myO Still <3's You
Saturday, July 24, 2004
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Friday, July 23, 2004
Busy Busy
Busy Busy I've been a bit busy lately. I've been:
I still need to get around here more often, but I'll do that as soon as I finish up with things. I get a bit obsessive about things at times ^^; I might as well clear out my obsessions before attempting return. I've even made a to do list:
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Space Things just don't seem to be going quite right lately. Right now I seem to be about halfway good but I don't know all in all. All I seem to want to do is sleep. So I sleep half the time and the rest of the time I'm either mindlessly watching anime, listening to music, completely spaced out(and I do mean completely...usually whole hours going by without my realising, it's a bit of a double edged sword), or some odd combination of the above. I'm not all here lately and it's pissing me off. I also seem to be suffering from a complete lack of energy. This is the main reason I haven't been here lately, nothing happening and no thought process. Normally I might be considered somewhat smart but lately I have the intelligence of a drunk cat o.O I will also be gone for a few days more, going up to Pennsylvania again. Hopefully by then I'll have regained my senses, if not, well, then not. I'll talk to you all later. ~onewingedangel Quizzes Congratulations! Your anime hair color is WHITE! Okay, youre not the most social of all creatures, and some might even say that you are downright mean. You put on the tough-guy (or girl) act quite well, and only those who know you best see through it. Youre not as tough as you may look and act, and contrary to popular belief, you do have more than one emotion. What Is Your Anime Hair Color?(Anime Piccies, for either gender) brought to you by Quizilla |
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Thursday, July 8, 2004
Life I'm back now. A few days ago in a storm the box that controls this phone line was struck by lightning so they had to fix that. Now I'm back. Lets see...... what did I accomplish during those few days? I watched episodes 7-13 of Serial Experiments Lain, eps 5-9 of Full Metal Alchemist, ep 3 of Tokyo Underground, and eps 1-11 of Trigun. I also switched out the 20 GB slave drive for a 40 GB one. I changed my cd-rom drive out for a dvd-rom drive as well. (I took the parts out of one of my old computers)I spent quite the large amount of time editing a story for one of my friends. It's around 7-8 pages long so far. (Damn i'm tired, I'll need to make this post quick *yawns*) I'm just now getting ready to turn in as well.... pulled another all nighter. Blah, that is really all? yes, it is, that's all that has happened in my life lately. A Quiz ![]() You are a Samurai. Always up for a challenge and never a subtle creature, you are predictable and unafraid of death - it is an honor for you. You never back down, and you know that to be a Samurai is to serve. You are obediant and disciplined - the pinnacle of perfection in your art. - What kind of Warrior are you? - brought to you by Quizilla The Tournament's Revival Now listen up for a minute(or read....whatever -_- i'm not in the best of moods). I've decided to change how this is working around a bit to make it go a bit faster. I'll put up the names and if you want to see a picture or read a bio just click on their name, it's a link to the tournaments page. I spent a lot of time writing those bios and searching out pics(really, i did), so there is no excuse for not having an idea who a character is, as always. If you want to see the up to date brackets or the bios of anyone else click on the blue tournament button/banner/thingy, whatever in hell you want to call it(make this heachache stop ACK!!) OKAY, HERE'S THE MOST MAJOR CHANGE, IT's A CHANGE IN THE WAY TO VOTE, YOU MAY CONTINUE COMMENTING ABOUT IT AS NORMAL HOWEVER...... I have decided to change it over to an email based system. To vote click on the link that says to email me,enclose in it the votes, seeing as i have put up four at once this time. For the topic of the EMAIL YOU MUST PUT IT IN THIS FORMAT "myOtaku: Himura Kenshin Or San
Seto Kaiba Or Nicholas D. Wolfwood Shinomori Aoshi Or Heero Yuy Miroku Or Sesshoumaru ![]() Click to go to the tournaments brackets page. To email me with your vote direct all mail to If you would like to place a link to the tournament on your page feel free to copy and paste the code below: |
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Monday, July 5, 2004
random amusement
Random Amusement EDIT: Alas I have found it!! I have found out how to center images in css... though it's a bit of a pain... Besides me being itchy as fuck, nothing is new. Here's some random stuff to keep you busy for a few minutes. I'll be working on the tournament a bit and posting the next bit of it later today as well.....Expect a bit of change from before. Destroy the world The Well thought out Bill Gates Death Perpetrator: Littleweseth Plan: You will need...
