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In my pants.
Member Since
I load trucks.
Real Name
Dustin Widmann
Being not dead.
Anime Fan Since
Some time ago.
Favorite Anime
SE Lain, Elfen Lied, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Full Metal Panic, Fushigi Yuugi, Love Hina, Last Exile, Blue Gender, Scrapped Princess, Gundam 08th ms team/0080/0083/Seed
To make the best out of life
Various stuff to do with computers. Watching anime and movies(I watch very little tv, though). Reading/researching things (usually not books). Video games are fun, though I don't play them as much as I used to. I love to listen to music too.
I'm good with computers. Nuff said.
| onewingedangel
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
Projects completed
Projects Completed
Current Mood: tired Current Music: A Perfect Circle - The Package I've finally completed my two projects for Systems Analysis that I've been working on for some time now. When worst came to worst, I deprived myself of my precious internet and got down to business. I started at around 7 on both nights, but I didn't quit on either night til well after. On Tuesday I halted myself at about 3:30AM, and on the other I worked well into the night, all through it in fact. I didn't even finish up and turn the Individual Project in until the last possible second - roughly 1:02pm. In other news, I haven't been doign much, but today in the mail I got the keyboard I ordered. It seems to have more quirks than advantages, but I'm thinking this is just because I haven't taken the time yet to get used to it. It has some really nice flow, as far as I can tell, but one major annoyance is the placmeent of the backspace key, another couple annoyances are that the arrow keys are lowered, and that I lack proper home and end keys, but I'll get used to this eventually I'm sure, so I'll be happy with this little "Happy Hacker Keyboard" soon enough. |
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
I'm sorry I haven't been around lately, but I've super crazy busy! I'm crushed for time at the moment as I'm juggling two projects at once. I have to have both of them finished by Wednesday, so I'm going to be focusing on them until I have them finished. I suppose I might give some details later, then again, maybe not. |
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
mmm, orange
mmm, orange
Current Music: an air conditioner? Current Mood: delirious; sleepy
Well the last few days haven't been very interesting or entertaining really. I've been sleeping, eating, computing, going to class, and if I was doing anything else then I can't remember what it was. OH, and I got my hard drive in the mail yesterday. I can't think about anything else to say, so I guess I'll catch you later then eh? Oh, and I may be slightly inactive for a while as the phone line for my internet connection seems to be dead, or needs rewired, or something of the like, and I'll be working on fixing that later. So as for now, I've a line from the main phone line to my modem, but I have limitted use of it. Oh, wait, I remember what I've been doing now. I've been watching some more of Love Hina and reading some more of Ranma 1/2. That's all for now, ja. |
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Current Music: Saloon - Le Weekend
Current Mood: semi-satisfied
Well guess who? Yes - me - I'm back... again. I've been busy with little tidbits of this and that, and I'll make that the point of this post. How does that do it for ya? I have been doing fairly well, no particularly awful days, though some of those days at work seemed pretty bad. I've had more than the usual number of good days though, so that's cool. I haven't been sleeping all that well, but that's really nothing new. I'm averaging 3-5 hours of sleep a night, I think. Why is the topic yeoooowwww? Because I have a headache right now, but it's not a bad one, and it's probably sleep related, so that's okay. I did take a large amount of time to type this post, so if you don't mind, read this one if you read anything :P (NOTE: This post isn't as long as it looks, it's a mixture of the font and the thinness playing tricks on you)
I guess the first topic of the day shall be school, seeing as that's just one of those main things I do, and as how work doesn't give me anything worth posting/talking about. I finished up last term as I always did, with an A in each class, and quite bored out of my terribly small mind. So now I've finished up my C++ and SQL classes, landing myself into a Systems Analysis class, and a PL/SQL class. The PL/SQL class is going fine, and I expect it will for the full term, seeing as I have the same teacher as the SQL class. The Systems Analysis will likely be a tedious pain in the ass. It requires much more reading as the instructor doesn't do as well explaining things. I have a funny feeling there will be people failing this class, and I might actually have to think and read for once to ensure that I'm not one of them. How troublesome...
