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• 1992-04-02
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• 2007-04-27
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• Kaisa
• I've gotten some writing done after a few years
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• His and Her Circumstances, Elfen Lied
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Tabula Rasa
Chapter 4
"Lady looks like a dude."
"I have to ask you something."
"When that...that thing..."
"A lost soul, what about it?"
"When it went through me...I heard a voice..."
"Ah, that's normal. When a lost souls goes through you, you get some of the memories of their life."
"So that voice I heard...?"
"Was something from that guy's life, yes. I wouldn't recommend pulling a stunt like that too often though, since they also take some of your energy. That's why you fell."
"You still brooding over that? Cheer up already. Our next stop is your apartment."
"My what?!"
"Why do I have to repeat everything I say? Your. Apartment."
"I get my own place?"
"Of course. Like Hell I'm letting you stay at my place."
Ah. Should've seen that one coming.
"It's nothing big, but good enough for you to live in. And we need to sleep too."
"Okay. So where is this apartment of mine?"
"Right behind the corner."
As she says that, we go around a corner. In front of us is a big house. Malice sees the look on my face.
"Hey that whole house isn't yours. Think of it as a dormitory. There are other people living in it too."
"You live here too?"
"Hell no."
Well that�s a good sign.
"Hah hah. Watch your thoughts rookie."
You were supposed to hear that.
Malice mutters something about getting no respect from the little brat. I roll my eyes.
"So we can go in?"
For once not another hallway. This looks just like a hotel reception. Malice goes to the desk and starts ringing the bell. After a while a teenage-boy shows up.
"Malice, long time no see. You finally got kicked out of your own place?"
"Nope. Rookie has a place here."
"And the name is...?"
"Anya Wales."
"Oh that girl who got beat up by a lost souls?"
Has everybody heard of it already?
"It's a small place and rumors go fast."
"Wales, Wales..." they guy flips through a big red book. "Ah here! Wales, Anya: A15"
"A15? Wow that's a good one." The guy gives me the keys. "Don't lose those."
"I won't. Where is A15?"
"Hallway A, door 15."
More hallways. Great.
"Alright, we can go now. Right Josh?"
Josh nods and disappears through the door behind the desk.
"Josh takes care of this place. But he also reports about all the misbehavior so be nice."
I nod. After looking around a bit I find the hallway A. At the end of it is a door that has 15 above it.
"So that's your place."
I open the door and go inside. It's a nice place. Nothing too big as Malice said, but I'll manage.
"You can bring here anything you want. But you already have the usual stuff." She looks at me. "But if you wanna go shopping, ask someone else."
She starts to walk away but turns around before she reaches the door.
"Meet you at the Office tomorrow, 8 AM sharp. And you better have that report done by next week."
With that she's gone. I sigh.
"Is the mean lady gone?"
I jump at the voice. I turn around and in front of me is a girl. She's got a red hair and green sparkly eyes. She's dressed in casual jeans and a green top.
"Yeah...who are you?"
"Oh I'm your next-door neighbor, Samantha. But just call me Sam." She grins at me. "So you're the rookie. I've heard about you."
Looks like everybody has.
"Well my name's not rookie. It's Anya Wales." She raises her brows.
"No need to get mad." She looks around. "Pretty bare don�t you think? Is it post-modern or something? Feng shui?"
"I got inside for the first time a few minutes ago. Hardly enough time for decorating." Sam laughs.
"I see. But you really need some spirit in this place." She gives me a big smile. "How about some shopping?"
Before I can blink she's already dragging me down the hallway.
Newsflash: the world of the dead has a mall. Don't ask.
But it's HUGE.
Sam pulls out a notepad and a pen.
"So let's work out our strategy." I look at her like she's grown an extra head. Strategy?
"Yup. So what do you want? Any favorite color? Shape? Texture?"
"How about we look around and I pick what I like?"
Sam puts her notepad and pen away. "OK."
After an hour I have mostly everything I need. We decide to go for some ice cream. After we enter a small cafeteria Sam sees something and starts running.
The guy she's yelling at looks up from his coffee and tries to dodge a flying Sam. Too late. Sam is already hanging on his neck and smiling her big smile. He manages to save his black suit from a full cup of hot coffee. He's wearing glasses and has his long black hair in a ponytail.
