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In my pants.
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I load trucks.
Real Name
Dustin Widmann
Being not dead.
Anime Fan Since
Some time ago.
Favorite Anime
SE Lain, Elfen Lied, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Full Metal Panic, Fushigi Yuugi, Love Hina, Last Exile, Blue Gender, Scrapped Princess, Gundam 08th ms team/0080/0083/Seed
To make the best out of life
Various stuff to do with computers. Watching anime and movies(I watch very little tv, though). Reading/researching things (usually not books). Video games are fun, though I don't play them as much as I used to. I love to listen to music too.
I'm good with computers. Nuff said.
| onewingedangel
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Friday, March 18, 2005
Current Music: Pennywise - Time Marches On. Current Mood: Exhausted.
I know since I'm posting so late that nobody is going to read this anyway, but oh well. Today was another hard days work, clocked in at 5am and out at 5:55pm. I found out that Olive Oil is very slippery the hard way today as well >.> I'm beat, and I've got no time for this, and I've gotta do it again tomorrow, so I'm out for now, good night, and good tomorrow, and blah. As for me I'll suffer for my paychecks. Bye.

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Thursday, March 17, 2005
Current Music: The Offspring - It'll be a Long Time Current Mood: Disengaged
Today had me downright bored. Even though it was something that would normally be interesting. Things just don't seem right lately. Oh well, not really worth my concern. It was just some more stuff in illustrator, nothing to say really.
Yesterday I did something that means I am stuck waiting now, and stuck without cash until my paycheck goes through. I ordered 3 books. 2 of them were on Java with different focuses, both on certification, but one goes farther in depth and expects you to know a lot more before reading the book. The other book is on JSP - java server pages. I also ordered 2 cds: Kreator - Voices of Transgression, and Watchtower - Control and Resistance. I've been wanting them for a year or so and I'm finally going to have them, and they're just a start, but a good one. I think three of the five things have shipped so far. I guess I've got to wait up to two weeks for everything to get here, darn.
AFter I got home from school today I took a nap. Now I'm almost as bored as I was in class today, yet not quite as bored as I'll be in class tomorrow. I'm going to rather dislike this Relational Databases class, mostly because of the instructor. I know he has a boring class to teach, but an interesting teacher can keep any class awake right? I think he might also have some sort of grudge against me because I got out of a class of his before, the Visual Basic class I tested out of.
Now I shall go completely off topic. Is it me or is this (at least this area) of myO very slow lately? I count 5 people or so who haven't updated in a month, some of them not having updated in more than 2 months. I know I'm not really one to talk on it, but hey, I am anyway. It also seems a person or two have dropped off my list, along with at least 3 guestbook entries. Weird eh? Funny ... since when is Black_Pearl gone, I liked that person. Oh well. I've got nothing left worth talking about. Good night.  |
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Current Mood: Moodless Current Music: In Flames - Bullet Ride
Today was a fairly average day. As usual it began with me dragging myself out of bed, a bit later than usual, sixish I think. The trip to school was average as well. It looks like there are supposed to be 13 people in my 2D-Design class ... which is basically just a class in Adobe Illustrator. It's so to say, interesting, as was photoshop. It looks like it will be using Adobe's training book just as Photoshop did. Nothing much else to say on the subject of school really, except that the grades for my Advanced Web 2 and Technical Writing aren't up yet.
After I got home from school things went by without much happening as usual. Somewhere in there I took a nice long nap, which helped. I fixed my Firefox ... it didn't take much, but I probably won't go tinkering with the development tools without knowing what a couple of them do again anytime soon. It looks like the preferences menu is going to be a bit different in the next version, the bar will be along the top instead, which I hate ... easiest way to see what I mean is to download the latest trunk build. Ah, yes, Open Office version 2.0 beta(1.9.79) is out now, and it's looking pretty smooth. It has more features and loads significantly faster for me. Thumbs up to that. I haven't much else to say really, because that's all that really happened. Maybe tomorrow will be more interesting. I think my first day in the Relational Database class is tomorrow. I'm willing to bet it will be boring, but that's just the way these things go. Good Night/morning/afternoon/evening all.  |
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Monday, March 14, 2005
Current Music: Metallica - Whiskey in the Jar Current Mood: Pseudo-normal
It seems I've been gone for rather the while, even longer than I had expected really. I've been busy with things such as school projects. One of them was a 8-10 page paper I had to do for technical writing, it ended up being 16 or something like that, but that's besides the point. I also had to do a small website for the advanced web 2 class. It didn't turn out as well as I would have liked but it can be found here. I've been really busy with work on the weekends too. Friday and Satrurday I've got a 12 hour shift, then I'm too tired on Sunday to do anything really, like today for example. After getting home from work last night and crawling onto the couch, I didn't move again until 12 noon today. Then again, that was due more to soreness than to tiredness. My muscles are still achy right now to be honest, and of course my fingers/hands are still blistered and cut too, not to mention the brush burns on my arms. It's worth it for the most part though, my check for this last pay period(2 week), working 2 days a week, was $489.05. My debit card finally came in the mail too :3 Woohoo, time to spend? Oh well, that's all I've got for you, besides the thing taking up space at the bottom of this post. So good night/day/whatever all, I'm done wasting your time now, and will be back to regular visiting tomorrow.
