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myOtaku.com: OdeToJoy

Monday, February 11, 2008

date: 01\11\08
time: 9:30pm
mood: mmmmmmmmm(k)s

hey everyone well today i got an early dismisal again & i went to physical therapy & im doing pretty good. well it turns out that the reason my back was hurting was because i have muscle spasms [who knew that muscle spasms can hurt like a bitch >.<] & that because of it i had gotten a lil bump on my lower back which had freaked me the fucks out so that took alot of wait of my shoulders. also found out that i have limited movement because my muscles being so tensed up. so yup after i got sent everywhere, got xrays, & a whole bunch of medication... [which i took a lil while ago cuz the after affect of therapy hurts lol] ...im ok. & now the fun part. after missing so much school i have the privlage to make up for EVERYTHING I MISSED!!! =_=; not kool

well i changed my site around again ^w^ what do you think??? XDDD i decided not to put a whole bunch of avi's that take a shit load to load >.<
To TheTreeNinja:
refering to your comment. i think its best we say that never happened *giggles* cuz what you said would be exactly what would happen XDDD


Ps: WWE kicks ass MWA HA HA

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