"Haven't seen you in a while!" She points at me. "This is my new friend and neighbor Anya, her house has no color or anything so we're doing some shopping!" Kaoru looks at me.
"I'm really sorry that you have to spend so much of your time with this nutcase."
Then it hits me.
Not he. A she.
Lady looks like a dude.
"Kaoru you meanie!" Sam hits her in a friendly manner and turns to me. "Anya, this is my best friend Kaoru Houshakuji. She's the information expert of the Office. Bad sense of humor but she's alright."
"So you're the Kaoru Kyoto and Malice were talking about!" Kaoru doesn't seem too happy about the mentioning of her (apparent) relative.
"His twin actually. But I was blessed with more intelligence." Sam shakes her head.
"They don't get along too well."
"I can see that..."
"Oh yeah what are you doing here anyway? Thought you'd have to work or something-"
"They gave me a day off." She looks a bit depressed.
"She's a workaholic, they couldn't get her out of her office."
"Who told you?"
"Josh. He had a conversation with your substitute."
"Oh c'mon, you got to relax a little!"
"Might as well ask you to give up the sugar."
Kaoru looks at me and rolls her eyes. Then she looks at her watch.
"Well I better get going."
"We'll join ya!"
"Pretty please?" Sam does the puppy-eyes. I can see that Kaoru's going to give up.
"Alright. But you have to let go of me!"
"You�re not my girlfriend!"
"We are not in a relationship Samantha Morgan, so let go before I have to do something I might regret!"
Sam lets go.
"Good puppy."
"Hey how about Anya?" She's already pulling my arm. Kaoru looks at me.
"Straight, and she's not my type anyway."
"Aww." Sam looks disappointed.
"And stop trying to put me together with everything that moves."
"I don't do that!"
"Yes you do."
"What are you two talking about?" Sam looks at me.
"Our Kaoru here is bi and still single. She needs a partner."
"The upstairs said I don�t need one!" Kaoru's blushing.
"I mean in a romantic way. I wanna be a bride's maid someday!"
"Then go torture someone else about it!" Sam pouts.
We're walking down a park. Sam and Kaoru have been talking about things I have no idea about. Then the subject changes to me.
"So you've already gotten your first case? Impressive!"
"I almost screwed it up."
"That's what Malice is there for, to clean your mess!" Sam is joking again.
"Sam that's not helping."
"Remember your first case Kaoru?"
Kaoru winces. Sam goes on.
"She almost dropped off a bridge! And her partner had to wipe the memories of 5 people!"
"Wipe their memories?"
"Yeah, when humans see something they shouldn't, we wipe their memories of it."
"Causes a lot of paper work for everybody."
"I had to fill 10 papers plus write the report!"
"So you're doing alright for a rookie." Sam winks at me. Kaoru stops.
"So this is my place. You two can go on now."
"But Kaoru!" Kaoru gives Sam a death glare.
"Absolutely no." She opens the door and walks in. The door closes. Sam stares at the door.
"How long have you two been friends?"
"A few years. Kaoru's been here longer though."
"So what's with her and Kyoto?"
"Sibling fights. They talk to each other eventually. The longest time they haven't talked to each other has been 3 months."
"And now it's been...?"
"2 weeks. So don't worry."
"But how are they here together?"
"They were murdered at the same time." I gasp and she looks at me with no spark in her eyes.
"Keep this in mind: never ever ask any of us how we died. It's not polite and some of us had a life we'd rather forget."
I nod. The logic is easy. I don't want to talk about my death to anyone either. At least not yet. Sam goes back to her usual self.
"So now that that's over with we should head back."
I nod again. It's getting late anyway.
I get back to my house. I spend the rest of the evening putting groceries to the fridge and decorating. Now I have a green carpet and blue see-through curtains. I have some new clothes now since Sam insisted it. I put on my pajamas and slip into my (now dark green) bed. I set the alarm to ring at 7 AM and fall asleep.
It's been a long day, even for someone dead like me.
N/A: Yes, Kaoru can be used for both genders. And there's a song called "Dude looks like a lady". Let's swap some words and we have a whole new thing.