As per the next activity of my time away, how about we take the dandy topic of wasting my money. That's always fun right? Well, I've gotten a small handful of things. I secondly got a gig of RAM, installed it without any problems, because RAM was needed here, in my poor computer. Before I got the RAM, I went to though. Here's the stuff I got at "will frag for bandwidth" mug, Caffeine Molecule Mug, "No, I will not fix your computer" Mug, Pacific Chai (tea), 7 t-shirts, all with dandy little phrases: "Keep out of Direct Sunlight", ">SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0 >No Rows Returned", "Got Root?", "Bow to me, For I am root", "(front) (back)", "Generic Humanoid Carbon Unit", and the last one, instead of a dandytm phrase, has a nice glow in the dark power symbol. As for the Generic Humanoid Carbon Unit shirt, I got two interesting comments on it. "Dennis Stillwell: You're anything but generic, you're unique." "Justin: You're uniquely generic!" Oh, and yes, I WILL frag for bandwidth, I *NEED* bandwidth, and I need it now!
Lets see, what else have I been doing around here lately, besides the usual instant messenging and stuffs. Well I've finally started back into watching anime and reading manga on a semi-regular basis again. I'm currently knee-deep in Ranma 1/2, ready to start reading volume 10. I'm also up to about episode 5 in Love Hina, as I've decided to rewatch it after two years since I first saw it. This is all good stuff, and it's keeping me entertained, it reeally is. Another thing I've done a little of is gaming. I've put some hours into my Final Fantasy VIII file, which of course is going well.
The computer related things I've been doing are mostly reading. I'm working my way through two books at the moment (independent studies of sorts), one is a certicationy book on Java, that I've been working on on-and-off, it's a really interesting book, but it's also really long, and very detailed, and if I'm to stand any chance at the *VERY* expensive certification exam - I'd best know my stuff! The other book I'm reading through is one I've had for a while but never finished - the topic: Using XML in Java. It's interesting stuff as well of course. I've also given myself a brief introduction with Python, Ruby, and shell scripting. The other stuff I suppose I've been doing would include a little bit of the usaual computer tweaking, but when do I not do that?
So it has been written, so it has been done. This tale is the life of the insignificant geek of alias "Dustin". Over and Out. |
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
Current Music: VNV Nation - darkangel
Current Mood: Indifferent
I've not had the most time to be around lately it seems. You see, I got Metroid Prime 2... I think that's about the jist of it, yeah, I've been playing it, a lot. One night I didn't go to bed til around 3:30, because of game playing, such is my life.
I'm doing fine in school as usual, but not fine enough it seems. On my SQL midterm, Justin beat me by one percent, damn his 104%(there were 6 extra credit points possible)....but at least I did better my c++ midterm... I got a 101.5(The written half was curved by 2/30, so I got a 31/30)... he only got a 100, hah!
My parents computer is messed up yet again, it will probably not be til after I fix that that I'm back around much, or I'll end up less one head. I can't believe I've been neglecting my internet duties this much this last year though, it pains me. Oh well. Oh, and before I forget to say, I'm finally back on track with the Naruto manga....good stuff, damned good stuff.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Current Music: Interpol - PDA
Current Mood: Indifferent
This week has been mostly uneventful. I've got Debian up the way I want it now, so that's a plus. All in all it has been a decent week. We fixed the mower Sunday... and I had to mow down the knee high weeds that had grown in. Spent about 6 hours doing that. Didn't finish though. I haven'te done much else really. Just these things... and play video games, of course. Lets see, I beat Tetris Attack on Hard with no continues, that was an accomplishment.. I think. Nothing else to say really, so maybe I'll actually stop around later.