Your Life: The Soundtrack | Created by aiko and taken 22073 times on bzoink! | Opening credits | Kreator - Terrible Certainty | Waking up | Slayer - Raining Blood | Average day | DJ Shadow - Midnight in a Perfect World | First date | Godsmack - Whatever | Falling in love | Blur - Coffee and TV | Love scene | Underworld - Dirty Epic | Fight scene | Korn - Thoughtless | Breaking up | The Offspring - Feelings | Getting back together | The Moldy Peaches - Lazy Confessions | Secret love | Pennywise - Something Wrong With Me | Life's okay | The Smashing Pumpkins - The Beginning is the End is the Beginning | Mental breakdown | Disturbed - Voices | Driving | In Flames - Bullet Ride | Learning a lesson | The Offspring - When You're In Prison | Deep thought | Watchtower - Control and Resistance | Flashback | Chumbawamba - Amnesia | Partying | Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son | Happy dance | Scissor Sisters - Comfortably Numb | Regreting | Godsmack - Realign | Long night alone | Icon of Coil - Dead Enough for Life | Death scene | Evil Superstars - My Little Dead One | Closing credits | REM - It's the End of the World as We Know It | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
Current Music: Chumbawamba - The Good Ship Lifestyle Current Mood: Alienated
Drat, being busy is gay. I hate how I am always busy lately :\ I have a few projects that I have to accomplish, so I guarentee I can probably be back wthin a couple weeks though .... Oh well, I think tomorrow is supposed to be something, but I forget what. I've been in somewhat of a daze lately. I also feel somewhat alienated from the world, which is nice but a tad boring at times... I'm certainly not myself, well, unless one would define this more often than not me as myself ... which wouldn't be far from the truth o.o Oh well, good night all. |
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Monday, February 21, 2005
Current Music: Chumbawumba - Amnesia Current Mood: Caffeinated
Today was another nothing day, ... umm, I can't really remember much of what happened in it. I'm still trying to recover from yesterdays 12 hour shift on 3 hours of sleep x.x Pulling me out of bed at 3:30AM is definitely not cool.
After I had been forced from the haven that is my bed and performed my morning rituals - I had to leave for work. Needless to say I was still somewhat tired, though unusually awake for having had 3 hours of sleep or less. The first few hours were spent of me watching ... how boring. Then a break followed by me listening to somebody for a couple hours. It's a good thing Tim didn't notice that my short attention span had kicked in. I was actively ignoring him. (Tim: blah blah blah - Me: yeah, uhuh, gotcha ZzzZzz) I think some of it sunk in anyway though. After that was lunch and then I had to actually work, omi o.O Manual labor isn't fun, and supposedly I'm doing fine(not spectacular or anything, but fine, average for a new hire). It all went pretty well until the rash developed a couple hours before I had to go. In other words my day went straight to hell. Oh well, the job isn't that bad I suppose. I'll survive ... and quite possibly whip my piddly ass into shape.
After I got home I was too sore, plus thanks to the rash I didn't feel like moving. Thankfully that was reduced to nothing by a wonderful ointment known as Aquaphor - worked overnight. I then proceeded to do nothing productive for the rest of the day. I didn't do much today either. I've changed the themes on both computers and I updated some things on my parents. I had to change some permissions and account stuff while I was at it, bleh.