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Monday, April 30, 2007
Tabula Rasa
In case you already forgot:
"this" indicates normal talk
this indicates thoughts
~*~*~*~*~ indicates a change of place
Chapter 3
"Now how did I guess that? Time to panic."
Finally I get to sit down. We're sitting on a bench in one of the endless hallways. Malice is going through the folder we got from Kyoto.
"So what kind of case did we get?"
"..." Malice keeps reading the folder. After a while she looks at me.
"Suicide. A pretty normal case." The way she speaks about suicide like it's something that happens every day and is not something to stress about gives me the creeps.
"Well for your information rookie, suicides do happen every day. You'll get used to it."
"So what are we going to do about it?"
She tosses the folder to me. "You can read that while we move." And I'm back to the half-jogging.
After what felt like hours of walking we get out of the building. Surprisingly I'm through with the folder.
"Can I ask something?"
"This case..."
"What about it?"
"'s in Berlin."
"Can you explain me how exactly we're going to get to the capital of Germany?"
"No worries rookie. I've got it covered."
That comment just made me feel uneasy.
"C'mon. It's no big deal." We're getting closer to another office-like building.
"Let me guess, more walking?"
"Hey you're getting the hang of it already!" We arrive at the door and enter.
Another hallway. But this is different: on each side of it there are doors. Above every door there's a flag of some country. Somehow I just know what door we'll be picking. And just as I finished that thought, we're getting closer to the door that has the flag of Germany above it. In we go.
"Has anyone told Heike we're coming over?" Malice asks the woman behind the only desk in the room. She nods and keeps signing the papers next to her.
"That makes it a bit easier. Let's move, we don't have all day!"
She moves quickly to the other side of the room and in front of the map of Germany. She pushes the red button on the map that says "Berlin" above it. To my surprise, a doorway appears on the right side of the map. Malice of course is already going through it.
"Well what are you still standing there?"
I shake my head to clear my thoughts and go through the doorway after my "partner".
"Ah, Malice! Ich habe euch gewartet!" (Ah, Malice! I've been waiting for you!)
So this must be the Heike Malice was talking about. She's a nice looking young woman, maybe 18 years old or a bit younger. She has a short red hair and brown eyes. She has a big smile on her face and a loud voice.
"Und sie ist...?" (And she is...?) Heike points at me. I don't like being pointed at.
"Der Angf�nger, ja. Sie spricht nicht Deutsch." (The beginner, yes. She doesn't speak German.)
"Oh! Hello, I'm Heike. Nice to meet you...?" She has a strong German accent in her voice.
"Anya. Anya Wales."
"Anya? Are you Russian?"
"No. The name was not my idea, believe me."
"Enough with the chit-chat girls. Our case Heike."
"Ja!" (Yes!) Heike smacks her own forehead.
"This way." We start walking after Heike. While we walk Heike explains the present situation and Malice translates it to me.
"Apparently this one hasn't been on the loose for long, a day or a few at tops."
"Is it a good thing?"
"Well it hasn't caused too much havoc. But we still gotta get rid of it." It's a beginning spring. The air is warm and the sun shines brightly. I'm not feeling too hot in my T-shirt, but I wonder how Malice manages in her red jacket. The black jeans look a bit warm too. Maybe she's used to it.
"We're here."
We've stopped on the edge of a market place. I don't see anything strange about it. Only people shopping and doing normal things. That's when Malice points at the crowd.
"See that guy there?"
I look at the direction she's pointing at. There's a guy who looks like any normal teenager.
He's glowing. A bright red glow.
"That over there is our case. He's invisible to the human eye, so living people can't see him. Now we just gotta get him away from the crowd and somewhere isolated. That way things won't get too complicated and we won't risk human lives."
"So how do we get him to us?" I understand what she's saying, but I don't understand how she's going to drag that guy out of the crowd. Though he doesn't seem too dangerous, he's just staring around like he's looking for someone. I look at him and then back at Malice. But she's talking with Heike. After a while she turns to me.
"Right-o, rookie, you'll be our bait."
Now how did I guess that? Time to panic.
"No worries, here's what you do: just walk close to him so that he sees you, turn around, go to that alley" she points at an alley a few meters away from us "and me and Heike can take care of the rest."
