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Sunday, December 28, 2003
Just bored
I am bored...so iv decided to take a whole lotta tests and i guess just for my fun and enjoyment im gunna post my results!!

Find out what anime character cliche you are. Lookie Im a Ditz!!!

Find out what anime series you belong in.
 I've come to take you. What character from a creepy anime are you? geee rnt i freaky?

What Anime Critter are You? Muawhaha!!!
 The white dragon of mechs What's Your Anime Weapon?
Oh now thats kool... *points out irl im only like 5 feet tall* talk about strange!!!
And thats all... i would have posted more but i got some weird results and such. lol
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Konnichi wa!!!
Good afternoon everyone!!! hope you are all having a great day!!! cause im not T.T im stuck doing chores for the rest of the day then its *lightning and thunder* church *cue scary music* no offence to everyone who loves church but i hate it, how utterly boring and useless. *sigh* but on the bright side what are walkmans for?!?! have a great day!!!
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Saturday, December 27, 2003
Hey lookie everyone I made meself a test!!! my very first test and i hope you all like it! if you dont then tell me and i can learn from my mistakes! thx
linky~~> Link Text
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I Promise
Good morning everyone!!! lookie iv reached 20 visits 2 my site so far *partay* thx 2 everyone. i hope everyone had fun either returning gifts yesterday or getting new ones!!! well im happy to say iv met a new bishy today!!! (his name is Inu Yasha) hot damn thats one kawaii bishy!!! *adds him to her collection*
love 2 u all!!!
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Friday, December 26, 2003
Buh Bai Christmas
I miss christmas its always so sad when all the wraping is put away and the christmas dishes are washed and you think back and say "damnit i didnt get the neon genesis dvd box set!!!" then when it comes down to it all your thankful you spent it with your family and are everyone is safe. I hope everyone had a safe and fun christmas and dont forget theres always next year!!!
With Love
Princess Jigglypuff
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Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Almost There!!!
Merry Chrostmas Eve Day everyone!!! i just cant wait till christmas! iv done all my shopping and im wishing sooo much i get the Eva dvd box set if i dont someones gunna feel pain and lots of it ¬¬ but i wish you all a very merry christmas!!! (or whatever you celibrtet or there lack of) and may you all find the Squall of your dreams!!! (the reals ones mine so back off ¬¬) Love & Peace!!!

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Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Almost Christmas!!!
good morning!!! look at my site now O.O its so perrtyful!!! and now iv decide to make all my fonts a diff colour! well im glad to see some more ppl r visiting my site, its not the best but i can say its pretty good. Well i am doing well on ff8 and im still bored out of my mind. but thx 2 all the ppl who signed my guest book it makes me so happy to read all the notes! and lookie!!! i got meself a dragon XP 
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Monday, December 22, 2003
I Like Trains I Like Trains!!!
Good evening my friends!!! I am bored tired and consumed by my need for sugar. and thx 2 *coffnocoff* help on FF8 i have beaten Diablos as well as Brothers!!! and am advancing well... but I dont think anyone cares. so NEXT subject!!! I still wating for christmas...and its taking its time XD. Im listening to "eyes on you" for about the... 60th time now, its a great song!!! T.T I want a Squall. Im soon to be done the first chapter of my novel (yusss i am writing a big book) and im running out of words... really fast, maybe i should just stick to fencing and horseback riding *sigh* some day before i die i hope to finish it but meh! for now my goal is to finish ff8 before jan 5th (go me!) XD well i hope everyone has a good night!!! and may ur dream come true as long as they dont include my Squall or Tidus... (ownz all FF males ever to step onto the screen) Night!!!(oh a funny Gif 4 u all!!!

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Another day
Oh!!! I am back...and omg...o.o... look at all the ppl who visited my really boring sad and pathetic site! thx 2 all of u!!! (im a big fan of Squall and Kenshin)im so happy lil ol' me gets some friends lol. but today!!!! is a good day cause its only...ummm 4 ish more days till xmas!!! i think flame me if im wrong. now how many ppl ask to get flamed? meh!!! well im bored...im stuck on ff8...and... i dont know how to make my site any better...so if u can cure any of these problems plz HELP!!! not like anyone will but thats okies. so what is everyone getting me for chrsitmas?!!?!!? jk...im sure u all knew that. but i was wondering (4 all u ff8 fans) HOW THE HELL DO U BEAT DIABLOS!!! ...so im a sad rpg player and cant do anything... T.T oh well. ill beat it one way or another! and hot damn squall look good in uniform. but anyways im going on about nothing here...and should shut up...good night everyone!!!
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Thursday, December 18, 2003
Abosolutly nothing
Meh! what can I say, not much but oh well! I love anime but that was a given. I love making costumes...but I have a slight problem, Im one of them ppl who say they will do stuff forget watch a few OAVs and forget about it...or 'never have the time to do anything' so I gotsta find me someone who can make costumes with me! or i can just do it over holiday break. speaking of that... who cant wait till christmas!!! I for one cant so many presents *ish postive the box shaped one is the Hellsing DVD box set...and the one besides that is a DVD player* yea...its sad..i own so much *cofflittlecoff* anime on DVD and i dun have a DVD player!!!
bored... *doing hmw* dear god send someone to save me!!! ...guess not oh well... yup... maybe i should just stop posting cause the dots r taking up more space then anything... naw i luv talking to my fans XD yea well nothing to do except snoop in me presents buts thats evil... y would i do that n.n'' but i think thats enough of my rambling and bad spelling see ya'lls tomorrow!!
Awwww he dropped it all T.T
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