My sanity has been blown to the wayside pretty quickly. I found the coffee maker. I found the coffee filters. Last but not least I found the coffee too! I started off with a moderate amount .... a 24oz cup filled to the rim. 4 tablespoons of sugar included. I was wired for a while but now I'm drop-dead tired again. My hands are still pretty shaky though... This has even prompted me to dig out of all things my weirdest cd - Chumbawumba. It's every bit as weird as the name, but it's not bad if you like weird stuff. Oh well, good night. |
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Current Music: Tool - The Grudge
Current Mood: Blehhhhh
Today started off pretty blah. I went in for the first day of the job orientation and it was blah. I suppose I probably didn't mention earlier that I had finally gotten my lazy ass a job, well, guess what, I did. I found it amusing that i sat in a class room for 6 hours ... at a rate of $12/hour. My actual pay will be $13.35/hour, and I believe I start on either Friday or Saturday, one or the other. It seems I have another two days of the job orientation to go through, so yay for easy money I guess. They have me down as a order filler in dry shipping, or to put it shortly, the hardest/shitties job they have available...but I want money ... I suppose it would also be handy to state the place of occupation, Wal-Mart distrobution center. Wal-Mart is probably one of the places I would least like to work, but avarice is one of my underlying mental attributes. Oh well, I'll work my ass off but at least I'll make more money in two days then most of my friends make in two weeks :P (13.35 * 24ish ... 12 hour shifts for two days a week). On another nice note the DC's cafeteria is quite nice, and on another note I missed school today for it, and will tomorrow and the next day as well.
It turns out I had another thing or two to do to Barry's computer, but I have it as done as it's going to get now. I still haven't found the appropriate driver for the modem I put in, which is what I tried to fix today. Then I went through and wrote a list of all changes I made to the computer, includ8ing a description of each program I put on it(I can't name a better oppurtunity to spread open source software than this!) Oh well, I'll give it to him tomorrow I suppose.
To all the people I haven't told yet, I wish you a happy "Mindless people become corporate bitches for a day" day - otherwise known as Valentines day. I typed this post up at 9:06pm, and I guess whenever I post this I pos it, but it won't be 9:15. On another note I feel like crap like usual. The advil helped although it made my stomach act up even worse than it already was. I'm going to bed this early due to complete and total exhaustion. Good night.
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Monday, February 14, 2005
Current Music: System of a Down - I-E-A-I-A-I-O Current Mood - Pleased
My progress is positively wonderful, and to help things along I've also finished working on my dad's friends' computer(finally). My progress on my site is positively wonderful. Two of the three scripts I need to write are fully functional. The first script uses query strings so the main page can open any page inside its iframe, and the second script allows me to have a page check if it's in that frame or not, and if it's not open the main page with the one upon which access was attempted instead. This can be simply demonstrated by the following links:
contact page
bio main page
Notice that they all open in the main page. I could also make it opne any page in that frame if I wanted to, for example, google
That is the scope of my progress. I also have on more script to write that involves cookie making, and I should have that finished by tomorrow night. After this the scripting portion of my work will be done and I'll then resume converting the site to xhtml 1.1(well, all but the main page). I'm sorry for boring the few readers who come with another technical post, but this is literally most of what I've done, besides spending an hour or two fixing problems with that guys computer ... then a good five more installing software earlier today. Well, I'm out for now, I have to get up early tomorrow... job orientation to attend. Oh, and on Thursday I got my learner's permit for driving, about damned time eh?
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Sunday, February 6, 2005
I'm making a bit of progress now. Stage 1 of making progess completed.  On other news I may start making a game, even though it's only something simple like tic tac toe, it seems that ai programming will be a pain, so I'm going to give it a shot anyway. That's all for now, maybe I'll be back soon. And I leave you with a message now. 3.142 + 2.178 = apple pie. |
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
Current Music: Dust for Life - Seed Current Mood: unlively
I've been rather busy lately, so I'm sorry I haven't been around here at all lately(This is an exceedingly rare thing, I think). I've been working a bit with Java, but as for the rest of the time - Fatigue and/or lack of positive energy and/or lack of will and/or the fact that I've felt like dog crap on the sidewalk on a summer afternoon.... I've also been working on upgrading my dad's friend's computer ... It's a pain in the ass but I'm getting paid for it. I also missed school today due to my lack of funds, and my rides lack of funds and fuel. I already made up all but the quiz, and I'll be working on reading tomorrow I suppose. Progress on my two sites is nominal, but I expect to see progress this weekend. Over and out -  |
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