"Are you sure about that?" I have my own doubts about the whole thing.
"Positive. Trust me, I've done this for years." With that she pushes me to the crowd and disappears. So does Heike.
Just great.
So I do as I was told: walk over to our target. I'm about 5 meters away from him when he finally notices me. He cocks his head to the side and starts coming towards me. I start going to the alley.
I get to the alley. No sight of Malice nor Heike. I turn around.
Big mistake.
The case smiles and starts running. I've never seen anything run like that. I can barely see him.
And then he reaches me. And goes straight through me.
"Marco! Das ist Kokain!" (Marco! That's cocaine!)
Feels like someone threw freezing water on me...cold...
"Yo! Rookie! Don't just stand there! MOVE!"
"She got hit!"
"Well that's simply brilliant! Should've known this would happen!"
Hey where did that guy go...?
The guy is banging a wall of some sort. It's purple and I can see through it. And then I fall on the ground.
"Heike, look after her, I'll get this over with!"
Heike is already next to me. Malice walks calmly to the glowing guy. Talk about a professional in action. I can almost feel the power radiating from her. She draws a cube in the air with her fingers. Suddenly the glowing guy is trapped in a purple cube. Malice snaps her fingers and the guy bursts in black flames. When the flames fade away the only thing left in the cube is a black butterfly. The cube disappears. Malice pulls a small jar out of her pocket and catches the butterfly. Then she walks over to us.
"How's the rookie doing?"
"...'m fine." I try to stand up and Heike grabs my shoulders.
"Unbelievable. See this butterfly here?" Malice lifts the jar so I can see the insect in it.
"That's Marco Schellhammer. He was a drug-addict and died from an overdose. And now look at him. Nothing but a mere insect. Has as much strenght as a butterfly, that's why the form. And it still took you down." She shakes her head. "Unbelievable."
I can already stand on my own. We get going.
"Try to be more careful next time." We're back at the doorway. I don't feel too great. My first case and I screw it up.
After Malice walk through the doorway, Heike pats my back.
"Don't worry, you'll do better next time. It always takes it time. And by the way," she smiles at me "I bet Malice wasn't a master at this job in the beginning either."
"She's been doing this longer than you?"
"And you've done this for...?"
"50 years next month."
I'm speechless.
Malice pokes her head through the doorway.
"Hey what's the hold up?" Busy as ever.
"You better get going." Heike winks at me. "Auf Wiedersehen, Anya!"
"Auf Wiedersehen!"
I wave at Heike and step through the doorway.
"So what do we do with that?" I point at the jar Malice is holding. We're walking towards another building. A small one for a change.
"We're sending it where it belongs."
We step inside the small building. In front of us is something that looks like a pool filled with shining water. It keeps spinning towards the center.
"So this is it." Malice goes to the edge of the pool and drops the jar in it. The jar vanishes and the butterfly sinks into the pool.
"Now the people upstairs handle Marco and make their final judgement."
I can't help but stare at the pool.
"That's it?"
"That's it for me." Malice turns towards me with a wicked smile on her face. "You still have that report to do."
A/N: At least the main character has a name now. A lame one but a name anyway.
And yes, this chapter contains German (feel free to correct me if it's not written right) and I translated them for the sake of the people who can't understand German.
The thing is that Anya and Malice might go all over the world so of course they have to speak other languages than English. All the non-English will be translated of course.
I hope people won't flame me for this.
And Simpleplanluver: Do you mean grammarwise or the style I write with?
1. The over-perfect grammar can be blamed on my Finnish and English lessons, both trying to make me write in a perfect way.
2. I'm a pre-mature perfectionist. That might explain a few things too.
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Sunday, April 29, 2007
Tabula Rasa
Chapter 2
"Where's the fun if the target isn't even dangerous?"
"So what is this place?" I ask Malice while walking down the hallway.
"This place has a real name, at least I think it does, but no one remembers it. So we call it The Office" says Malice while we go past a long line of what looks like bookcases. They're full of folders, blue and red ones. Otherwise the place does look like a normal office building.
"No need to think about the details, you have the rest of eternity to think about those."
That stops me.