-One copy of Windows 95/98/me (ANY windows, damnnit!) -One Matrix -One roomful of Guns -A Computer running Linux -A digital smurf -*We need cameras. Lots of cameras.* -Bio-haz Suit 1) Set up the computer so that information flows one way only. 2)Set up cameras. Lots of cameras. 3)Reformat the Matrix with Windows. 4)While wearing a Bio-Haz suit, use the entire roomful of guns (save a couple) to shoot, incinerate, and otherwise destroy the copy of windows. 5)Kill Bill Gates too. 6)Retreat to within the computer running Linux. 7)Use the smurf to reboot the Matrix. 8)Watch through the cameras as the world crashes. 9)Laugh insanely. 10)Do it again. 11)Repeat step 5. -destroys one world. Taken from The Home of the Council of Nerds Quizzes You are an SEDF--Sober Emotional Destructive Follower. This makes you an evil genius. You are extremely focused and difficult to distract from your tasks. With luck, you have learned to channel your energies into improving your intellect, rather than destroying the weak and unsuspecting. Your friends may find you remote and a hard nut to crack. Few of your peers know you very well--even those you have known a long time--because you have expert control of the face you put forth to the world. You prefer to observe, calculate, discern and decide. Your decisions are final, and your desire to be right is impenetrable. You are not to be messed with. You may explode. Take the Quiz![]() ~VIOLET OR PURPLE~
Your very mysterous and rare. You're usally laid
back and very quit. You're shy,cool,com and lazy. You always seem like your hidding a big secert. You keep to yourself alot, even with friends.Rate^-^ What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!! brought to you by Quizilla |
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Saturday, July 3, 2004
Insomnia I've completely altered my sleep schedule now that summer has come. I now sleep in the mornings or afternoon and i'm awake at night. It suits my tastes well. I've been listening to a lot of music lately and the like. Mostly A perfect circle and Rammstein. I didn't actually get around to Lain yesterday so I'll do it shortly. I can't break my schedule two days in a row if I can help it. After I'm done watching it the immediate to watch list contains Outlaw Star, Trigun, Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Scrapped Princess, Ranma 1/2, Love Hina, Hellsing, Hand Maid May, and Vampire Hunter D. All of the above but Vampire Hunter D are in fansub form, which is my preferred way of seeing them. I also have plans to throw the tournament back into action. I'm probably going to speed up the process a bit in a way or two though, so expect that. I didn't kill it or anything. I have quite a lot of work to do on the web as well lately. I have full intent on releasing a second version layout of my personal site, as well as adding much content to it. I'll be working on the co-evil site as well so check in on it from time to time if you wish. I recently added a template so that gemmei can now post in the updates area. I'll probably also be creating a page template in the near future so I'm not stuck doing all of the work with it. I also have a few other things to do. I get massive amounts of emails from the yahoo group i'm a member of, theacap. I run around checking on myOtaku daily if can help it. I am also currently editing a story for a friend. After he has enough done(and that enough is edited by me) we're going to post it all over the place, I might even post it here. Whether that's a curse or a blessing nobody can say. I'll be leaving you all for now. I have Lain to watch .... ![]() ~onewingedangel |
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Thursday, July 1, 2004
Sorry? I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. I have only myself to blame. Though some may consider my absence a blessing, I am back anyway, so deal with it. I'm sorry to the rest of the people who drop by here, for I haven't been visiting anything lately on the internet ^^; My vacation plans have been pretty much cancelled by my parents so it looks like I'll have nothing but time to do things now O.O. I'll probably focus my time on anime, video games, editing a story for a friend, and being on here. I should probably also get around to finishing the co-evil site, and putting that tournament back in gear. See you later, I suppose. I'm probably going to go watch lain now. ^^ ![]() ~onewingedangel |
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Saturday, June 26, 2004
Blahnessified Magical Globs
