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In my pants.
Member Since
I load trucks.
Real Name
Dustin Widmann
Being not dead.
Anime Fan Since
Some time ago.
Favorite Anime
SE Lain, Elfen Lied, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Full Metal Panic, Fushigi Yuugi, Love Hina, Last Exile, Blue Gender, Scrapped Princess, Gundam 08th ms team/0080/0083/Seed
To make the best out of life
Various stuff to do with computers. Watching anime and movies(I watch very little tv, though). Reading/researching things (usually not books). Video games are fun, though I don't play them as much as I used to. I love to listen to music too.
I'm good with computers. Nuff said.
| onewingedangel
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Gomen Nasai!!
Gomen Nasai!!
Sorry I couldn't get around yesterday or today, my dad is to blame -_-;; Heck, the only reason I'm on now is because i snuck into his room and plugged the phone wire back into the jack about an hour ago. I'm now, besides doing this post, working on my term paper that is due in about 5 hours, i only have three of working time. I hope I get it done in time, I now have the cover page done, all I need to do is the inline citations for the 5 and a half pages of work...which only took a couple hours to do, in fact, I did that in class. I even made a little cover picture for it, truth was I was just screwing around but it doesn't look too bad, I'll put it at the bottom of this post. I can't really think of anything better to say so I'll probably keep this post short. Ah, yes, today will be background number three and tomorrow will be my decision day, which to keep. Today's background of choice is the Nebula DEM L 106. Again I'm glad that is around with such good wallpapers ^^ Well, I'm going to stop typing this now and work on my term paper, good bye people.
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
Interesting Day....Not
Interesting Day...Not
Today was interesting, actually it wasn't but I felt like saying that. All I did today was procrastinate, wake up late, and web design shit, all of which while listening to music of course.
I've found the god of all free hosting services. It has support for a slew of things, gives you five subdomains, can optionally add a domain if you're willing to pay. There is no jumping through hoops to get the account either. There are no popup/popunder/banner/text ads forced on the site. This place is simply the best. Co-Evil has made a full transition now. If you have the time of day can you check it over to make sure all of the links and images work?? Pretty please? Also, i have definite plans of launching a full version 2 of my person site, the graveyard. It will be moved to this host as a second subdomain :D That's all for todays web designing bit for today.
I've been doing pretty well on myOtaku as well. The excessive times due to a massive friends list truely ended like I wanted them to. I am down to just three more guestbook entries to check as well, I'm catching up. Yay...I think. The wallpaper change ordeal is still on, today is wallpaper #2 of 3. It is the Dumbbell Nebula. This wallpaper exists thanks to, go there now damn you.
I've been slacking all damned day. Now I'm realizing I have two assignments to do and not a lot of time to do them. Luckily enough when free webs closed my thing i was able to get in(they had already closed it and stuff, but i can still go into it in firefox for some odd reason). That's all for todays random bit. I'll leave you all with a quote from a friend:
If you understand others
you are smart.
If you understand yourself
you are illuminated.
If you overcome others
you are powerful.
If you overcome yourself
you have strength.
If you know how to be satisfied
you are rich.
If you can act with vigor,
you have a will.
If you don't lose your objectives
you can be long-lasting.
If you die without loss,
you are eternal.