Malice shrugs and keeps walking. I'm half-jogging just to keep up with her. "Well I've been here for a long time. Feels like eternity, but at least I'm not doing paper work. Those pile up too you know, but I just gotta write the report after every case."
"So what are these "cases" anyway? You said something about lost souls and M.O-something."
"M.O.O.R. It stands for Mostly Out Of Reach, all the cases we can do almost nothing about, except to kick them out of the human world. Kinda like lost souls, but a lot nastier" she replies while we enter a room filled with desks and folders. There are some people doing what looks like the paper work Malice mentioned before.
"And the lost souls are...?"
"Souls of the people who have killed themselves or were too persistent to not go to Heaven or Hell and things like that." She sounds like she's been telling the same stuff about a thousand times before.
"Yo, Malice! The report for the 24th May case is still late!" yells one of the people in the room.
"Yeah, yeah and I told you I�ll get it done by next week" Malice yells back and keeps walking. The guy yells something about "the boss".
"For the record rookie, the reports all have deadlines. The Boss is the guy who handles this section." We're still not stopping.
"This section? So there are more than this one?"
"Sure, what, you really think that a few people can take care of all the lost souls of the human world?" Malice grins and shakes her head like she's explaining something very simple to a 5-year-old who just won't get it. We get to the other end of the office room and enter an elevator. Malice presses a button that says F1.
"Where are we going?"
"We�re going to Kyoto-"
"Not the city, schoolgirl. Kyoto is responsible of all the cases of this section and of who gets to do what."
" he's the boss?"
"Thank Enma, no. Kyoto needs someone to keep him on a leash or we'll be all doomed." The elevator stops and we get off. Now we're in a hallway full of windows. The sky is blue with no clouds.
"Back to the point, we'll get our case, do some research on it and get it done. And you'll be the one to write the report." So she's already being the boss.
"Why me?"
"Because I'm older, prettier and I've done this job far longer than you have. I've written about a million reports so now it's your turn to suffer." She smirks. "Ah, we're here." We're standing in front of a door. Simple brown door, no details. Malice opens the door and walks in. "OI! Kyoto, what've you got for me and the schoolgirl?"
"Malice, polite as always. And the rookie hasn't asked for a transfer yet? She's sure got guts."
We're in a room filled with piles of folders and papers. In the middle of the piles is a young guy with a shoulder-length black hair and dark eyes. He's wearing all black. He has a smirk on his face which scarily reminds me of the smirks Malice does every five minutes (at least it feels like it). He's playing solitaire on the floor.
"Or it's because she hasn't seen the best of me yet. You said something about a case?" Malice leans closer to get a better look at Kyoto's cards.
He pulls a heart 7 and puts it on top of one card pile. "Sure." He waves his hand towards one of the folder piles. "DH-67-J1" and the second he ends the code a folder is flying into his hand. He hands it over to Malice and returns to his solitaire.
"No casualties? Where's the fun if the target isn't even dangerous?" Kyoto raises his head and looks at Malice.
"Did you bother to read the whole text? No casualties YET. The first victim might as well be our rookie here", he waves his hand towards me. Good to know they have so much faith in me. Kyoto puts the cards away and stands up.
"Alright, I get it." Malice sighs. "So how's Kaoru? You two still not talking to each other? Other than the casual insult of course." It's Kyoto's turn to sigh. "How about you focus on the rookie and the case instead of the Houshakuji family's issues?"
"It's still hard to believe that the two of you are twins. OK rookie let's get going." Malice waves at Kyoto and steps out the door. "We have a case to take care of."
A/N: Sorry if the chapter was a bit short, but I felt that it was better to stop there.
Also, the new chapters won't come out every day or anything, they'll come out when I write one. I might also post some poems between the chapters. But there will be more chapters, don't worry.
Now if you have any questions about the story, the writing process, characters etc. feel free to ask. I'll have a FAQ-section (Friendly Asked Questions) at the start of every chapter from now on. So just put your question/s in the comment box and I'll get to them.
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
Tabula Rasa
Words from the author: So this is my first long story. Tabula Rasa means scraped tablet or clean slate in Latin, blank to put it simply, so I thought that it would be a good name since this is coming from pretty much nowhere. I still hope that you enjoy it. So let's begin.
