myOtaku.com: oceans breeze
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Friday, August 26, 2005
Name: Name
Alias: Other Names people call you
Birthday: M-D-Year
Location: Where you live
Age: 13+
Sex: Male or Female?
Grade: Grade you are in
Interests: Your Interests
Hobbies: Your Hobbies
NO! I DON'T WANNA GO TO ORIENTATION!! i hate going to those kind of things! the teachers talk too much then you have to wait in line to take ur yearbook pic and stuff forever. but enough of that.
glad u all like the theme. oh, and i forgot to point out the links i put up. one of them is a fanart site and the other is a site with a translation of the song. it really is a nice song if u know wut they're saying. lol
that's pretty much it, ttyl!
My answer:none |
Comments (2) |
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Name: Name
Alias: Other Names people call you
Birthday: M-D-Year
Location: Where you live
Age: 13+
Sex: Male or Female?
Grade: Grade you are in
Interests: Your Interests
Hobbies: Your Hobbies
Hello everybody! sorry i didn't update yesterday, not much happened and i didn't wanna waste ur time. well i changed my background, blog, and my icon. i like them, but if u don't just tell me and i'll find something else. to see the whole thing, press F11.
and i have discovered 2 things:
1.it is very difficult to find an icon with yugi and yami in it and not have anything to do with puzzleshipping (which i like, but that's not really the theme i'm going for)
2. ok, so some of u may have noticed this, but i just discovered it myself.

why am i showing this pic? well just look at who's holding Yugi's hand. i was personally shocked when i discovered it. but i dunno, maybe there's some other explaination for it.
well, that's pretty much it. now for the question.
Q:do u like the changes i've made?
My A:i do, but that's just me...
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Name: Name
Alias: Other Names people call you
Birthday: M-D-Year
Location: Where you live
Age: 13+
Sex: Male or Female?
Grade: Grade you are in
Interests: Your Interests
Hobbies: Your Hobbies
well today i went to the mall with my friend. it was fun, i had a great time. didn't get anything though, that's wut i get for being broke. oh well...
i still haven't figured out PSP completely, well that's not entirely accurate. it should be more like i've never been so confused at figuring out a program. it's so complex!
and i'm not completely sure if i'm going to change my theme yet.
Question:uhhhh....i dunno...oh, here's one wut's ur zodiac sign?
My answer: Gemini(just like Yugi^^)
Comments (4) |
Monday, August 22, 2005
paint shop pro
Name: Name
Alias: Other Names people call you
Birthday: M-D-Year
Location: Where you live
Age: 13+
Sex: Male or Female?
Grade: Grade you are in
Interests: Your Interests
Hobbies: Your Hobbies
hello everyone! guess wut? i got the free trial of paintshop!!!^^ yay! i've been wanting this for a while, so i'm happy now. the only problem is i don't know how to use it....oh well, i'll figure it out.
and i'm thinking of changing my theme. i know it's soon, but i need something to do. if i were to change it, it would be Dark Magician Girl. still not sure though...
well that's it. thanks for reading my update!^^
Question:should i change my theme?
Answer:i don't know... |
Comments (2) |
Saturday, August 20, 2005
my life
Name: Name
Alias: Other Names people call you
Birthday: M-D-Year
Location: Where you live
Age: 13+
Sex: Male or Female?
Grade: Grade you are in
Interests: Your Interests
Hobbies: Your Hobbies
HOLA!! how is everyone doing? very well i hope(sounds werid, but technically it's proper grammar).
so i edited this site a bit, wut do u think?
Question:What's the worst anime u've ever seen?
My answer:a tie between S-cry-ED and Gundam Seed; i don't see the plot line to any of them
Comments (2) |
Friday, August 19, 2005
Name: Name
Alias: Other Names people call you
Birthday: M-D-Year
Location: Where you live
Age: 13+
Sex: Male or Female?
Grade: Grade you are in
Interests: Your Interests
Hobbies: Your Hobbies
hello everybody! how is everyone this fine day? well, i was experimenting with my site yesterday so that's why it may have looked weird at some point. i'm gonna be experimenting with it today too. so sorry in advance!^^
Question:is there anything i can improve about my site?
Answer: i dunno
Comments (3) |
Thursday, August 18, 2005
*place subject title here*
Name: Name
Alias: Other Names people call you
Birthday: M-D-Year
Location: Where you live
Age: 13+
Sex: Male or Female?
Grade: Grade you are in
Interests: Your Interests
Hobbies: Your Hobbies
Hello everyone! how r u? well today i did nothing (suprise suprise). but i did learn how to make a blog. yay! i've been wanting to make one for a long time! thanks dark angel103
well, the song still isn't working, i'll try to get it working soon though.
Question:why did u join otaku?
Answer:a friend told me about it and i was bored
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Another boring day
Name: Name
Alias: Other Names people call you
Birthday: M-D-Year
Location: Where you live
Age: 13+
Sex: Male or Female?
Grade: Grade you are in
Interests: Your Interests
Hobbies: Your Hobbies
Today i did nothing. Well, I did some laundry and cooked dinner, so i guess i technically did something.
Oh, and I also edited this site. I added a song, but it's not working. It's getting on my nerves. But I'll keep trying until i get it.
Question:When do you start school?
Answer:September 7th
Comments (3) |
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Name: Name
Alias: Other Names people call you
Birthday: M-D-Year
Location: Where you live
Age: 13+
Sex: Male or Female?
Grade: Grade you are in
Interests: Your Interests
Hobbies: Your Hobbies
hey everyone! i'm new...kinda (like the title says). it's sugar high nut, i got bored and made another site. isn't it grand? well, at least i like it. this site won't have random facts like my other one though, i need to come up with something like that though. maybe quotes or questions...not really sure though. well ttyl!^^
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