myOtaku.com: oceans breeze
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Listening to:
Dragostea Din Tei-Ozone
i'm so sorry i haven't been on! my computer crashed so i couldn't get on! but now i can get on so yeah, everything's good.
so, this week i've been taking the WASAL. it's Washington's state test. thankfully, we have friday off so then i can relax and stuff.
today was...interesting. i'm not gonna say why, cuz it's kinda gross. but i did find (and saw) out some of the things chimpanzes eat. it was...disturbing....
also, i've started tennis. it's ok, but still not all that fun. i'm sure once i get better at it i'll have alot of fun.
so, that's kinda it. my life has been pretty boring with school work so there's not much to say. have a great day!!!
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