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myOtaku.com: OdeToJoy

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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iluvSasuke666 (09/15/08)

Wow awesome site..i love the Gazette..hooray for Ruki and Reita! and of course everyone else. my site looks like throw up haha! well enjoy lifE!


hieiartemis (07/04/08)

Wow, you make your own layouts? That's fantastic. The one you have now is adorable. I also admire your tolerance of b.s. drama in your Rules section. :P

I'm adding ya. Hope we can be friends.


chibilala (07/02/08)

ZOH MEH GAWD!!! O____________O your site is just soo awesome! >< i just LOVE the cherry blossom affect. (HOW DO YOU DO THAT!?!?!) and.. YOURE A YU YU HAKUSHO AND A DEATH NOTE FAN?!!?! =D dang... thats pretty freaky. haha. well, i hope you can swing by my site and we can talk anime. ^^


sparkle 078 (06/17/08)

hello!!! hope you don't mind if a sign. XD lol you seem familiar to this girl from my school. don't know why but you do....but i seriously doubt that she is you. ^^'

well good luck staying w/ your bf. i hate that ppl just get together for like 2 weeks and then break up. that's retarded. but it's good to see that you are giving an effort unlike those idiots. -__-'

well i hope to see you around and you don't mind me adding you. ^^

btw, awesome layout. it pwns all. lol and nice username.

xxCherryStarxx (06/13/08)

lol well okie doki, i'll add you on this one too =^^= *addz*

ima loser baby (06/13/08)

hi ^^ and i dont know what to say other than that.

im adding you too and thanks for signing my guestbook, i rarely get any signatures anymore.

AiTenTen (06/09/08)

Hii'z ^-^
Thanks for stopping by again. X3
I dunt know wat to put here now.. o.o
Adding. X3

Stixx (06/09/08)

Thanks for stopping by my site and signing my guestbook! Just thought I'd return the favor.

See ya around!

whitefacefreak (02/16/08)

Hm i do like the site. Kinda like a movie set with pictures of joy.

I love it.

TheTreeNinja (02/07/08)

Hey mellows babe! Hows you been? You stll feelin' sick? Or is that old news? Well, I'll friend you! Feel free to do the same if you please.

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