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• angelalalalaaaaa
• 1995-08-31
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• 2004-08-01
• I'm a farmer ;]]
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• Angela
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• i acctully dont know lol
• Volleyball!
| one cute love
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while!! But umm I guess i have news! I just went to hawaii! I left on the 6th, got back on the 12th. It was fun. But umm my back is like completely black! 0.o haha. Oh i went surfing!! At first i was just laying on the board, but then i stood up! I don't have the pictures yet, but i will soon. I will post it later. But while i was surfing, my mom, dad, and sister went to cheese cake factory -__________- We went to the international trade center. OH we went to this one shop, and he gave us complete discounts on like Everything. This one time when we came there, he told us to write down our names. We did, then left. The next time my mom went to the shop, he gave her 3 cellphone charms! They had our name on it! He wrote our names on it on a piece of rice, and put it in a little jar. IT was really nice of him!! We also got a sign that said "aloha, please take off your: then there was a picture of sandals, mahalo. It's cool. I got a lot of stuff, and we went to a lot of places. We went to a luau,(lou ow), and saw them take out the pig. They had good food, but i had a sore throat the whole time i was in hawaii! So it was hard to eat. But the pig was really good(: We also saw Pearl Harbor, we saw the actualy ship called "USS ARIZONA" it was a mermorial. I still have to upload the pictures, but the next post i will show you. We had a grand tour around the island. The last thing we did, was go to The magic of Polenysia. This guy did a lot of magic tricks. And this dude did a fire thingy with a stick that is on fire. He actually swallowed the fire! It was cool. That's pretty much all we did pretty much, and we went swimming. Oh the ocean was so much fun. The waves in Hawaii are WAY bigger than the waves in Washington! HAHA. Well that's all i have to say. Sayonara!
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