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myOtaku.com: omanie yu

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Guestbook Entries:

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lifes burden (02/09/07)

hey whats up.. your site is really white...great site though...just wanted to stop by and check out your site... oh and i checked out your art.. they look great really like the inuyasha... anyways got to go

~Life is but a Burden~

Sessy514 (01/31/07)

You have a very nice looking site going on here! I really like it! This is The Great Destroyer stopping by saying you should visit mine sometime. Hope we can be friends

LiLElfOfMirkwood (07/11/05)

Hey Hey!
Nice site!
Ill see ya round!
Come by my site sometime! ;)

xXBebopfanXx (07/05/05)

kool site drop by m,ine some time

schoolgurl (06/28/05)

hey. awesome site. im addin u as a friend i hope u do the same. pm me anytime. k? bye ^^

sailormoongrl (06/27/05)

hello kewl pics on ur site!

Afilak (06/25/05)

Hi this is kalifa here, you have.....interesting .....pictures.. on your site!!!!!!!have a nice day and visit mine sometime if you will!!!!!

aoao (06/21/05)

I'm growing stronger

Triplegirlz2 (06/19/05)

Hey dude!!! LoVE the pics on your site!! They're all very cool!! =P Well bye bye dude!! Aloha!! =D

Vito (06/15/05)

'ello! this site is great, thems some coo piks...heh heh heh, sorry for the improper english there but it wuz fo fun, eh.
Hey Hey Hey!
Have a nice day!

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