I have returned
I'm back from my little absence. I was gone for around 8 days and I have actually obtained a reasonable amount of news to post...... I think. It might even be interesting; although, it might just be too long for the majority to read.. short attention spans are pretty common. I should know for mine's pretty damned short.
Let us start with a morsel of good news shall we? Some information was misconveyed on last weeks post, it wasn't Doc Widmann, he's fine. That's good right? Now for the balancing piece of counterproductive bad news.... Instead of Doc, the person in critical was Rex Notestine, my other grandfather. I probably should have made that correction when I was in the Geisinger waiting room, but I was short on time and had to go. Shortly after I did what I did on here at Geisinger, things started to turn sour. His condition went from bad to worse to hopeless as function after bodily function shut down. They decided to take him off the respirator a day later. In the meantime I had been at my grandmothers house while she was at the hospital. I had been stuck watching the younger people(go figure). During the week I had the game cube with me so it wasn't too horrible. We for the most part were playing Mario Kart, Smash brothers, and the Windwaker. I made a good bit of progress in windwaker, passed the earth temple and the wind temple and finished the map. I met up with my cousin Ryan when I was there as well. He's still as cool as ever.... as well as still as much of a pothead as before as ever. I also met up with Justin..... I don't think I've seen him in years. He seems to be doing pretty well. With the enourmous amount of people around I was constantly on edge and started snapping at people a lot.
Saturday night I once again dawned the dress clothes that I had worn for graduation, only this time I was wearing them for a funeral. Saturday night was the viewing. I was pretty solemn, but I stepped out drank some Mountain Dew and bullshitted with Ryan for a while to pass the time. We were there for around 3 and a half hours. They had to close the casket because he didn't look enough alike his old self or something to that extent. The next morning I got dressed and ready to go again. We were there for around 1-3. Ryan gave a little speach at the service, when he read it it apparantly moved quite a few people to tears. We from there proceeded to the cemetary.... he had been in the military during the Korean war so a couple guys from the army were there and did the flag thing with 'taps' playing in the background and the like. I think I just may have been the only person to take it as well as I did. Despite the loss I didn't shed a single tear; although, I was quiet for some time after the service.
Shortly before we left we picked up a couple of kittens. Both are pretty young. One is black with white paws and white chest. I think it might have a respiratory infection or something to that extent. The other is a bit older and is solid gray. I hope everything with that works out, for it is the only piece of remotely good news I can think of at the moment ^^; I'm sorry this post was so long. I probably lost most of you by this point, I'll just shut up and go to bed now. ~onewingedangel
Edit: This is one of them many things I probably forgot to say and/or left out. This post could have been so much longer but I shortened it as much as I could believe it or not. I got a considerable amount of money to do with my having graduated. I had $190 before nad now have over $350.
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