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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

yeah well

I post something again- -

well...sorry Sarah if I wrote something bad in your comment....I cannot trust the PMs anymore...so sorry

anyway.....I am at school...hey.....in math...enter in the class...and it's a substitute....sit to the desk and....do all this work for the end of the class...yeah right...first of all, I need to finish a pack of problems for the end of the session......so it's really important....but NO...I cannot finish something important....instead, I must do long,useless and veryyyy long work that doesn't learn me anything....if I se anyone saying that school system works well I throw sharp objects at him/her...YES I KNOW I MUST go to school to have a good job....I don't complain about going to school...I complain about how it is disorganized and messed up..

anyway...PLUS...I am thinking about her the whole freaking day...I can't work when I have such a dreamy girl like that in my mind....the only think I wish right now is to be with that godess where she is right now....ahhhh but I must wait until I am 18...one year to go if everything is going fine...and that is what I hope and work for

so anyway...I talk too much..I shall go now

bye everyone

bye godess^^

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

thank you for those who commented^^

well...I know I don't comment often too...but hey....I am sorry^^"

the reason is...that I don't have internet on my comp...so the week I can't make much...and at school I barely have toime to see Sarah's site and 2 others AND post a comment..look....I must go in like...10 seconds...so I write very fast!!!!

well..I thank you if you still come to my site...I'll try to pay back the favor^^

anyway...got to go now...I have history in not so long

bye everyone

bow to my new Tales of Phantasia theme lol

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Monday, March 13, 2006

What the hell

How comes that when I write crap there is always 5 or 6 persons to reply.....but when I make a major change on my site, no ones care.....

anyway....I am at school now...and since I am upset at seeing that no freaking one came to comment on anything I posted on the weekend, I won't bother complain about how much I think school suck

so that's it....I got nothing else to say....if no one came to my site today, I will kill myself

kidding...never would I do such a thing....anyway....for those who will bother reading this(if someone still know my site exist)...I would appreciate a comment

thank you

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

That freaking sux

No one commented to my new theme yesterday *sob*...well I wish I could have some comments...anyway...I got a new pic of me I guess...yeah I know...I look like I am settled to spend days on the computer...but no...comfort is an important factor you know

ANd...I am really not photogenic...I look way better in real life..sometime a pose can crush all my handsomeness...nah kidding...but it's true that i always look bad on pics!

I also added my collection of Animated GIFS that I made...if you want one, ask before please^^....
there's some missing, but I volunteerely wanted to not put them

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Friday, March 10, 2006

what about the new style?

well...been a while sinc eI haven't changed my theme!
but it's not finish yet...I still need some stuff in order to complete it...I need to put an autosong(I don't have any direct link to the song so it doesn't work *sob*)

and a pop-up thing to make a little random message...yes these are fun^^"

the new theme is Tales of Phantasia...the little image on my post is not big enough and I don't know why?...but I guess this is fine like that^^

the wallpaper of my site made by me...not much of a job...some transparent layer job with three combined images of the same size on photoshop plus the pasting of a big "Tales of Phantasia" title and the copyrights to Namco...and VOILĂ€...a new Wallpaper....if you enjoy it or want it, I shall add it to my Wallpaper section soon enough^^

ohh and...the image in my post is actually a wallpaper...I basicly stole it and I am sorry...but the guy who made left nothing but the Wallpaper...so I couldn't contact him but I give credits to him...because his wallpaper is awesome

well...let's talk about Tales of Phantasia *evil grin*

if you got a GBA or a DS
money to waste
and a passion for RPG....THEN BUY THAT GAME!!!!!

this is awesome...I really like it...I was playing it on emulator for so far...and I enjoyed it very much!!

damn...I hope that I will not have any trouble saying that!

Emuls are illegal

well...too bad!

anyway..here is a collection of images and screeshots...AND...there is an anime of that game...made by the very same guy who made the artworks for the whole Tales Serie...the almighty Kohsuke Fujishima...a great and renowned Manga-Ka in Japan!...

