know shocking huh??
Try to always look on the bright side of things,
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
New BG/Avi
Hey guys!
Look I got an avi finally:D:D:D
And I got a new/better/BIGGER BG:)
I am so happy that it looks better and its easier to read the text right??
Anywho, I love the BG cause its Ash and Misty together and I think they would make SUCH a cute couple!!
Well Adios!
Try to always look on the bright side of things,
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
Hello everyone:)
how r u??
Im good cause i have been talking with my friend for hours!!!(on the phone) :D
well i dunno what 2 say!!
I'll write more Pokemon stories tomorrow or sumthing:)
Try to always look on the bright side of things,
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
Long time no see eh guys??
Well I dont know what to say...
I guess I will write a little Pokemon thing.
*middle of the day and Ash, Max, May, and Brock are eating lunch*
Pikachu: Pika?*tilts head to the side*
Lotad:lotad lotad!
*lotad just found a new berry tree and wanted Pikachu to follow*
Brock:Hey where are Pikachu and Lotad going?
Ash:I dunno....*starts eating fast again*
May:Oh look here comes someone!
*pretty girl walks up to them*
Brock:*jumps to his feet and holds her hands*Hello my name is Brock. Whats urs? Can I get ur phone number??*talks really really fast while saying this*
Girl:*blinks twice and says nothing*
Max:Come on Lover boy!*drags him by the ear over by the table they were eating at*
May:Sorry about that hes always like that^^0
Girl:Says nothing.
Ash:did u want something Miss?
*older guy(but not too old) runs up*
Brock:Hello can we help u?
Guy:Oh Tanya u cant do that to me!
Running off when u r so depressed!
Ash, May, Max, Brock:*confused*
*back to Pikachu and Lotad*
Lotad:lotad lo!
*they eat the berries and then pick some to bring back to Ash and the rest*
*they arrive*
Pikachu:Pika Pi Chu??
*Pikachu sees the girl and guy*
Ash:oh this is my Pikachu and can u guys tell me whats going on here??
guy:oh Im so sorry for the trouble my sister and I have caused u. See, my sister just lost a dear pokemon and she is so depressed shes out of her mind most of the time. A couple of months ago she lost her most favorite Pokemon, Miltank.
May:oh thats so sad....
Guy: yes and she doesnt ever want to talk to anyone because shes so depressed....
*Pikachu and Lotad bring the berries over to them*
Max:Whoa cool berries guys!
May:here u go Tanya!*Hands a couple to her*
Tanya:*slowly takes them then eats them*
Brock:ahh!I am so sorry that I did that Tanya!
Tanya:*whispers really quietly* thats ok
Guy and everyone:??O_O SHE TALKED!
Tanya:^^0 why is everyone looking at me like that....?
Guy: Oh my, I think those berries made her happy!
Max:These berries are awesome if they made her happy!
*eats some*
*he doesnt get happier*
hmmm maybe u have to be depressed.....
Ash: thats probably true.
*eats some* Nope-no effect on me!
May: me either
Brock: Nope
Guy: well then I better go take her home...I probably need to take her to a doctor or something to make sure she is alright and all....
Everyone else: Goodbye!
Ash:wow where did u find these Pikachu?
Pikachu:*runs over to the direction*
May:come on lets go follow Pikachu and pick some to take to Professor Oak!
*they go and leave to pick the berries*
Try to always look on the bright side of things,
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
How r u guys??
wells I REALLY Dont know what to say this time!!
I guess I could do a little Pokemon Make-up-as-u-go story...*sigh* but I have no ideas^^0 about u give me a random topic to talk about please??
(it can be a story with me, team rocket, ash, or whoever thats in the story!)
^^ Adios Lovely Amigos!
Try to always look on the bright side ot things,
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Monday, June 20, 2005
Hello everyone! Do u like the format thingy??? XD well Theres not much I want to say....hmmm....I guess I could go bug Team Rocket! Yeah, thats what I will do!
Meowth:Hey what r u doing here?? the writers didnt write u in!! Well did u know about this Jesse? Jesse:^^0 *meowth scratches her in the face with his claws* Meowth:DID U KNOW TOO JAMES??
James-uhh...uhh...*runs away*
Meowth:he'll pay 4 that....
Jesse-*screams at Meowth* Look what u did! Look at my face! My beautiul, beautiful face!!
*screams* *screen goes dark and Jesse goes to crouch in a corner while rubbing her finger on the ground in a circle*
Meowth- -o-*sighs* ai ai ai when will Jesse ever learn theres more to life than her beauty??
Jesse-*fangs appear in her mouth* What did u say Meowth???
Meowth-*runs away like James did*
Me-O_O O_o
Jesse-*sigh* so I guess u have to bug me like the writers told u too huh?
Me-umm... u know I think uve had a hard enough day....
Jesse-*says nothing*
Me-well ok then...Ill be going then ok?
Jesse-do whatever u want....
Me-*backs away slowly then turns around and runs with knees high in the air*
*end of episode or whatever u want to call it*
hehe I just made that up as I went!
Well thats all folks! *porky the pig announces*
Try to always look on the bright side of things,
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
I luv pokemon...
I just got done watching Pokemon-Spell of the Unknown.
It is so good!^^
I just cant get enough of pokemon!^^0
Whats ur fav anime??
Try to always look on the bright side of things,
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Today was so great!
I got my 1st cell phone!
Talk to u tomorrow!
Try to always look on the bright side of things,
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Well this is my 1st post!!
Please sign my GB and I will add u as a friend!Please add me alsoXD
Well Im Stacy and Im 14 yrs old
Try to always look on the bright side of things,
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