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In my pants.
Member Since
I load trucks.
Real Name
Dustin Widmann
Being not dead.
Anime Fan Since
Some time ago.
Favorite Anime
SE Lain, Elfen Lied, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Full Metal Panic, Fushigi Yuugi, Love Hina, Last Exile, Blue Gender, Scrapped Princess, Gundam 08th ms team/0080/0083/Seed
To make the best out of life
Various stuff to do with computers. Watching anime and movies(I watch very little tv, though). Reading/researching things (usually not books). Video games are fun, though I don't play them as much as I used to. I love to listen to music too.
I'm good with computers. Nuff said.
| onewingedangel
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Monday, April 18, 2005
Current Music: none Current Mood: Bored Saturday wasn't all that great a day. Besides having to work as usual I had some pretty nasty stomach pains, which effectively made my life hell, but as witnessed now I survived.
Sunday was pretty uneventful as well. I made it to bed around ten the night prior due to severe exhaustion. I spent most of Sunday "Internet Window Shopping", configuring my computer, and preparing to repartition my hard drives. I've already started the repartitioning to make room, I guess I'll finish that up later. I'll probably end up deleting WinBlows before long too :]. Today will be a fine day. I will have a full 120gig hard drive....containing only three partitions, yay!
And so they put the Java programmer in a C class, and he says, "Give me Java or give me death!" |
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Friday, April 15, 2005
Current Music: X Japan - X
Current Mood: Spent
Well, today was an altogether average boring workday, not really much to say. I got a free lunch, I guess that's a good thing eh? Erm, lets see, what else happened... what else happened... oh well.
How about I move back to yesterday and say what I did then instead? Lets see, I, erm, ummm, talked to people, and listened to music, a causal afternoon I think. What else did I do you (you being a nonexistent person that exists solely to draw out posts, give me someone to talk to, and annoy you) ask? NOTHING. Yep, that's right, absolutely nothing. ... wait, come to think of it, I cleared out of the bathroom, all my stuffs, all of it out. Why? Because my brother went and pulled a stunt, taking a dump in the clogged up toilet o.O Stupid little prick ... So now I've moved into the downstairs bathroom like most everyone else. I'd best check on that bathroom later I suppose, because my off limits note is lying on the floor. I didn't really sleep well last night, mainly due to my dad agitating me and my brothers stupid stunt. I hope to sleep better tonight though, I hope. I guess I'll just read 'til bedtime or something(8ish). Th-thth-th-ththt-that's all folks!
What? You say the show must go on? Well then, in that case, this post will be continued ... like pronto. Anywho, I was thinking earlier *listens for gasps*, and I came to the conclusion that I once again, need to clean out my guestbook. I don't even want to try to count the entries that turn me the wrong way ... What about being constructive is there that people are too insolent to understand? If I hear something about people liking colors again, I might just barf, all over the keyboard, in hopes that an interdimensional warp will open and drop it on their heads .... and then spend far too long cleaning a mess. Oh well,
/rant. |
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
Current Mood: Relaxed Current Music: (none)
Wow, has it really been a whole week since I last posted? It doesn't really feel like it for some reason. I'm trying to become active again;however painful dialup may make it. For the most part over this last week I've done little that would be of concern to the majority of you. I've been doing school as usual, and just finished my final for Relational databases, yesterday i finished up the final project for Illustrator, which turned out pretty well, with the exception of the type, which didn't turn out well because I ran short on time. Maybe I'll rasterize those and upload them later... I worked last weekend of course, and it doesn't really seem to be getting any better. Bleh. Double bleh. Bleh with sprinkles on top I say!
During weekday nights I've mostly been working with things on my computer. I installed the latest pkg-config, glib, and libxml2. After I got around to those, I started working on updating my amaroK. I had to grab MySQL and a couple other things for its dependencies. Unfortunately I got side tracked into working on getting the GStreamer architecture installed, after 2 days of messing with that I finally remembered that I could just go back through and reconfigure amarok to use Xine instead. Curses, 2 days lost eh? I'm now working on getting a couple a handful of encoders and the like. I've got notLAME(MP3 encoeer), and an OGG encoder now. I was going to grab something else that looked like it would be nice, but the KDE-APP site was apparantly down for maintenance last night.
On a side note I just started watching Samurai Deeper Kyo the other night, and it's looking pretty good so far, as of episode 3ish. I'll have to get to watching the rest of it soon eh? Well, that's all for now, as I'm in school at the moment. I guess I shall talk/visit later if all goes according to plan. |
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
Current Music: Korn - Blame Current Mood: Tired I've been somewhat busy lately, but that isn't really all of what has been keeping me away. I've gotten back into gaming pretty heavy, just like the good old days :P I've been playing Super Mario RPG, Ocarina of Time, and Tetris Attack ... all at once! It's a blast, I haven't done this for years, not since I lived in Indiana. I've also been busy working on things on my computer. I went through and improved the font rendering, and tried but failed in updating GLIB and GIMP ... it seems It is a major pain to do so at all from what I've read. Oh well, I guess I can wait until mandrake 10.2 is released. That's pretty much all that is going on lately, games, computer work, work, and school. It seems my dads' bosses' boss wants me to fix his computer, interesting eh? I guess that'll take time too though. Oh hectic life, shoo, shoo, go away I say! |
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
Little to nothing
Current Music: Watchtower - The Fall of Reason Current Mood: Apathetic
I haven't really done much lately, yet again, so I don't even know why I'm posting this. I finally got my Tetris Attack and Ocarina of Time in the mail, so I've been playing the hell out of them as of yesterday night. I've also been working on outfitting my computer as usual. I'll probably be able to place my orders on RAM and such today as well. Maybe I'll get a couple Iron Maiden cds as well, or maybe even Smashing Pumpkins. I haven't decided yet. I'll probably get around to sites tonight, but I make no guarentees as my dad has been taking me out of the house lately so I can learn how to drive. Whether this is worth it or not I don't really know yet. I guwess I'll find out though eh? So anywho, I shall talk later. |
Comments (2) |
Monday, March 28, 2005
The Weekend
Current Music: *silence* Current Mood: Apathetic
This weekend was boring and busy as usual. It seems I'm finally starting to get used to my job, somewhat. I'm less sore, and less tired than usual, then again I'm still only at about 60% of what I'll be expected to be doing before long.
