Birthday 1992-09-02 Gender
Female Location Limbo Member Since 2007-11-25 Occupation College Student Real Name Me-Ae Ali Guerra OdeToJoy
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
-______________-; shit tell me about it.
Your Horoscope
You may be caught in a little bit of a fantasy land, Virgo, and this will not bode well in your romantic affairs. You are being caught up in illusions and delusions, and you are not seeing things as clearly as you need to be. This is a case where you need to thread your way carefully through proposed opportunities or offers, as you are seeing them as something entirely different than what they really are. Possibilities that come up today are going to evaporate as quickly as they appear, so you don't want to put all of your eggs into this basket just yet. Let these go for the time being, and authentic offers of affection will make their way to you in good time