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myOtaku.com: one cute love

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Konichiwa! Welcome to my site! Have fun.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Almost another year since I've updated... It's depressing really, I remember when i was around 9-11 years old and I updated MyOtaku every day. Okay, maybe not everyday but at least once a week. How sad.. At least this year in August it'll be my 6-year anniversary of having this!

So the reason why I remembered about MyOtaku today is cause I just made a tumblr, woot woot. I guess I realized that I really missed blogging like how I used to.. Well, not how I used to. Cause now looking over old websites like xanga and rereading what I wrote when i was like 10, now that's embarrassing.. Ha.

Man, MyOtaku is making me so happy right now. i don't even know why, maybe it's the fact that no one that I know IRL knows I have this. And those who I do know don't even update. So i can freely talk about anyone I want ;) just kidding (: I should really do homework, it's 10:25 and I was supposed to do my homework hours ago. I guess this is farewell, I'm not sure for how long... But this was fun hahaha. :)

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