OHH..by the way, I added a wallpaper.....the wallpaper in my BG...it's me that did it^^
download it as you will

The current song is "The dream will never die"...the theme song of the Jap version of ToP....a MIDI unfortunately...I can't add the MP3 because it's too long to load....the singer is very good(of course the MIDI don't have lyrics)

Its Cless...the hero of the game...he looks cool if you ask me!

a shot of the anime serie...Arche and Klarth...want to know them?...buy the game lol

and this is a quizz result I got

You are most like Alphonse Elric!

You are a shy and quiet person. (like me!) You care

about animals and you are pretty mature. You

may look tough on the outside but are very

kind on the inside.

Don't forget to Rate/comment (please!) and If you

want to see other pictures go to "see

all possible results"

Which Fullmetal Alchemist character are you? (Pic's)
brought to you by Quizilla

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noticed that stressfull bug in the PMs?

I hate it

each time I send something or reply there is one chance on 2 that the message doesn't get to the one I sended to...or that it just bug like hell and send something else or send it 2 or 3 times

I wanted to contact an administrator all the week..but since I am on a school comp, I CAN'T!!!!!

well.....that's all...I have a very good day so far...my father yesterday was drunk and very annoying..so I was pissed off....he was talking about the world situation...which reminded me that we live in such a fuked up world!!

so today I got that in mind...but I feel very happy and playfull.....I can't wait to finish my day!!!

that is all for today folks

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Wednesday, March 8, 2006

more news!!!!


I hate my weeks...because school take so much of my time that I cannot say anything interesting

well....I had some math problems that I stuck 15 minutes to do..then I understood and did them in less than a minute...oh and I dropped my pencil on the floor....aghhhh the emotive charged part of the day!!!!I can't describe the feeling I had when I took it back!!!!

if no one have bnoticed, I was sarcastic...

so yeah...next weekend I will be there

but I can't garantee you will be there gabe....

so I have no time less

gotta go NOW


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Monday, March 6, 2006

guess what!!!!!!

school is back to haunt me

I dunno...I woke up that morning.....and BOUH...I AM BACK THE EVIL SCHOOOOOOOOOL...


I am at school right now.....even though I feel very good compare to the rest of my vacations, school kills me
guess what....
I started a little quick Bd to show you how I live through the week...the daily life of Sam when school kills him!...look forward to it and you'll all vote...YOU WILL...BECAUSE I KILL YOU!!!!!!!!

next weekend I change my theme, sorry for those who like my BG...but my new theme will be Tales of Phantasia...I will add more to my theme than just a new BG though..more of it

ohh and....for those who think that this is the complete end with Sarah.....it isn't....we still have to see each others..and as I said, we still love each others...we just cannot go on with the net realtionship...because she have to hide it to everyone...and that was killing her

well...work very hard for it.....and give money to me so that I can fullfill my dream

go to that link that doesn't work


kidding...wanted to do this...well....more I talk,less I find topic.

I'll check the updates later on the weekend

OH and...my birthday is soon...I can't believe I will be 17....time goes by so fast...this is why you must use your little time to built yourself a wonderfull life with no regrets

just the fact that I got very good friends' a wonderfull girl that I love very much,a great family,Great dream and good objective make me love my life...I always did...but there was time when I got weird in my head for some reasons

anyway....yeah..this weekend will be the b-day party at my mothers house...my b-day is the 16, but since I will not se my mother the 16, we will do it the 10-11 of this weekend

so NOW i got nothing else to say

farewell to all of you!

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Saturday, March 4, 2006


I can finally soothe my mind

that is all I had to say

all the sadness as gotten away

I wish you all a wonderfull life!

P.S: when you get friends who care about you, work as hard as you can to keep them and never betray their trust

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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

for those who didn't understood

Sarah think that I turned her into the bad guy when I said we broke up

well....I feel bad about it...so I want to make it clear

I know that you surely didn't thought she was a bitch .....in fact, she is awesome

but I want to say that if we did it, it was because we both needed it...or we would have eventually died of it

she never said anything bad to me...she didn't acted bitchy on it...AND, she had perfectly good reasons to do it

so......I accept it....it's hard...but I have no choice

beside,...we will still meet each others one day, as she says...or if she said it worng, it's not over yet, we still have to meet....and that day, it will work...I am sure of it now..

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