I think I've found out the cause of Co-Evil Being suspended, it said that I used 11734110210.69mb of my avaialable 1000mb bandwidth, that normally sounds impossible, but that's not neccessarily true...I think someone may have flooded the server |
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
Slow Day
Slow Day
It was a pretty slow day, not because I was bored, just because it was slow. I can find plenty to do when I set my mind to it. I watched tv and played games and such throughout most of the day. It was really late when the crisis hit. Freewebs shut down the co-evil site, luckily I had everything backed up. After a few hours of searching I found a pretty good looking free provider. Actually I found two, but one isn't so to say, user friendly? I might get contacted by it in a few days, if not I'll pretend I never went there because I can't sign in. This one's faster anyway, even if it does lack the features. It looks like it's down for upgrades right now so I hope the intro is back to normal by later, the site is mostly back up, after an hour or so's work, but I haven't gotten around to correcting links, images, etc, just yet. It may take a while. I am going to be experimenting with a few backgrounds that I just uploaded to photbuckets, all three of these few are from the hubble gallery as well as the one i've been using. Today's will be the Omega Nebula. I'll change it tomorrow, and the day after, then I'll decide which is the keeper. I'm sorry I didn't get around to your sites yet again today.....but that little crisis jumped to me and demanded me for a few hours. I'll probably stay on another hour tweaking some things. See ya soon, if I don't go into an obssessive web design rampage that is... also, if someone could take a look at yesterdays quote section i think they may find it interesting :) I did. |
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Friday, August 27, 2004
Must...Clean!! O.O
Must...Clean!! O.O
Today went fairly well, nothign really all that special. I just got a pretty hard-hitting reminder that I have a term paper due Tuesday. I already have it quite a ways past the length requirement. All I really need to do is make the cover page and resource page, as well as edit and put in the internal citations. Then I'll probably have eveybody I can read it over because I'm too lazy to nitpick it myself. I got a 98% on my Mid-term in there. It was pretty easy....and with my responses to her calling two of my answers incorrect she wondered if I had ever considered being an attorney. The truth is yes, I have....that business law class I had a ways back was pretty easy; although it was a big pain in the butt. I think I'm better at programming so I'm going to stick it through all the way with this major. Too late to change my mind now that money has been spent as far as I'm concerned.
I changed a few things here on myOtaku today. I realized that we can use the body, script, and style tags on here again, so that prompted me to make a few changes. I included a script to allow the Windows version of Internet Explorer to view alpha transparencies in 24-bit PNG images.(It is pretty much the only brwoser around that doesn't support it.) I also changed the background to include the styles background-attachment: fixed; and background-repeat: no-repeat;, which together work in all modern browsers unlike the old bgproperties="fixed" which put simply does not. I'm probably going to be changing the background soon as well..... I've been playing aroun in the GIMP some more, and I found some things that might make nice backgrounds if I play with them enough. I'm sorry I didn't get around to everybodies sites today, if any. I went on a mad cleaning spree throughout my bedroom and bathroom ^^;
I felt bored so I thought I'd post a link to one of the places that I blow a lot of time at:
ACAP & Otaku Singles Forum/Group
It's a nice reasonably active forum of the anime community. One of its goals is to help get people to cons and such. It's a pretty nice place all in all. As far as I've seen all of the people there are nice too, which is rare. This is enough rambling for now, maybe I'll post quotes of random rambling instead.
Random Quotes
Identify this quote:
"what happens if this thing eats your food?" "ass blaster blitzkrieg"
Here's another random quote:
"do you think they see us? - naw.......yeah"
And a great quote of the counter-productiveness of Bush:
"...Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we..."
oO2Furious4UOo: its not scary that a girl u have never actually met before is calling u dad
bloodyangelz0: what would be scarier if you took a blow to the head got amnesia and then started calling me dad
bloodyangelz0: (all, in person of course)
oO2Furious4UOo: lol id fine that funny
bloodyangelz0: hehehehe yeah
bloodyangelz0: but that'd turn scary if you didn't stop after the first day
oO2Furious4UOo: true then u would have reason to fear
bloodyangelz0: the above was a left brain activity brough to you by bloodyangelz incorporated
oO2Furious4UOo: oh god
oO2Furious4UOo: he is an advertisment now
oO2Furious4UOo: NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I fear nothing.
Or so you think. Being like this myself, I think it's safe to say you might have had some hardship in your past. Maybe people have always expected you to be the best. You like keeping your emotions and fears to yourself and tormenting yourself. It isn't healthy, but it's a hard habit to drop.
What's your Worst Fear? brought to you by Quizilla
Right to an extent I suppose.
The Fox:
The Fox is the symbol for the Hidden. You have a desolate hidden creature inside of you, which makes you laid back, hidden, and quiet.
Strengths: Just as sly as a fox, you can get out of terrible situations with ease, and maybe be the master of pulling of lies. But one of the things you do best is just blend in with everyone else so no one draws attention to you, not like you crave the attention anyway. The Fox is also very protective of those he/she loves, and will stop at nothing to defend in a verbal or even physical battle.
Flip Side: Being the Fox, you can be very judgemental on people and many other things because you're not afraid to speak your mind. With this in hand, some people may shrug you off as being cold when really, you were only telling it as it is.
