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myOtaku.com: Omega Zero

Friday, December 29, 2006

Yet again , the art section is inveaded with rippoffs, You have no Idea how much annoyerd I can be
If it's not Original the themem is usually Inuyasha, Tokyo Mew Mew(there is a LOT of these things out there*tremble*), Naruto(Naruto...even though you are one of the best anime you are also the most over abused theme of history) or Full metal alchemist.

If it's original content I mostly don't like it because the art style is copied or too...classic, you know, classic like the styles they show you in "how to draw manga" books.
Or the worse, people create new characters but with borrowed parts of other characters, so we end up with someone getting all excited about his brand new original piece but in fact it looks like Edward Elric with Sesshomaru's face, sharingan eyes, ninja gears and badly drawn japanese Kanjis.
I don't know, most art on otaku don'T have a soul, how to know when an art have a soul? well, they appeal you, they got this aura that makes it awesome,I don't say mines are the best, I still have a long way to go before being an artist, however, some of my own arts appeal me, those on which I really put my soul in drawing, those on which I really put some efforts and will, this is what gives it a soul, when you really want to draw it, when your character have a style of it's own, when it shows emotion, when it possess the very essence of a true piece of art. And very few arts have these qualities

Anyway, done with the complains and let's go to the real stuff
I bought myself a new DS game that I finished in under 3 hours-_-, but I don't regret buying it, it's akirby game and I always have fun with them, however, there was supposed to be a revolutionary ability Mixing system, finally it resume as: fire sword-ice sword-hunder sword Ice bomb thunder bomb

nothing more than this, however, ther eis scrolls that gives you new abilities. But the flaw is that it olny gets one scroll for each and 90% of the abilities doesn'T have much variety. so in the end it gets boring, although the game was lotsa fun, 60% of my playing ethusiasm was wiped out by the feeling that I frenetically waited for something that was nothing more than this, in short, it was an inner dissapointment even if the final product ended up pretty well. At least , the classic and legendary Duel with Meta knight was the best yet because they added elemental attacks to his sleeves, he can perform bunch of new attacks that makes the fight more challenging than ever, this with an awesome background that is scrolloing down as his ship is flying higher and higher, you begin at the bottom of the sea to progress higher and reach ground level where you see some moutains then clouds then atmosphere, stratosphere , space and then it stop at the striking and beautifull view of a Nova. all of that as you are making a crazy sword duel with the almighty Meta knight.
The background and colors were indeed an excellent add to this game, Kirby is a Game series that is well known for it's beautifull peasages, pre-drawn Backgrounds and eye catching colors, yes, the world of Kirby might remind you of Eden garden, Everything is beautifull, hell would I like to live in such a great environment, no apparent pollution, perfect vegetation, plenty of food! Living ther I would spend my entire life making sword duels with Meta Knight^^
But that's beside the point. The Item stockage system is indeed ingenious, however, as I said earlier, the Mixing system was a total disapointment, not only must you get the scrolls to be able to mix, but you can only mix two types of weapons fire either fire, ice or thunder. and first I thought that it would be amazingly cool to get a fire sword, but well, it's exactly the same as the normal sword, but it burns as a bonus. nothing mor efun about it, nothing at all. However, the stockage system is great. you can stock up to 5 itmes in your belly and use them whenever you feel like it, that goes from power ups to weapons, food ,treasure chests and more. The only time that it becomes a real pain in the fugging Arse is when your stockage space is full and that you have to get this damn chest to enter your stomach, because to complete the game at 100% and unlock all of its extra features you bust collect all of the 120 treasure chests of the game 50 levels. but sometime there is enemies trying to steal one of these chests, and when you don't have anymore extra place, it cannot go in, the problem is that as I'm trying to get rid of one of them(because you canT' manage stocked item while on pause) one of them snatch the chest and go away with it. ohhhh joy, to get it again I have to do the whole stage again! but next time, have some free space. The bosses weren't much of a challenge, I have a meter of gaming tolerance that goes up as a certain situation get on my nerve. it goes at this rate:

Level 1-the situation is cool, I am at the summum of my zen attitude, If I get this attitude untilt he end of the level it can means that the stage was f**** too easy or that I OWNED everyone and left no survivor

Level 2- the situation is getting a tads bit on my nerve, I arrived on a place where I can either progress no more but I find the solution in one quick move Or that a certain enemy is giving me a slightly hard time but I blast it quick enough

Level 3- The current Situation made me use 2 or 3 swear words as I can't get over that damn wal, can't find the key for that door or that goddamn enemy won't let me be, but at Level 3 I either find the key/solution in 2 to 10 minutes, or I finally end up kicking this enemy's ass in victory

Level 4- These situations are really going to piss me off, it been 20 minutes that I'm trying to find a way out, solve a puzzle or still looking for an impossibly getable key or I stumbled upon one of these enemies that are so incredibly annoying that I only want to throw my controller which I never do even at my highest level of intolerance. I usually swear at an interval of 15 to 30 seconds

Level 5- "Damnit, why is this enemy's such a goddamn pain in the fucking goddamn ass? why can't I manage to hit it's weak spot once? Why is it delivering so much damange to my little me?
Freaking damnit, the hell with you , I'm blasting you to oblivion as soon as I find your pattern you piece of goddamn metallic shit!"
now I'm mad, I'm pissed off in these situations, they rarely happens and usually happens when I'm playing real hard RPGs , Shoot and jump games Megaman, Metroid and such) or puzzle and tactic games

Level 5- I guess I broke my thermometer, at elvel 5 my face turned to red, it happened only once in my entire life, it's 100 time owrse than a level 4, to get to a level 5, I must , at least, have spent more than half an hour in a level 4 mood, after that I usually get in level 5, there is not 2 words without a swear between them I usually scream my lungs out and punch my bed so hard that everyone in the house would hear it, this time when it happened I was home alone so... I just can't believe this, the only time it happens is when I'm fighting an enemy, puzzle situations don't annoy me to that level. I usually stumbled upon a boss that is so incredibly hard that I can't believe someone other than me was able to actually defeat it.
It happened as I was playing Luigi Mansion, A game that I betaed in 5 hours: 2 to complete the hosue, 3 to beat the final boss.
This game is considered as incredibly easy, I've beated Tales of Symphonia in hard mode(with customization but was still hell of a challenge). I beated almost every Metroids (exept the Primes) which are pretty tough, I beated Castlevania games that could only be beaten with a nearly perfect control of your controller, I beated Zelda games and was able to become an Ace at Megaman X stly egames when X games are real tough for newbies. now I play one of the easiest game of all time and spend 3 hours beating the final boss and at least died 200 times. but the worse in that is...each time you die, the save point is 100000 miles away from the boss' lair, I have to make all my way through there again trying to avoid annoying enemies from breaking my perfect helth which I must keep for the boss, once it's broken SHIt I gotta return 1000 miles again to an healing spot and then avoid all the enmies to get to the boss which speaks for half an hour without any skipping option to finally get to the fight, I fight it good at the beginning, no prb then some thing I make is wrong and in a mili little second I end up upside down, it is I, that get his ass kicked in less than 30 seconds he corner me and RIP MY BALLS OUT OF MY EARS!!!!!!!! and I , once again, ressurect 1000 miles away from the boss. do this around 100 times beofre to actually manage to own him and believe me you will never be able to see this game ever in yoru entire life. then they ask me if I want to play hard mode...I switched my console off and returned the game to the videoclub. the only level 5 situation of my life...
Kirby Squeak Squad kept me between 2 ans 3.
So even though I like dit, I would give it a godd 7/10 which is really good from my point of view, put it lost lots of points because of all these promise that ended up being marketting techniques.

Think i'm good for videogmae reviews? well I do videogame reviews for someone since a long time ago so I'm pretty experienced, but tht was not a detailed review though, still hope you liked it

*beam out*

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