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myOtaku.com: OdeToJoy

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Date: 12\16\07
Time: 9:00pm
Mood: loved <3

hello plls hope your having an ubber day ^^


ha ha yesh i got to talk to my baby twice today!!! i just got off the phone with him a while ago so yea im in a good mood right now ^w^ it was a nice way to end a day of long & hard thinking. yea me & my friend Alex were jus walking up in down the road. he even brought his sword with him!!! it was so awshum lol. the swords name is "Fangs". it looks like a cane with a dragons head at the top. its cool i was messing with it but then he said id prolly hurt someone [yea im a bit uhm....yea...(o.O;) ] mmmm soup lol a lil off but yesh the mothers making home made soup WITH CHILE!!! everything tastes better with chile (XD)


ok ok maybe not way back when... we's put up the Christmas tree. ITS TWICE MY HIGHT DAMN IT!!!! LOOK!!!
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lol im 5ft flat & the tree is 10ft tall if you count tht space in the bottom (^_^;) before we put it up we were taking all the stuff out from some storage box/tank thing & then....................................i got in the box lol (^w^;;)
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[oops went to small with this when editing but notice the box it only 2 tiles long (o.O;) ]
THEY'RE SHIPING ME OFF TO SAN ANTONIO!!! lol & yess i know im little leave me alone *pouty face* jk i like being short. MWA HA HA FEAR MY LITTLE-NESS!!! -ahem- jk yea from there we jus went on taking pictures. we even put a santa hat on my dad. looky looky!!!
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yea dont we jus look like one happy family (o^.^o) ......we're not (-_-;) its all a lie....dont let it deceive you

well im out. lates...


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