Congratulations! You have a Fox inside!
What's Your Inner Beast? [pics] brought to you by Quizilla
Seems to be highly accurate, whether by chance or true correctness is up to speculation to decide.
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
Yesterday seemed to be pretty good. No idea why. Nothing even happened yet it was still good. Today I'm stuck with a headache and acidic feeling, not fun but I've seen worse.
After school yesterday was pretty average. Just did a bit of computer maintenance and listened to music and the like. It was rather boring but very peaceful, quite relaxing really. Took a few hour long nap after that. Then I started into doing the same thing again. Played Around with the GIMP a little seeing what else I could get it to do too. Then I eventually went to bed to be awakened a few hours later by my speakers at max volume :D Oh well, maybe I'll find more to say in the post on first break yes?
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
I've actually accomplished a few things lately. All in all I feel like a miserable piece of shit but I think I gave a plus to the look of this pages intro if nothing else. My stomach has been killing me almost every day lately. Bottom-line: it hurts like hell. I haven't slept much lately either, oh well. Sorry I didn't get around yesterday. I was busied by my studying that I did a little of, that will be my excuse okay?
School is running smoothely as ever. It's still very boring and I'm not learning anything but that's okay, I'm getting a grade for it anyway. I had Freshman Orientation mid-term yesterday and I'll have the Programming logic one today(yawn, do they think me an illogical idiot or why did they put me in here?) No idea on what else will go on with school.
Lately I've been visiting forums and here quite rather a lot in comparison to the usual. I've also been pretty reclusive, talking to nobody outside of forum-type places, and usually I'm only throwing in idle comments.... The one guild I was a member of was shutdown and restarted because someone had stolen it...We got a mod to shut it down and the new one started today. The other forums I go to, AFOTW and ACAP are moving along nice and slowly, just the way I like it. I've been able to keep up here on myO extremely well now that I cleared the slack of my list, all the people who didn't comment and/or never post. I like's down to only taking around an hour again.
I've been messing around in a program I downloaded a month or so ago, GIMP, lately. I redid a couple of my pictures. The Welcome sign has been changed and I made the background of the co-evil sign's background an alpha transparency. I've also thrown out another few little logos too for the sake of experiment that I'll show below, feedback would be very nice. I also decided to leave the co-evil members pages alone for a while. I will eventually get around to doing it but not now. As for now I replaced the scrollbox in my profile with a link to the site. Here are the various little things I made over the past couple days(just experiments, and also note, the frosty script-fu hates me).
And that's all that I'm going to say for today. I'll talk to anybody who feels like it later. Buh bye.
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Monday, August 23, 2004
Sorry I haven't been around the past couple days. Truth was I tried to get around to some of the sites but I was a bit overwhelmed....It was taking far too long to go through the stuff and I stressed out lost my patience and quit on it all for that night. There were more than 12 posts of greater than a page in length and I really didn't have that much patience ^^; I'm yet to get around to a few of my guest book entries but that can wait again til another tomorrow, like tomorrow. All the time this list has been taking has got on my nerves so I finally got the idea: clearance!!
The idea of clearance is very simple. If someone on my list doesn't comment or doesn't updat their own site...they're off the list. The ability to reclaim yourself in the unlikely event you were removed from the list and read this post, prove yourself and you'll be put back on. The standing list is quite easy to view, the drop down box on the left of course. I cut my list from over 60 down to an even 30. Quite good I think.
I haven't accomplished very much this weekend. I was supposed to study for the midterm I have Tuesday but I haven't gotten around to it quite yet. I'll study tomorrow(w00t for procrastination!!) I'll be busy quite a lot in the future I hope. My old friend Mark has recruited me to do his LAN groups site. It should be pretty simple I think. All he needs to do now is give me the final details. I can't think of much else that has been done lately so I'll leave it at that.
Image of the day
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Friday, August 20, 2004
Today was pretty damned boring. It wasn't quite an all time low though. I was pretty much overheating throughout much of the day. I can't stand this confounded Virginia weather. I played Metroid Prime for a while today, and checked around a few members on here. I'm yet to catch up on my guest book entries. I'll do that tomorrow morning/afternoon/whenever I arise from my coma. My friend found something funny on cnn:
SEATTLE, Washington (Reuters) -- A black bear was found passed out at a campground in Washington state recently after guzzling down three dozen cans of a local beer, a campground worker said on Wednesday.
