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Sunday, January 11, 2004
Need....x.x sleep
Konnichi wa!!! I have just hit 80 hits!!! Wohoo I kick ass!!! Thanks to everyone... but enough of that im not at 100 yet *sigh* I hope everyones had a great weekend. School and work tomorrow! Im really sorry i havent been posing often iv been busy *not* studying and getting things done that need to *not* be done! I have been adding some new chapters of my book (wont find in on the net but on book store shelves everywhere soon X.X yea right) Its very very hard to write long books when you have an attention span of a goldfish and the grammer of a rock!!! But maybe ill post a chapter soon. well im just about to fall asleep now so ill leave you all to do whatever you were doing before you came across this!!!
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Thursday, January 8, 2004
Good Evening My Children...
Why hello and greetings to all who stop by!!! I hope everyones had a great week!!! I have this awesome massive suck ass test tomorrow, then i get to go to the calgary motorcycle show!!! yay i luv motorcycles. well i hope yous all have a great weekend... im sorry i have been cleaning the page so gomen if some images er music dont show. and good luck to all the ppl writing big tests this and next week. I hope you do well and dont cram but take it one step at a time.
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Tuesday, January 6, 2004
Good day everyone...Im in a bummed out kinda mood today... Squally came back today... I was scared and I saw Danny again he scared me to when he didnt come on last night... I am a heartless prick most of the time... but when I really care for someone... nothing is to great for them... I just wish...I could give some of my happiness away... Im sorry I havent posted in a while...but birthday was sorta a bummer.. but I am 15 now!!! I didnt get everything I want but...Im a lot more lucky then a lot of people I know... Im sorry this isent a very happy post... Ill try and make up for it later...
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Friday, January 2, 2004
TGIF!!! My bday tomorrow!! so no posty...I failed my learners...again *cries* 
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Thursday, January 1, 2004
Happy new years everyone!!! I hope everyone had a good newyears supper or whatever you do to celebrate or there lack of... Iv got a biiiig headache so Im not going to write much today...but I have had 53 ppl visit my site so far!!! only 47 more to go then im with the 'big boys' lol...not. i hope you all have a very safe newyears... and if you know someone who got hurt or you are hurt... ill pray for you. have a great day!!!
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Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Giffy Time!!!
well... iv been slacking off with my one gif a day...so i am here to make it up!!! Hark!!! I hear a carrot!

lol...i have no comment...lol its just funny
abd for my last act of tonight!!

and that would be me!!! yuss i have pink hair... and yuss i know how to spin tracks!!!! yay!!
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Cant type much today... im in the middle of cleaning two houses!!! gezzz... this is what happens when you hav time on your hands and ppl know your good at cleaning. Im also watch 2 massive dogs. Im listening to "Number 1" by Nelly. yay go nelly!!! Im very bored, but its new years eve and i hope you all haave the champaine, partay hats and resolutions ready!!! If youve got a kool resolution add a comment and tell the world!!! some of us less imganginative ones need some help! My main one is to lose 10 pounds (pfft like thats gunna happen) and wah the whole .Hack//sign series... i keep hearing all this good stuff about it and reading all these fan fics about some "Key of the Twighlight" so i am here to find out what it is!! may you all have a great night... dont drink and drive and dont let others, keep safe and have fun!!!
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Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Hey hey!!!
Good morning America!!(Canada) well no more angsty questions im over my lil "what is life about" phase!!! and now back onto the happy go lucky one!!! I am now @ 40 hits..(wohoo go me!!) yea...thats pretty sad specially to think most of us r @ like 1000 or more n.n'' im getting there!!! watch out for me cause i shall someday rule the world!!! jk lol... hope yas all have a great day and dun forget to make resolutions for the new year!!!
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Monday, December 29, 2003
I have a pointless question for everyone then a very deep one, so prepare yourselves. first of all, what makes my site interestion? it cant be what i say cause all i talk about is my boring life and such... and..i dunno what makes anyone elses site better or worse then mine? all it is is some posts and some pictures!!! and now for the pointless quesiton (hahaha jk!!!) What is love?!!? how do you tell if your in love and why is love important? maybe im just heartless or stupid but i dont see reason in love and loss... well that was aas deep as it gets from me, no more angsty stuff its depressing!!!
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Dun Dun Dunnnn!!!
Oh im bored today!!! I woke up this morning @ 10 and im like "shit!!! i missed the bus to school!!!" then i flopped back into my bed rolled over and slept till 1. man was i tired, really funny tho cause after i took the bus to school to check in and ...no one was there meh, so i went for a burger and headed home, and i am now presently watching the 2nd LOTR... for the 36th time. i still have a week of holidays!! i hope you all enjoy the rest of your days off (or have fun working either way) oh and everyone should watch the movie Seabiscut no matter what!!! great movie!
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