*90 minutes later*
Besides my boring job, not much else has happened, except I got my dvd burner, and all my gamestuff in the mail. Weirdly enough they *accidentally* sent me the japanese version of Majoras Mask, so it looks like I may have to use this as an excuse to get myself some books and teach myself Japanese. Such is life I suppose. Yesterday I was home but I was too tired to really do anything. I was in and out between dreams and reality, with a very fuzzy line between them. You know how that goes right? Well, maybe you do. It happens to me all of the time. I think there's a name for it, I'll have to look that up later.
Besides that I was working with my computer, in my little dreamlike state, and I got a fair amount done. I put in my new dvd burner, reworked a few of my menus, and gave my theme a bit of a makeover. I'll be doing more to it soon when I feel I have time to do so. I'll put a screenshot of it at the bottom of my post, but I really do like it. The wallpaper is the same but the rest is rather different. I also went through and downloaded Open Office v2.0 Beta and installed it. I downloaded my Java Runtime environment too but it looks like it needs a bit more work before I have it working in my browser, because I followed the instructions it came with and it's still not working.
This has been a longwinded boring post yet again. I'll try and get back to some people sometime today if I'm not too tired, and not too obsessed by the time I get home. All I can really say is blah, for blah is blah, is blah is blah...

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Friday, March 25, 2005
I guess I'm just checking in now. Nothing has really happened since my last post. just work. I got off at about 5ish today I think, so it was roughly a 12 hour shift. This job is driving me crazy, but mayhap I shall live. Oh well, maybe I'll have enough energy to have free time on Sunday if I'm lucky. |
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Bow Down to the Penguin
Current Music:Scissor Sisters - Comfortably Numb Current Mood: Mixed - Stress/Accomplishment/Musical Today was another slow boring day for class, but some interesting things happened. Before I went to school, though this feels like ages ago, days even, I went out to check the mail. What I found was the two cds I ordered: Kreator - Voices of Transgression, and Watchtower - Control and Resistance(see my intro for more on this :P). Good solid albums, though I've probably found better before. Next surprise was my modem arrived today, I'll go into more depth on that later.
I spent the rest of my day after school listening to the new CDs, and even got one sent to me, an interesting one, heck, I might even buy the album sooner or later, TV on the Radio - Staring at the Sun. It was pretty interesting, and incredibly addictive. Lets see, next major event of the day was the toilet overflowing, lovely, guess who got to clean it up? -_- Oh well, and after that I got more lovely news, or maybe it was the other way around, either way, not a good combo. My parents found out about my blowing my paycheck and weren't happy. Oh well, Maybe the second asshole will come in handy? har har. After calming down from all of t his at around midnight I decided I would try something, and try something I did.
I had already had my new modem set up from earlier that afternoon, and had been frustrated in that I was having troubles getting it to work, but voila! Look ma, no Microsoft!! All must bow down to the mighty penguin! And a screenshot of my accomplishment, damn, I feel like such a n00b, but oh well. Oh, and I have nothing else to say, so good night, and click the picture below to look at my screenshot. 

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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Money go down da holllllleeeeeee
Current Music: Interpol - Stella Was a Diver and She Was Always Down. Current Mood: Apathetic
Today was a fairly average day. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. I brought my PS2 back into my room and played Bloody Roar 4 for a while because I have to give it back tomorrow. Erm, umm, I started reading my new Java book, and it's looking quite nice so far. I'm sensing humor in a technical book, am I dreaming or just plain geeky? We didn't really do anything interesting in Illustrator today in class either, just messed around in it doing what the book said to do - boring as far as I'm concerned. I've also resumed work on my personal website again, and will try to pull a couple scripts together between today and tomorrow. I also spent a good deal of money tonight. Here are my expenditures since having a job to date:
- External Dialup Modem(for linux compatibility
- DVD-RW drive
- 2 Java books
- 1 JSP/servlet book
- 1 black mage shirt
- One Ctrl-Alt-Del shirt
- Nintendo 64
- Super Nintendo(my old one is a waste)
- F Zero(SNES)
- Super Mario RPG(SNES)
- Tetris Attack(SNES)
- Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time(N64)
- Legend of Zelda - Majoras Mask(N64)
- Additional N64 Controller
- N64 Memory Card
- Goldeneye 007(N64)
- Xenogears(PS)
- FF1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9(PS)
All in all I spent too much money today, over $350. Oh well, I'll leave you with a quiz and a good night now.
 You scored as atheism. You are... an atheist, though you probably already knew this. Also, you probably have several people praying daily for your soul.
Instead of simply being "nonreligious," atheists strongly believe in the lack of existence of a higher being, or God.
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Monday, March 21, 2005
Current Music: In Flames - Pinball Map Current Mood: Groggy
Well, I've not been feeling well lately. I ended up leaving work very early due to sickness on Saturday, and slept and stuff all of Sunday more or less. I'm feeling somewhat better now, but I'm highly fatigued. 2 of the 3 books(A book on Java certification and the book "Head First Servlets and JSP") I ordered came in the mail Saturday so yay for that. I guess I'd best get ready to leave for ECPI now, bye. I'll probably be around sometime this afternoon. 
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