Blahnessified Magical Globs I've been having a dandy time lately. Well not really, but I felt like saying that for some odd reason. I've been busying myself with random things lately and haven't spent as much time on here ^^; Sorry if that traumatized anybody, and if it did; please tell me why, because I find that rather interesting and potentially entertaining. One of the key things I have found myself doing lately is playing Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker. I found this game rather disappointing. It was short. It focused almost completely on puzzles and was by far oversized. I hate big. The Zelda games I've played before were much better than this one.... I don't think I'll be playing this through a second time. I just beat it today obviously ^^; This game didn't live up to its name ;_; I need to get my hands on a copy of Ocarina of Time again, really bad. I'm also planning on doing a bit more today. I'm tied between doing more gaming(likely metroid prime or ff7, can't decided at the moment), working on the co-evil site, or rewatching all of lain all at once. Decisions Decisions. Anyone want to decide for me for I am one of those terribly indecisive people ^^; Well, i'll be off for now to try and decide which of those things to do. Buh Bai. hm, if you get bored you can even AIM me*clearly desperate for something to do* ^^; bye ~onewingedangel
Edit: I played Metroid Prime for a while.... dropped the stress level quite a bit I must say. Then I was playing FFX-2 for a while.... Eventually went to bed around 7am. It is now 2pm and i'm up and ready to go. I'll probably be playing games all day again.... Also, we have four new members of Co-Evil. The monkey tamers Flint and totalimmortal, pudding maker Uzali and soldier kirby67. Stuff regarding animegirl67 and veragoth pending. |
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
I have returned......
I have returned I'm back from my little absence. I was gone for around 8 days and I have actually obtained a reasonable amount of news to post...... I think. It might even be interesting; although, it might just be too long for the majority to read.. short attention spans are pretty common. I should know for mine's pretty damned short. Let us start with a morsel of good news shall we? Some information was misconveyed on last weeks post, it wasn't Doc Widmann, he's fine. That's good right? Now for the balancing piece of counterproductive bad news.... Instead of Doc, the person in critical was Rex Notestine, my other grandfather. I probably should have made that correction when I was in the Geisinger waiting room, but I was short on time and had to go. Shortly after I did what I did on here at Geisinger, things started to turn sour. His condition went from bad to worse to hopeless as function after bodily function shut down. They decided to take him off the respirator a day later. In the meantime I had been at my grandmothers house while she was at the hospital. I had been stuck watching the younger people(go figure). During the week I had the game cube with me so it wasn't too horrible. We for the most part were playing Mario Kart, Smash brothers, and the Windwaker. I made a good bit of progress in windwaker, passed the earth temple and the wind temple and finished the map. I met up with my cousin Ryan when I was there as well. He's still as cool as ever.... as well as still as much of a pothead as before as ever. I also met up with Justin..... I don't think I've seen him in years. He seems to be doing pretty well. With the enourmous amount of people around I was constantly on edge and started snapping at people a lot. Saturday night I once again dawned the dress clothes that I had worn for graduation, only this time I was wearing them for a funeral. Saturday night was the viewing. I was pretty solemn, but I stepped out drank some Mountain Dew and bullshitted with Ryan for a while to pass the time. We were there for around 3 and a half hours. They had to close the casket because he didn't look enough alike his old self or something to that extent. The next morning I got dressed and ready to go again. We were there for around 1-3. Ryan gave a little speach at the service, when he read it it apparantly moved quite a few people to tears. We from there proceeded to the cemetary.... he had been in the military during the Korean war so a couple guys from the army were there and did the flag thing with 'taps' playing in the background and the like. I think I just may have been the only person to take it as well as I did. Despite the loss I didn't shed a single tear; although, I was quiet for some time after the service. Shortly before we left we picked up a couple of kittens. Both are pretty young. One is black with white paws and white chest. I think it might have a respiratory infection or something to that extent. The other is a bit older and is solid gray. I hope everything with that works out, for it is the only piece of remotely good news I can think of at the moment ^^; I'm sorry this post was so long. I probably lost most of you by this point, I'll just shut up and go to bed now. ~onewingedangel Edit: This is one of them many things I probably forgot to say and/or left out. This post could have been so much longer but I shortened it as much as I could believe it or not. I got a considerable amount of money to do with my having graduated. I had $190 before nad now have over $350. ![]() Click to see the pic full size ![]() Click to see the Picture full size |
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