"We noticed a bear sleeping on the common lawn and wondered what was going on until we discovered that there were a lot of beer cans lying around," said Lisa Broxson, a worker at the Baker Lake Resort, 80 miles (129 kilometers) northeast of Seattle.
The hard-drinking bear, estimated to be about two years old, broke into campers' coolers and, using his claws and teeth to open the cans, swilled down the suds.
It turns out the bear was a bit of a beer sophisticate. He tried a mass-market Busch beer, but switched to Rainier Beer, a local ale, and stuck with it for his drinking binge.
Wildlife agents chased the bear away, but it returned the next day, said Broxson.
They set a trap using as bait some doughnuts, honey and two cans of Rainier Beer. It worked, and the bear was captured for relocation. Taken from CNN
I have a headache. I'm wiped out. To top things off I'm also hungry. I think I'll cut this post short and do just that *yawns* I've been awade for 20 hours on 2 hours of sleep now ^^; I'm not quitee a zombie yet either, in fact, I could probably stay up the rest of the night if I wanted; however, today is not my day and it's making me feel pretty crummy so I'll go. buh bai ~onewingedangel
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
Today was pretty uneventful. I just went to school, slept and messed around on my computer. Finally decided to start using post styles instead of copying and pasting ^^; I should have done it sooner but well, I didn't. I guess for now I'll just put up my playlist, it's not very often I make one that I find I've made one this good. Here it is
Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall
A Perfect Circle - Blue
Malice Mizer - Beast of Blood
Toshiro Masuda - Turn Over
Atreyu - Lip Gloss And Black
Fear Factory - Descent
Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
Offspring - Have You Ever
Mudvayne - World So Cold
Evanescence - Understanding
Powerman 5000 - Free
Breaking Point - Falling Down
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Slayer - Raining Blood
REM - End of the World
A Pefect Circle - The Noose
ACDC - Thunderstruck (live)
A Perfect Circle - Orestes
Offspring - Genocide
Nirvana - Smells like Teen Spirit
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
Pennywise - Who's on your side?
Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water
In Flames - Only for the Weak
Disturbed - Meaning of Life
3 Doors Down - Duck and Run
Arimachi Masahiko - Through the Night
Nobuo Uematsu - The Prelude
Marilyn Manson - This is the new Shit
Tool - Third Eye
Static-X - Cold
Rammstein - Spieluhr
Twisted Sisters - We're not going to take it
Third Eye Blind - Jumper
Finger Eleven - Drag You Down
Staind - Blow Away
Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark(live)
Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear the Reaper
Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Deftones - Change (In the House of Flies)
X Japan - X
Audioslave - Gasoline
Megadeth - Sin
Metallica - Fade to Black(live)
Creed - What If
Offspring - The End of the Line
Blink 182 - Aliens Exist
Psycho le Cemu - Excalibur
REM - Losing my Religion
Drowning Pool - Tear Away
Megadeth - Angry Again
Megadeth - Symphony of Destruction
Alice in Chains - Sunshine
Otep - Possession
Faith No More - Epic
Offspring - Amazed
Pierrot - Freaks
Nirvana - You Know You're Right
Godsmack - Awake
Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name
Flaw - Whole
Korn - Thoughtless
Mai Yamane with Seatbelts - The Real Folk Blues
Megadeth - Trust
Barenaked Ladies - Pinch Me
Sum 41 - No Brains
Pearl Jam - Light Years
Red Hot Chili Peppers - otherside
Two Mix - White Reflection
Red Hot Chili Peppers - By The Way
Deftones - Pink Maggit
Well, i'm out for now ~onewingedangel |
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
aspirin anyone?
aspirin anyone?
Well I'm still pretty well deprived of sleep. Surprise Surpise right? Anybody have any / want any aspirin? I need some, I guess I should go downstairs and get some. I have a splitting headache >< Well, I can't think of much else to say so now I shall post pictures of the kittens ^o^ ~onewingedangel Kitties!!
The kitties commandeered my bed today, so I took pictures of them ^^ why? no idea, but I did, they turned out pretty good as usual ..... well good night all, i think, mine has been lousy. |
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