one cute love
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
Pictures of Anime Milk and I!!!!
Hello people! I know that anime milk hasn't told you this, but we started the itbs tests two days ago!! Yippie for us!! :D Sooo..... Whats up? Hmmmmmm what should i say?!?!?! I dont know what to say!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Ummmmm what should i say?!? ummm ok well, here is a picture of Anime Milk And I, Only one because I didnt want to upload the others!

I'm on the left screaming for my life and Anime milk is about to hit me with the pillow!! yay~!
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Friday, October 21, 2005
Quiz Time!
 Dark shadow. Something has drawn you into darkness in the past, and you're now trying to get out of it. The darkness is already inside you, and getting it out will be hard, but if you try, maybe one day you can be who you want to be again. Don't give in!!!
Please rate ^^
What kind of dark person are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 u r just a normal girl with a typical life. hey u r just like me. its good to be normal right.
What kind of a girl r u? (kool pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You aren't hididng anything under your make-up, because you don't wear any! You know that it doesn't matter if your beautiful just as long as you have a beautiful personality and heart (either that or your just too lazy to put make-up on in the morning lol). You want people to like you for who and not what you look like! You should be proud of yourself, not many people feel the same way about themselves as you do.
Please messege me with your comments!
WhAt Do YoU HiDe UnDeR YoUr MaKeUp? (beautiful anime pics and detailed results) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a very simple person and thats very cool because you dont complicate much and you always look good.
What is your clothing style?( girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the Sugar Fairy, the one who grants little children's wishes! Little kids always whisper your name and call you for help. You appear to give them what they want. You are beautiful and never seen in the eyes of those who are cruel to others. You are invisible to those who are terrible; they do not deserve to see your beauty. You try to make the world a better place and are kind and caring, and when someone needs you, you don't mind helping them! You are sweet and you are the kind of fairy that eveyone knows to go to if they need help. It doesn't hurt to help, so why not just do it, right? Your friends love you and you probably don't have even one enemy! You are always trustful and betraying is the LAST thing you would do! Be that way forever, and no one will give you a hard time!
You are such a nice girl, so you'll probably rate 5 and message, right?
Deep inside you, there's a creature trying to get out... What is it??? (Beauitful anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You a smart girl who only does her work and nothing else. Be warned for if you continue this for the rest of your life you will be bling to the simple truths that make our world a better place.
Color:White, pale yellow
Element: Wind
Creature: Centar(sp)
What school girl are you? (great anime pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your a Guardian Angel,
Procective,loving,caring in one word:PERFECT
You are the best angel from Heaven, You care about the humans but also about other angels and even the world.
Zodiac sighn: Virgo
Favo saying/quote: We pray for our sorrows to end and that our hearts will blend
Wich Angel are you(Anime pic's) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are followed by the Demon of Kindness. True that doesn't really sound like a demon, but this Demon makes you care a lot about other people and leave little time for yourself. People love you for that, but how much do you love yourself? If you really want this Demon to leave, teach others how to stand on their own two feet and maybe turn down the ones who only use you. This is probably the best Demon to be stuck with though.
What Demon Follows you? ..:Interesting Pics:.. brought to you by Quizilla
 he loves you a lot he is just scared to be rejected you should leave some hints that you love him and maybe you can go out with him
does the guy you love, love you back (girls only) (anime pics yay) 5 accurate results brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Japanese name should be
'Mitsuko' which means "child of light".
You're a very optimistic person and spread out your happiness! You're a real social butterfly; you love to be around people and can't stand staying home alone too long. You're really a bright, shining light!
Which Japanese name fits you best? [females, 9 results + absolutely stunning ANIME pictures!] brought to you by Quizilla
that's all for now, bye!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Hi ppl
Guess what ppl? I like someone! And He ( I THINK) Likes me! yay! :D tee hee! Well i think he does tho cause he says that to me and my friends so technicly, he does! lol ok well im sorry this is short but i dont have much time to post so yeah! But umm like nothing else to say but umm dont know! but, i like him! yay me! lol :) oh well about if he likes someone else after me, i have someone else i will like! Soo yeah i g2g take a show now so yeah bye bye!
p.s. i like him!
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
Today was so fun!!! We were driving in the car, going to my cousin's house, and there she was, my sister in the car right next to us!!! it was so funny! And at anime milk's house, we were looking at harry potter pictures and it was SO fun! yeah well, i dont know what to say. but happy birthday to my cousin monica!!! well yeah nothing else to say so bye!
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
Hi guys!
Hey! I just remembered and so sorry i did not tell you this earlier. on our soccer game about 3 weeks ago, at bellvue, we almost got into an accident!!! i was really scared, confused, and felling odd. it was really odd cause you know, the car in front of us reer ended the car in front of that! so yeah it was really really scary! Go naurto!!

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Sunday, October 2, 2005
OMG! today was so much fun! Like we were telling scary storys at my friend john and his brother jomar( cause it was jomar's birthday ) and yeah so we were like telling scary stories and this older dude was like "ill tell a scary story!" and yeah he told it and then we screamed and stuff, and then after that he left then he banged on the window to make us scared =/. and obliviouisly we screamed! lol it was fun!
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Skating party!
time of post: 9 00
it was fun! the skating party! well this is not a long post cause i have to go soon. so yeah i got a rose ;) but its frome a friend! lol ok well yeah i g2g, bye!
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Monday, September 19, 2005
Darn it! My friend thu was supposed to come over but she didn't ><.i am mad at her!! well i went to soccer with michelle ( anime milk ) and like yeah. we went to great wall ( not the great wall of china. its a store/ asian mall ) and We both got hello panda :) and in the car, i was like " here give me one of yours to show you something " and she was like " fine but give it back and dont eat it " and i was like fine, BUT i had my fingeres crossed. so i was like now you see the top part, then i bit it off, now you dont! lol and she was like, OMG! how rude! yuppydooda it was fun. i seriously dont know where i got the yuppydooda froM! LoL! :) o well yup byerssszzz!
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
New Picture Means New Layout!
Hey! I just made a new layout/ background! I dedicade it to my two #1 heroes. kuya angelo and ate karin! yup! lol well i miss them so much ( ate karin didnt die but she lives in california so i dont get to see her for the fact that i live in washington ) yup! hey ppl, i have a request for you!
on this girls site, can you tell me what the song title is and who the singer is? yap! ok well who ever gets it, i will make them something! yap! darn, i have school tomorrow :[ GOD! i hate school. grrrr. haha o well yap! lol ok well i better get going soon. but yap bye!
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
Hey! All of you that are reading right now, i can only say one thing, i really miss him Dang it's been almost 4 months since "it" happened. I really miss him. I have been thinking lately questions that are really bizzare. like why did he have to go? Why was it him? why couldnt it be someone else? really he did not deserve that accident. I really miss him. I mean i havent been crying lately but i just feel like bursting out in tears right now. i saw some ppls myspaces and it made me think more of him. why me!! why!! uh. i just really wish that he wouldnt have done that race. And really he was only 16 turning 17 when he died. why was it him???? i mean i have been talking to his girlfriend and she made me go through it. i just wish that he didnt have to go. i just really wish that he didnt go! :( i miss him so much!! here are some pictures of before he died.

i am with the crossed fingers * he put me on his shoulders *
i truely only knew him for about 3 months. but i still know that he is in a better place right now. i know that he will be fine and nothing will harm him. i know that he is fine and he will be ok. i cant wait untill it is my turn to die so i can finally be with him once again¢¾
and last but not least, a picture that i made~ hope you like it!

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