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I've gotten some writing done after a few years
Anime Fan Since
Magic Knight: Rayearth came on TV over here
Favorite Anime
His and Her Circumstances, Elfen Lied
to write works that people would enjoy and writing a story
drawing, writing, listening to music
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Tabula Rasa
Note: From now on, this indicates thoughts/talking on the phone etc.
Chapter 17
“How can you be so sure? If I remember correctly, you were the ones who ran off!”
(Kaoru’s POV)
“I wonder how they’re doing…”
“Relax, they’ve got Malice with them, they’ll be fine.”
I can’t help but grin. “You said you’d be fine before you got locked up by an army of women, didn’t you?”
“Shut up.” I can almost see the vein on his forehead…
And then my cell rings.
“Hi sweetheart!” I can’t hide my smile.
“Rei! Hi, what is it?”
“I remember we had a date planned-”
“Yeah, I know and I’m sorry but something came up-”
“Yeah, I know. Everyone’s working right now. So are we re-scheduling?”
“Yes. Next week?”
“I doubt this thing’s over before next week. After that?”
“Sure. When?”
“Let’s see how things go and think about it then.”
“Okay! Love you!”
“Love you too!”
“Who was that? Your girlfriend?”
“How’d you know?”
He smiles in the way that makes you want to go and punch his teeth down his throat. “I know everything.”
“Seriously, why haven’t we met her?”
“…I won’t let you guys ruin this.”
“What! Who said we’d ruin it?”
I raise an eyebrow at that. “Common sense bro. You should look that up sometime…” He raises his hands in defeat.
“Fine, fine. But you can’t hide her from Sam for too long.” I shiver.
“Maybe, but I’ll try.”
(Sam’s POV)
“…what happened?”
“Hey! Where’s Anya?! ANYA!”
“She’s not here.”
I look around for a while and spot the Mean Woman sitting cross-legged on the floor with her rapier right next to her. Nabooru on the other hand is trying to get up from the floor. Not too successfully.
“Sure took a while for you two to wake up.”
“What happened?”
She scoffs. “Those brats tried to move us out of the way. Literally.”
“They tried to teleport us. And they managed to get rid of Anya.”
Wow. That’s the first time I’ve heard her calling Anya by name.
“So where is she?” Malice shrugs.
“Who knows. She might be dead for all I know. But once the great leader here” she waves her hand at Nabooru “gets her ass up we should look for those brats and try to figure out a way to get Anya back here.”
“From the Office or not, I suggest not mocking me. At least I know where I’m going.”
“Sure you do. Now can you enlighten us about this whole thing?”
“No.” Now she’s pissed Malice off. Royal.
“Look. My partner is missing, we’re facing an enemy we know nothing about and I suppose that this is going to get a hell lot worse. I’m not in the mood for your childish games. So now you tell us all you know or I’ll snap your neck!”
Nabooru stares at her as if she’s trying to decide if Malice is being serious or not. Finally she gives up.
“Fine. First of all, I have no idea who those boys are, nor where they came from. We noticed that there’re demons here, yes. One of my best squads was lost while they were on their mission-”
“If you mean that they were stealing something just say it.” Nabooru glares at Malice for that.
“Fine, as I was saying, while they were stealing something I ordered them to steal they were attacked and never came back. Not even their bodies were found.”
“What were they stealing?”
“That’s none of your business!”
Malice’s eyes narrow and she leans in. “My patience won’t last forever so I suggest that you tell us what they were here to steal or I force it out of you and I promise you it won’t be pretty.” I can feel the dangerous waves radiating from the Mean Woman and so does Nabooru.
“Alright, they were here for the Medallion!”
“What medallion?”
She looks at me like I’m a little kid who knows nothing. “It’s the source of power that for one, keeps us and this place hidden from human-eyes. It also makes it possible for us to live here.”
“And most important thing is that it’s a part of a set of 5 medallions. They all keep certain things hidden from humans.” Malice turns to Nabooru. “But don’t they only work in their set places?”
“No. As long as they stay inside the area they’re protecting they’re powers won’t change.”
“So why did you want it?” Nabooru’s eyes flash.
“To keep it away from the minions of darkness, of course!”
“To put it simply, dark powers combined with the medallions is no good.”
“But if those boys are already here-”
“They’re probably waiting for the right moment to move the Medallion away. Not a good thing.”
“So I was here to kill The Witches to prevent the Medallion from falling into wrong hands. The Witches have been possessed before, but no one has ever managed to kill them…” Nabooru ends her story.
