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Thursday, August 17, 2006
new stuff!!!
i made 2 chobits desktops. the first was an idea that plagued me all night, the one with the poem. the next was just one i decided to try making, the one of her in the garden.i manipulated a very detailed volkz(sp) doll of chii into a garden and was very happy with the results. i luv the garden one! i'm shocked how well it turned out i totaly luv it, which is rare w/ my own work lol.
i also made and ecard i'm waiting to turn up with the same garden picture moved around a bit.
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a tiny bit new... T_T
i'm gonnay try and make an actual come back this time, no single posters so here goes:
i found a really good on-site mp3 player!! i added a whole bunch of chobits songs to match my site. i'm really sorry if it slows your computer down-gomennasai!! i luv it, but i'm angry that i accidentally clicked black and my pc was messed up so i couldn't make it white to match my theme T_T oh well, beggers can't be choosers.
i finally made a new button for my site!! *thrilled* i forgot how to do a lot on photoshop i'm getting rusty T_T but anyway i really like it.
more later!
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
my last awesome come back didn't go so well...oh well. hi again guys! what's up with you all? as you can see, i recently discovered chobits. i had a bad initial impression of it and didn't expect to like it, but i watched it and i totaly love it!
i've really been enjoying this 3d messanger i found with an ad.
well...more when i think of it ^^
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
Hey guys, sorry I've been gone for so long! I've been busy with school and games XD. My family just got Soul Calibur 3, I've been enjoying Samurai Warriors and apart from that I'm not home. So how is everyone? Excited about spring break? I am. :)
So I have a question for the day, what's your favorite video game?
Silver/Okita Mibu Wolf
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
been gone forever -__-
sorry ppls for my constant being goneness. i just haven't really felt like saying anything, not much to say really.
this week was my bday on tuesday i'm gonna have a party on saturday so i'm excited ^^! i dunno if it'll actually have a theme, naturally it'll turn to anime. probably saiyuki judging by the people comming. XD
i made a new wallpaper for wolf's rain, it's ok. i've been really enjoying making icons for this wolf's rain site:
wolf's rain icons
and there are tons of icons by ppl who are really talented so the site's worth checking out-if you like wolf's rain and even if you don't particulary there're other kinds there too.
got all my finals and long final projects out of the way but now i seem to have a lot of hw-no balance! oh well, most of my subjects *except taxes* seem to be quite interesting. we're learning about the depression in history and my mom has old magazines she collects from 1800-1950s so it's interesting looking at her magazines from the 30s. it makes history feel much more real.
i want to ask questions of ppl each post, that seems like a fun idea so here's one:
what anime character do you look like?
anyway that's all for now

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Saturday, January 21, 2006
not yesterday, but the day before i had no internet, so i watched tv with my dad and there was a miyazaki marathon!! *dances* i saw my neighbor totoro, porco rosso and whisper of the heart. dad really luved proco rosso, me too but i also really enjoyed whisper of the heart. haha whisper of the heart had like, one of the few country songs i really like, so now i've heard it in two languages aswell as with classical instruments<
my neighbor totoro:

porco rosso:

whisper of the heart:
country road

more later,
see ya!
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
hm...i think i got this last time i took this ages ago...oh well it's cool^^
Which Wolf's Rain character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Wolf's Rain
man, i was into this...last year....but out of the blue i luv it again! it's such a good anime!! kiba's really cool! my fav used to be toboe, but now it seems to be kiba...he's cool cuz he dresses like my bf! :D
so that's where the theme came from of coarse, this beautiful bg is from here and the music is from here
sorry i've been gone so long, but yeah that's where i was...
i got kaze hikaru volume 1, i luv it!!!
be back again later,
okita mibu wolf
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Monday, December 26, 2005
hey people! hope you enjoyed your holidays!! thanks so much for the positive feedback on my fanart!!! *hugs for everyone*
my christmas was good! i got a webcam and a katana^^!
see you all later!
okita mibu wolf
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Merry Holidays XD
hey peoples, i finally changed my layout to something with a bit more holiday spirit. it HAD music, but it seems to be down at the moment...and thanks a lot to hiso-chan for giving me permision to use her desktop as a bg! i changed it to blue so my text is readable but apart from that it's stil the same.
my teacher says that merry christmas and happy holidays are being argued about this season, how silly it's just about making people feel good right? i have friends who don't celebrate xmas and they don't care at all XD! my teacher also says merry holidays...
hope you all are enjoying your vacation (or soon to be vacation) from school! i miss people at school T_T but i seriously enjoy the sleeping in. i even took time to actually draw fan-art! and yes soji, the sky did fall. once i'm done inking it i'll either color it or upload it b/w. it's a Peacemaker Kurogane/Samurai X/Original cross over for my role-play site, but it's still fan-art right?
more to come, *don't all moan at once*
okita mibu wolf
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