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Current Music: TV on the Radio - Staring at the Sun
Current Mood: Indifferent
Damn, I haven't been around for a while again. I think it's because I'm hating dialup internet as much as I am. I'm planning on ripping myself off to get piss-poor broadband, which of course itself costs an arm and a leg(60+/mth). Then I'll probably have a will to be around more... and let things load, and the ness. I know that may sound like a bad excuse, but have you any idea how slow it is to be crawling around at 2kbs? Yes, well, it's really, really, really slow. Any slower and it would be going backwards.
The rest of my post is not here, but in another place that I post occasionally. Go over to My LJ and read my article for the impending release of the Playstation 3. It's really quite a marvel. You'll see once you've read it, you'll see. And this shall be all for my post.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Current Music: Random Trance Music
Current Mood: Flaky
All I really did today was sleep. Be it whether I was in class or at home, sleep is really all I did. I think I'll throw in a couple quizzes for post filler x.x As for the second quiz... a tie between Yoda and Mace.. so it couldn't decide whehter it wanted to call me black or short? The nerve!!! ... j/k
 Your element is Water: Understanding, intelligent, quiet and calm. You know who you are and no one can change that. Usually quiet but only because your listening, don't let anyone think you haven't got an opinion! Your not quiet because your shy or sad\, your usually quiet because your thinking. Your answers are well planned and helpful so people generally seek your advice. Your the perfect balance between solitary and outgoing. But sometimes you need a little time to yourself to sort out your emotions and figure things out. You understand the phrase 'sticks and stone' and rarely let things get to you, whats that important for you to have to get so upset over? You know what you want out of life but are simply taking your time and enjoying things. To you your life is fine as it is, you can always change things later if your not happy. .:-|What is your true element ?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
 You scored as Yoda. Mace Windu | | 75% | Yoda | | 75% | General Grievous | | 64% | C-3PO | | 61% | Darth Vader | | 56% | R2-D2 | | 56% | Clone Trooper | | 50% | Padme Amidala | | 47% | Anakin Skywalker | | 44% | Chewbacca | | 39% | Obi Wan Kenobi | | 39% | Emperor Palpatine | | 22% | Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you?created with
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Monday, May 16, 2005
Cheesy Poofs
Current Music: <silence> Current Mood: Exhausted
Well, This week was pretty average. Just school and the likeness as usual. My life is becoming too routine, and I can't avoid such seeing as I'm busy every damned day of the week, if I include the fact that I have things to do Sunday sometimes...and other times I make it so I don't explode. I ordered the Debian Sarge release Thursdayish... opened up my case to check my frontside bus speed early in the week, and erm, oh, Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness arrived on Saturday. I'm pleased with the final cd of the one order, and I guess I'll have to spend a couple hundred dollars on RAM later this week as well. As for the Sarge release of Debian Linux, it's 2 DVDs in size.... what in hell do they put on there? I guess I get to find out. Maybe they include the source or something? I don't know. I hate being busy like this 7 days a week... I need a break, and I'm going to eventually take one whether anyone around me likes it or not. I'm getting sick of having no life... again - not that I ever really had a life anyway, but yeah. Class is starting, so I'll wrap up the post with this one word - polkadot. |
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Current Music: VNV Nation - darkangel
Current Mood: indifferent
Today was a fairly sleepy day. Went to school... pretended to pay attention, slept, came home, slept, grabbed the latest firefox alpha... slept, configured it..... and well, now I'm ready to sleep some more. I'd have to say this alpha probably needs a good bit of work though...then again... it is the development (alpha) version. I didn't really feel up to doing much else today. I think I'll finish this theme tomorrow (today) if I can stay awake long enough to do so. I'm only going to get a few hours of sleep before heading off to school, and with this teacher the chances of my being very awake are slim to none.
As for yesterday, there wasn't really much else to say, except maybe a clearer explanation could be given. As for IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome - it's not going to go away. I'm stuck with it for the long haul. If my memory serves me correctly the cause is unknown and there is no "cure", so I'll just have to deal with it and hope that the medication helps. Well, I need to get some sleep. I'll probably have time to get around to people's sites tomorrow too, I'm hoping so anyway.
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