“So we’re in trouble?”
“Big time.”
(No POV)
“Angst? What is it?” Angst has been standing in the same spot for a few hours. Well that wsn’t anything new. But she didn’t have her umbrella with her. And she’s been mumbling to herself too.
“Nach einem Windstoß ging ein Sturm los…“ (After a gust of wind began a storm…)
“Wir waren namenlos: wir haben einen Namen. Waren wortlos: die Worte kamen. Das hört man doch. Wir sind nicht fehlerlos: nur etwas haltlos...“
(We were nameless: we have a name. We were wordless: the words came. You do hear it. We aren't flawless: just a bit anchorless…)
“Angst?! Are you alright?!“
Angst falls to the ground.
(Sam’s POV)
“So what do we do now?!“
“I think we should find the brats first, make them give Anya back and then kill them. Then we can worry about the Medallion.”
Speak of the devil. I turn around slowly. “Yeowch.”
“My, my! Is there something wrong with my ears or did they just talk about killing us?”
“They did! They did!”
“Well sorry ladies but that’s not going to happen!”
Malice laughs. “How can you be so sure? If I remember correctly, you were the ones who ran off!”
“That was only once!”
“It won’t happen again!”
“We’ll make sure of it!”
“Where’s Anya?!”
“Oh that friend of yours?”
“We sent her away, faar away!”
“Yeah, that’s pretty obvious, but where?!”
“To the Grey Dimension!”
One boy smacks the other one. Guess the other one’s not that bright…
“Well, now we have to kill them!”
“Do we?”
“YES! Mistress said so!”
“Oh, okay!”
“Wait a sec!” The twins turn to Malice.
“Shouldn’t it be an honorable battle?”
“What is she talking about brother?”
“No clue.”
Okay, maybe they’re both idiots.
“I want a fair fight!”
“No way!”
“How about this: I fight you both, on my own, and if these two can get through to the battlefield they can take part in the fight.” She smiles sweetly. “Or are you too scared to face me?”
That gets the duo going.
“But you have no right to complain when we kill you!”
Malice snickers. “Don’t worry, I have nothing to complain about. Shall we go?”
“Yes!” The boys and Malice disappear like they were never there.
I look at Nabooru.
“Should we get going then? You do know the way, right?”
“Of course I do!”
“Great! Then let’s head out!”
(Kaoru’s POV)
“Hey Kaoru! Bad news!”
I knew it.
“What now?”
“We lost Anya!”
“I’m serious, she’s just disappeared! No traces what-so-ever!”
“How did that happen?”
“I don’t know. And guess what, the Witches of the Desert are dead!”
“No way!”
“Yeah, and apparently the guys who killed them are in the Colosseum right now!”
“Oh shit.”
“Couldn’t have said it better.”
“So where are Sam and Malice?”
“In the Colosseum with Nabooru. I’m still waiting for more information but this is what we have so far.”
“So they’re in trouble?”
“Yeah, even worse that just the BB.”
“Can’t you get over it already?”
“Whenever you do sis, whenever you do.”
“So what can we do?”
“Wait or send more people. I don’t recommend the last option so we just gotta wait and hope for the best.”
I think for a second.
“Should we look over the other cases? In case they have something in common or something?”
“Good idea.”
A/N: So this was another "break-chapter" (I use those usually between fighting scenes or when I fell the need for a larger view).
All the copyrights of the German stuff belong to Rammstein (I changed it a little, but the original things is theirs).
I also noticed that people really liked my latest poem, Falling non-stop! Awesome! ^^ Comments like the ones I got from that poem keep me going!
Woot! Awesome chapter! Sorry I didn't read it yesterday. We need to get more people to comment on your story!! It's not fair that I just read it. Your talent should be recognized! This was a great chapter though. ^^ I felt bad for the lizards. haha >_< There seriously needs to be some lesbian type thing in the story!! haha >_<
xoxo Britty
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I've signed guestbooks and all that and few people have actually been interested in this thing! ^^ Which is great.
And as some of you might know, I'm involved in a project called The Otaku Poetry Union along with Ekedo and silver star rose. We have a site but it's currently under construction so it won't be up for a while...but look forward to it!
If you write poetry in anyway and you think you can publish it on TOPU's site feel free to apply for membership by PMing one of us! ^^ The more the merrier!
Yeah, sorry about the lizards. ^^''' And if I can find a good place to put it I might wirte an extra-chapter with a lesbian type thing. How about that?
That was all for now. Later!
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