"this" indicates normal talk
this indicates thinking
~*~*~*~ indicates a change of place
Chapter 1
"Let me get this straight, no one has told you ANYTHING about this?"
I feel a little dizzy...
"...and that big bum could've paired me up with anyone, ANYONE, and he pairs me up with that?!"
...where am I?
"...yes, that's what I mean, I want a new partner, NOW...what?...have you seen that thing yet? Obviously not and nor has The Bum, otherwise he would've thrown her to the Library! That girl won't make it even through one HOUR on the field...hah hah very funny, should I come up there and kick your ass right away or are you gonna actually DO something about this?!"
...oh. Right. The Incident.
" I really am stuck with Little Miss Schoolgirl am I? Someone is sooo going to pay for this..."
...she doesn't sound too happy. I wonder what that call's about.
"Well I gotta get going now, she's up already." A pause. "Of course, I'll just be my charming self and she'll beg for a transfer...yeah, well that's not my problem. Bye." She ends the call.
Oh no she's looking at me.
"Okay, get up already, I don't got all day."
Get up? Wait. Where am I again?
"In the worst job you will ever get. Now get your ass up, we have work to do."
Fine, fine, no need to be so vulgar about it, I think while standing up from my chair. That woman is still looking at, not a woman she looks life she's my age-
"Far from your age, unfortunately. Oh in case you missed it, I can read minds. But your body language tells enough."
"Seriously? Well then could you finally tell me where I really am and who are you?"
"Where? I think I covered that already. Who am I? To make this quick, you can just call me Malice. Everybody does. A fitting name I might add."
Who the hell wants to be called malice?
"Wonderful people like me." Malice is sitting on a chair, balancing on it really, and has her legs propped up on the desk in front of her. She's flipping through some folder in her hands. A green one.
"Average family, no friends, great grades..." She looks at me from behind the folder.
"Didn�t you do ANYTHING spontaneous in your life? Drugs? Party? ANYTHING?"
I shake my head. Don't recall doing any of those. She sighs.
"A goody-goody, that's all I needed." She flips a few pages and grins. "Connections with depressed and suicidal people? Now we're talking!" She looks at me again. "Oh yeah this is your folder. Everything about your life, from your birth to..."The Incident", as you apparently call it." She raises her brows at that. "They totally forgot to add that you lack imagination...wanna take a look?"
I don't have the time to answer, the folder is already aiming for my face. I catch it and go through it. It has every single detail about me, including my picture and some very...personal details. Another thought pops into my mind. "Why's it green?"
"Because you'd be happily in Heaven if you wouldn't have made a huge turning with that Incident of yours." She shrugs. "Blue for Heaven, red for Hell, green for people like us. Simple as that." She pulls some black strands of her hair off her face. Grey eyes flare for a moment. "And by "us" I mean the few people who work for Enma-Daioh, The Bum as I call him, and have the lowest payment of the whole department." She looks up and takes her feet off the desk. "I sooo deserve a raise for this..."
"Few people who work for Enma-who?" I understand the stupidity of the question a bit too late. Malice gets up from her chair, walks in front of me and leans a little closer.
"Let me get this straight, no one has told you ANYTHING about this?" I shake my head.
"Should�ve known, the people upstairs clearly hate me." She looks up again and mutters something about killing some Kyoto-guy. Finally she remembers that I'm still in front of her.
"Oh well I'll explain while we move, we already have a pile of cases to get over with and lost souls and the M.O.O.R. have a tendency of getting nasty if you let them be on the loose long enough..."
"Cases? And what lost souls? M.O.O.R.?"
But Malice is already pushing me out the door.
A/N: So this is the start. I hope you'll enjoy this story instead of scrolling past it.
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Friday, April 27, 2007
One and the other.
It keeps spreading over the white paper.
Black stain.
Can't be removed, just like the ones in a human heart.
Desperate, pleading, with a long echo.
Endless, bottomless, depending on where you look at it.
Unbearable, unforgettable.
No colour, all light can get through it.
One is strong, the other can be shattered easily.
A thing no ammount of money can buy.
Feared, but maybe it's just lonely too and wants company.
Bright, can be seen even from a distance.
Something we usually look at while thinking these things.
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